sigh i just typed a really long post and my web browser closed for no apparent reason -.-
Looking for someone to make a website with
Have you ever had a good idea for a website that you thought could do well but you never got around to actually making it? Well now's your chance. Recently I've been wanting to make a website, I have all the skills for it, including good knowledge of html, php, sql (lol) and javascript. However, I don't have any content to display. I could have made a flash portal already but there's just too much competition in the flash games sector. That's why I need you - If you have a unique idea for a website that could attract a fair amount of visitors, please let me know so we can collaborate on it. In terms of personal web experience, I've maintained a website for several months which scored good on the NG network sites, and earned nice ad revenue. It died out though as no new content was ever added.
I know there's many creative people out here, there must be someone who has a unique idea.