At 6/20/08 12:25 AM, x-factor11 wrote:At 6/20/08 12:22 AM, Glaiel-Gamer wrote:he has a point you know, I wish I had a nervous animation tick, or hell.. a animation "something" :lAt 6/20/08 12:15 AM, gankro wrote: Coding as a nervous reflex?use it to your advantage
Oh, trust me, I have done soooooo much useful coding today that I'm kinda in shock. But it's escalated to the point where I cannot sleep the day before I have 2 exams... My hardest ones... slightly annoying at this point. Also I'm just curious if anyone else has experienced this.
My Coding Portfolio (updated frequently)
If you stay in bed for long enough it will be socially acceptable to go to bed again