At 12/12/15 01:44 PM, Tykwa wrote: Jeez I haven't had a sig made since Xgenstudios started up
At 12/12/15 01:44 PM, Tykwa wrote: Jeez I haven't had a sig made since Xgenstudios started up
Hello, this is the first time I'm here and I've always wanted a sig. I'd like to have this pic as my sig, but replace "the legend of" by "the great" and replace "ZELDA" by "MOBLIN". Also replace the sword by a spear. And replace " 1986-2003 nintendo" by "2014 newgrounds". Can you also add the colour changing of the triangle that acquires in the oringinal gif* I'll send afterwards, but if thats too much you can skip it. I know I'm asking alot here so if it's impossible to make I won't have any problems with it.
At 12/13/15 06:00 PM, Moblin wrote: Hello
it's me, I was wondering
If after all these years you'd like to meet to go over everything
They say that time's supposed to heal, yeah
But I ain't done much healing
At 12/13/15 09:40 PM, Shaun wrote:At 12/13/15 06:00 PM, Moblin wrote: Helloit's me, I was wondering
If after all these years you'd like to meet to go over everything
They say that time's supposed to heal, yeah
But I ain't done much healing
ah shit. i just noticed my mistake. I'm not happy with it anyway. Might have another go later.
At 12/13/15 09:40 PM, Shaun wrote:At 12/13/15 06:00 PM, Moblin wrote: Helloit's me, I was wondering
If after all these years you'd like to meet to go over everything
They say that time's supposed to heal, yeah
But I ain't done much healing
Still lame but maybe someone else will give it a shot.
At 12/14/15 01:56 PM, Homicidee wrote:At 12/13/15 06:00 PM, Moblin wrote: Hello, this is the first time I'm here and I've always wanted a sig.I gave it a try is this any good? I used Shaun's font. I couldn't find any other font to fit with the signature.
I spelt his name wrong there, there is two 'i's lol
At 12/14/15 02:10 PM, UltraAusterity wrote: Can someone make a sig for me with this dude's head in it on the left side, and then it fades into darker colors like black or dark blue into the right with little stars in the background and with the word Austerity on the bottom right in royal blue.
Here you go.
At 12/14/15 01:56 PM, Homicidee wrote:At 12/13/15 06:00 PM, Moblin wrote: Hello, this is the first time I'm here and I've always wanted a sig.I gave it a try is this any good? I used Shaun's font. I couldn't find any other font to fit with the signature.
Thanks guys. I really appreciate, but I just can't choose. I like shaun's one because you can see my name really good and I dig the big sword in the middel, but would be better if it was a spear, but I also like Homicidee's use of pixels on the leaves and such so would be great if those things got mixed a littel bit.
At 12/15/15 04:18 AM, Moblin wrote: but I just can't choose.
Homicide's is better, please use his.
At 12/14/15 06:04 PM, UltraAusterity wrote: Thanks, could you make it so it shows more of his head, leave out that red dot on the left, and make the stars tiny and shiny so it looks like an evening sky, and the background a little darker, and the word Austerity in a brighter blue?
You seem like a bit of a cunt but I had a go anyway.
At 12/15/15 11:33 AM, UltraAusterity wrote: Actually I messed around in MS Paint and came up with this from my favorite area of LttP, thanks anyway guys.
Your username could do with being closer to the edge. At the bottom mostly but a bit to the right too.
At 12/15/15 03:33 PM, UltraAusterity wrote: Alright I changed it, here's the old one for reference
More to the right.
At 12/15/15 09:49 AM, UltraAusterity wrote: It looks splendid except it would be nicer if it had his entire head in it, chin and forehead included. Also throw some neon colors up in that bitch if you could.
How about no.
At 12/16/15 08:36 AM, UltraAusterity wrote:At 12/16/15 08:30 AM, Shaun wrote:How about no.It's cool I made a better one in MS Paint.
