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New Username Standards

124,782 Views | 741 Replies
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Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 18:56:00

At 9/9/06 06:52 PM, TomFulp wrote:
At 9/9/06 06:34 PM, Synthpappa wrote: When will names with the letter "X" before and after them be invalid?
Tell me about it...

Sort of unfair to XwaynecoltX - who we all know for his X.
If you do enforce a lack of X's, then leave XwaynecoltX alone.

Also, thanks a billion for this name. You are sort of admin that personally helps users, and replies unnervingly fast.
You're an awesome guy for it.

I hope to see more NG changes in the future!

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 18:56:19

At 9/9/06 06:43 PM, lol_internet wrote: i posted one page 10 about this but tom can you please change my name to jacktherack
i dont even know why it says there is another user that has that name and if there is i am almost positive its not active....

There is a user with that name and he has a Flash submission that was blammed. He was active as recently as July, so I can't take away his account just yet. :)

Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 18:57:40

At 9/9/06 05:14 PM, ArabFreak wrote: Domain names? Are you going to start a Newgrounds MySpace or something? If so, why can't I have a arabfreak.newgrounds.com domain AND arab_freak as my alias?

Maybe we're all going to be able to get "@Newgrounds.com" e-mail addresses :O
Although I don't understand how and underscore in the middle of someones name could effect an e-mail address...

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 19:01:55

At 9/9/06 06:57 PM, Ca1um wrote: I think it's good that you're doing this, but people will just do

I'm just guessing, but did you sign up as Ca1um because Calum was taken? :P

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 19:02:41


Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 19:07:51

At 9/9/06 06:56 PM, TomFulp wrote:
At 9/9/06 06:43 PM, lol_internet wrote:

There is a user with that name and he has a Flash submission that was blammed. He was active as recently as July, so I can't take away his account just yet. :)

but he stole my name :(

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 19:08:40

Tom you have fucking made me lose all my respect in you the "-" and "_" were wgat made names come alive.

now we have to have creative user names i did mine so it wouldnt get messed with by you or wade but this is a dark period in newgrounds history

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 19:09:02

At 9/9/06 12:07 PM, TomFulp wrote: Stuff

Filter words like "Clock", "Lock", and "Glock" from them.

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 19:09:04

The reasons for these minor changes may be pretty "weird", and we might not understand them just yet, or might never understand them. That being said, if changes like these should be done (knowing that apparently most websites on the internet apply this), there HAS to be a reason.

Probably some database / script / code stuff we can't understand...
Consider this change as adding icons to iconless submissions: necessary to move on.

I play lottery. I always lose.


BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 19:12:10


loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooong

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Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 19:14:30

yo tommyboy im illegal!!!




Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 19:14:53

I love this update, I've been after this name for so long! Keep it simple I say.

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 19:16:29

At 9/9/06 07:14 PM, Joe_milionare wrote: yo tommyboy im illegal!!!

You're just asking for it aren't you....

You could've lasted longer if you'd have shut up......

Hello, from the past!

[ PHP: Main ]

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Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 19:18:44

At 9/9/06 07:10 PM, Onnet wrote: Read the top of page 16, arab explains it.

Thanks, I didn't see that post. So ... big changes are on the way apparently. Can't wait.

It's page 14 by the way :P

I play lottery. I always lose.


BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 19:21:40

Stamp Act, 1765.

The cake is a spy... hahaha no

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 19:24:19

Finally, bitches!!!

Wow, anyone who has the slightest idea who I am will know how long I've been waiting for this name.

Thanks a bunch NG staff!!!!

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 19:26:08

At 9/9/06 07:09 PM, BooDestroyer wrote:
At 9/9/06 12:07 PM, TomFulp wrote: Stuff
Filter words like "Clock", "Lock", and "Glock" from them.

Don't count on it pal, 2,677 clocks pal, 2,677.
He's EXTREMELY supportive of us. <3

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 19:34:50

At 9/9/06 07:31 PM, -Shorty- wrote:
1. NickJot
2. NickJott
3. Nick-Jot
4. Nick-Jott
Which looks best?

in my opinion....the first one...

Hello, from the past!

[ PHP: Main ]

BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 19:43:28

I got my name changed. Everyone else is doing it. So why aren't you?

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 19:44:26

At 9/9/06 07:31 PM, -Shorty- wrote: 1. NickJot
2. NickJott
3. Nick-Jot
4. Nick-Jott
Which looks best?

Be like the Clock Crew, put no space between your words!

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 19:50:43

At 9/9/06 07:49 PM, Onnet wrote: I am supposed to be a clock, not accepted yet though, lol elephantclock

500 posts

Ahahahahaha, don't count on being clockified.

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 19:52:32

dude dont constantly say stuff like "sorry for the inconvieniece" that sounds gay. what you should say is "im updating the username guidlines BITCH!" then somone might take you seriously

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 19:55:41

well..thanks God my username has never had hyphens or underscores....anywya i dont see the need of doing that restriction.but if its for the best.is ok

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 20:00:03

'Sup Tommmmm

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 20:00:26

At 9/9/06 06:48 PM, Sweeeeet wrote: Can someone help me please, so i read this thread and changed my name from
-SweetSkater- to Sweeeeet. and on MY computer i cant log on to ng at all, see i log onto Sweeeeet and in the top right where it should say "Sweeeeet" it still says
"-SweetSkater-". so im logged into -SweetSkater- i click onto account options, and it says ERROR there is no such account as -SweetSkater-. and i tried to fix it but have ran outa ideas.

So if you've had this problem, HELP!

That happened to me once..its because your browser has the password save thingy.. i had to delete the cookies or some sdtuff like that..so i could log on normaly....

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 20:03:59

Tom, I fucking love you. This name owns.

BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 20:05:24

At 9/9/06 07:52 PM, mr_pandora wrote: dude dont constantly say stuff like "sorry for the inconvieniece" that sounds gay. what you should say is "im updating the username guidlines BITCH!" then somone might take you seriously


Working on Nightmare Cops!

BBS Signature

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 20:07:04

:'( i just got my siggy to day and now i have to change it!

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 20:15:27

At 9/9/06 08:13 PM, Stan wrote:
At 9/9/06 08:05 PM, TomFulp wrote:
At 9/9/06 07:52 PM, mr_pandora wrote: dude dont constantly say stuff like "sorry for the inconvieniece" that sounds gay. what you should say is "im updating the username guidlines BITCH!" then somone might take you seriously
You gotta add something like "Or I'll..."


...Hold on, we already have an admin like that, we call him Wayne or something...

Response to New Username Standards 2006-09-09 20:15:49

Why are people changing their alias' to their names in real life, that's the lamest shit I've ever seen lmao. (except when Tom, Wade, and Ross and such do it that is e_e).

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

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