At 8/4/06 08:44 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Alot of people still use 56 k infact its above 50+ from what i heard not based on ng users but people who use net in general, there is about 1 computer to a houshold these days not all but some, and not everyone can pay the extra few bucks nor do they wish to for better speed, it really depends on there income and if they really need faster connections...
You know what, I would agree with you, but look at the stats Afro_Ninja provided. Those are your average internet users. I'll provide the same image for my site bellow. It's based on 178,752 unique users, 154,381 using cable/dsl, 10,161 using dial up, and some unkown.
I just don't see how you can cater to dial up with those stats.