"Better" is subjective.
Hey everybody, I'd like a sig if someone would be willing to make me one.
It's all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits.
At 12/16/15 11:41 PM, Homicidee wrote:At 12/16/15 11:23 PM, DeftonesFan665 wrote: Hey everybody, I'd like a sig if someone would be willing to make me one.Everyone is glad to help, could you perhaps elaborate some more? c:
I think I'd like my username in the bottom right-hand corner of the sig. Then I'd like it to have some Tool artwork in it, too.
It's all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits.
At 12/17/15 12:00 AM, Homicidee wrote:At 12/16/15 11:43 PM, DeftonesFan665 wrote: I think I'd like my username in the bottom right-hand corner of the sig. Then I'd like it to have some Tool artwork in it, too.Is this any good? I found this kind of interesting. c:
I do find this pretty fucking cool. :P But could you make one with some Lateralus artwork? If that's too complicated for you or too much to ask, I understand.
It's all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits.
At 12/17/15 12:50 AM, Homicidee wrote:At 12/17/15 12:14 AM, DeftonesFan665 wrote: I do find this pretty fucking cool. :P But could you make one with some Lateralus artwork? If that's too complicated for you or too much to ask, I understand.How about this? :v
Now THAT is a Tool sig. Creepy and cool looking at the same time. Thank you so so much!
It's all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits.
At 12/17/15 12:14 AM, DeftonesFan665 wrote: I do find this pretty fucking cool. :P But could you make one with some Lateralus artwork? If that's too complicated for you or too much to ask, I understand.
metal as anything.
At 12/17/15 11:06 AM, Shaun wrote:At 12/17/15 12:14 AM, DeftonesFan665 wrote: I do find this pretty fucking cool. :P But could you make one with some Lateralus artwork? If that's too complicated for you or too much to ask, I understand.metal as anything.
After I get sick of the one I'm using, I think I'll use this one next. :P Thank you.
It's all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits.
At 12/18/15 04:39 AM, ThndrFoot wrote:I would like to request a sig please?
The name be ThunderfootMOB please, I got my original account back finally but I guess only supporters can change their names.
Is there anyway I can get a triple set?
1. Forum Sig
2. Profile Pic
3. Profile Icon
As I said Im not picky,
Colors: Purple, Black, White, and Gray
Name: ThunderfootMOB
Image: Marvel, DC, Super heroes, Villians, Funny shit,
I would just like something that looks good and pops. I dont have adobe photoshop anymore QQ
At 12/18/15 05:13 AM, Bruute wrote: Is there anyway I can get a triple set?
1. Forum Sig
2. Profile Pic
3. Profile Icon
Can't help you with your sig (too shitty at it to even try) but i can direct you at the right place to ask for profile icons, here you go: Newgrounds User Icon makers.
But i guess it isn't against the rules for someone of this club to also make you a pic and an icon if they're willing.
Good luck, dude.
At 12/18/15 10:53 AM, Radaketor wrote: Newgrounds User Icon makers.
Good luck, dude.
Last post in that thread was in April =(
Thank you for the luck
At 12/18/15 01:45 PM, Bruute wrote: Last post in that thread was in April =(
Actually it was in November.
Even if the club had died in April you could still give it a bump with your request, the bumping rules for this forum are a bit more chill than the rest of the BBS, as long as it's a good/useful club and you'd like to join/ask for something then you should be fine.
At 12/21/15 11:17 AM, Homicidee wrote:At 12/20/15 10:07 PM, Bannanah wrote: can someone make this a sigYeah.
Can somebody make me an animated sig based on my requests? I might even give you a low priced steam key as a reward.
Hello thar ;)
At 12/24/15 11:46 PM, Homicidee wrote:At 12/24/15 08:41 PM, Wavepad wrote: Surprise me!!Eh, it's alright.
(put my name on it though)
I gave it a try.
I fucking love you Homicidee.