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New Username Standards

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Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 21:02:12

At 9/9/06 08:58 PM, Inuyasha wrote:
At 9/9/06 08:52 PM, MadCow wrote: Go buy the Special Edition Inuyasha First Season DVD Boxed set because it has 2 extra scenes, a commentary on one episode by some random Asian person, and also, there's a t-shirt it it! WHAT A BARGAIN FOR ONLY 230 BUCKS.
I already have it. What is your point?

Lmfao, srsly? Does it come with all the stupid shit I said? :O

Go ask your mom for the money now! And don't forget to eat lots of crappy Jap Candy and listen to some J-pop while watching it. LOLOLOLOLanimenerdfag
I have a job, I don't ask my mother for money for anything.

g4u ;D

:Besides, can you give me one reason as to why listening to J-pop or eating any kind of Japanese food is wrong?

Because only Penis-Butts do stuff like that.


See, you finally QUIT YER BITCHIN >:3

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 21:02:53

Hmm... Wow, I guess this doesn't effect me at all! Clearly I did somthing right to begin with.


Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 21:04:58

At 9/9/06 08:58 PM, Inuyasha wrote: Oh man you seriously read to the last post on the last page golly you're smart.

By the time I finished writing and actually posted the damn thing, there were more pages.
But whatever, you win.

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 21:06:14

At 9/9/06 08:58 PM, wwwyzzerdd wrote: Oh, I was freaking out at first when I couldn't post or log in. I started to think "GOD DAMNIT, I GOT DELETED!"

Thanks a million Tom; remind me to sechs you later.

Looking smooth, Wyz.

Yeah, I'm thinking I'm back.

BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 21:08:55

Awww man, I like my underscore...

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 21:10:38

Nevermind, I found something else that's more hardcore.

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 21:12:08

If you like though, my dear Tom, you could give me the name "Television".

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 21:12:52

At 9/9/06 09:10 PM, Error wrote: mm.. Should my new username be Error or Err0r?

Error, and then fuck anyone over that wanted Err0r by using an alt to hold it.

Yeah, I'm thinking I'm back.

BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 21:13:34

sorry that i haven't read the thread, so if this has allready been answered, feel free to yell and curse at me.

what happens to the inactive users with names that get changed? do they recieve an email saying their user name has changed? what if they decide to come back... if i left and came back and couldn't log in, i would be pretty upset :(

also, theres a small part of me that wants the user name Karl, but i want it on an alt, because i want the user name, but i don't know if i'd want to make it my fulltime name... so i probably won't ask for it... though this is my one chance :'(

that's okay, karl is an ugly name anyways :(


BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 21:14:40

At 9/9/06 08:07 PM, mr_resident_evil wrote:
'( i just got my siggy to day and now i have to change it!

You need to change the name...not the sig..and your name colud be Mr-ResidentEvil or stuff...

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 21:18:15

When I signed-up, I originally wanted to change my name to Midian, but some other user (who never did anything with his/her account, let alone have a profile) already took it, that bastard!

I PM'ed Tom, regarding this incident, and I hope that he can do something about it.


BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 21:23:17

At 9/9/06 08:47 PM, Television wrote: I hate you Tom. YOU KILLED MY UNDERSCORE DAMNIT

its just a fucking underscore, kid. its not like he gave your grandma sifflis.

the infallible shadow

BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 21:30:36

I'm sorry, this'll make me look like a real schmuck, but how do I change my name, the_ramen_noodle, to the-ramen-noodle?

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 21:32:23

At 9/9/06 09:30 PM, the_ramen_noodle wrote: I'm sorry, this'll make me look like a real schmuck, but how do I change my name, the_ramen_noodle, to the-ramen-noodle?

account options > edit personal profile. put in your name into the spot next to alias, and put in you password twice at the bottom, then press SUBMIT.


BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 21:42:30

i thought this news post was going to say "usernames like madknt.. goooone"
but just - and _ gooooone, thats cool.

// Sig Makers // WWE Fans // Tumblr //

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Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 21:43:12

lol at gay emos trying to screw the system and "hate" tom with "words"

psh....like that's gonna help you keep your name....fags

Hello, from the past!

[ PHP: Main ]

BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 21:44:31

Say, if I'm not mistaken, dots can be used in the middle of domains so couldn't you have . instead of _?

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 21:46:33

At 9/9/06 08:42 PM, -Thestalos- wrote:
At 9/9/06 08:05 PM, TomFulp wrote: CHANGE YOUR NAME, BITCH.
you should read this
and you change my name not me.

Roffles. He might change it to something less than flattering, and then lock you out of any name changes ever again. >:D

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 21:55:07

funny this is the only alias place that I used Pozzum instead of Teh_Pozzum in the first place considering that I used that in at least 20 other places and now if I did do that I'd have to change it.

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 22:11:38

Aww man. More rules? Way to poop-up the party.

~¥%¥%+oint##so soft ¤%% ++-%¥-~-^->

BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 22:11:43

At 9/9/06 10:00 PM, DaSadGirl wrote: I think that there should be a rule also that users can't change their alias whenever they please. After they do it, they should have to wait a period of time before changing their alias again. This can help make the BBS better by making it less difficult to recognise someone. ;)

( 22

this may be true, it does make it confusing on the bbs... but theres alot more to newgrounds than just the bbs :/ i like the freedom of changing names, though i rarely do it :(


BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 22:18:07

At 9/9/06 12:09 PM, Paradox wrote: Oh... Crap. I already noticed this earlier. :(

lol suck

i dont have to worry

BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 22:23:02

Yeah, thanks alot Tom.

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 22:24:38

Will you end up deleting inactive users? I've wanted the name "Stem" for the longest time, but the guy who has the original name isn't active and I can't contact him in any way :( I've had to revert to putting hyphens and X's in my name.

BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 22:25:13

Too late. Someone already went and took Rubber-Ninja. Anyone can pinch the new names to smite the author. I'll just leave it be. Probably won't be using this account anymore anyways, got a new one lined up.

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 22:26:31

At 9/9/06 09:44 PM, RupeeClock wrote: Say, if I'm not mistaken, dots can be used in the middle of domains so couldn't you have . instead of _?

periods are for subdomains. If your alias was Rupee.Clock then your page would be rupee.clock.newgrounds.com, which wouldn't work. The server would look for the rupee subdomain on the clock subdomain, on the newgrounds domain. Which obviously wouldn't exist.

BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 22:28:00

At 9/9/06 10:26 PM, Afro-Ninja wrote: periods are for subdomains. If your alias was Rupee.Clock then your page would be rupee.clock.newgrounds.com, which wouldn't work. The server would look for the rupee subdomain on the clock subdomain, on the newgrounds domain. Which obviously wouldn't exist.

Have you actually had a sneak-peak at these blog-like profiles?

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 22:34:05

wow this seems pretty cool...

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 22:34:19

At 9/9/06 10:28 PM, DFox wrote:
At 9/9/06 10:26 PM, Afro-Ninja wrote: periods are for subdomains. If your alias was Rupee.Clock then your page would be rupee.clock.newgrounds.com, which wouldn't work. The server would look for the rupee subdomain on the clock subdomain, on the newgrounds domain. Which obviously wouldn't exist.
Have you actually had a sneak-peak at these blog-like profiles?

Nah, he just understands how subdomains work.
Well, maybe he has, I don't know.

That being said though, couldn't it be setup so that it would create a Rupee subdomain for the clock subdomain? Like a rupee.index on /clock whilst a user called clock would still have a index.html?

I dunno if that's how subdomains work. :P

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 22:35:04

Well, it doesn't affect me, seeing as my username doesn't need a change, but I really don't see a point in this..........

You can be in Paris. You can be in a Hilton. Just don't be in Paris Hilton.

One of the best threads ever.