At 12/2/15 03:34 PM, Decky wrote:
Not bad.
Thanks, man.
I'd say you shouldn't duplicate the font when the graphic states "Never Duplicated". You could make this work by changing the "Duplicated" font so that the word breaks the pattern and makes it a more true statement.
My initial idea was to have this kind of font:
Unfortunately the program that has it only saves images as jpgs for whatever reason, while the one i used to make these last few transparent sigs is able to save them as jpgs and pngs. I also tried sumopaint but when i go through the fonts they have, it doesn't load up until after i click on them while pixlr does, they seem to have about the same variety so it might've not made a difference either way.
I'd also have the blue text under the white text more by moving the blue 5px down and 7-10px left. Bring the two groups of text closer too, they appear to be floating separately right now. A 10-15px gap between them would be sufficient.
Moved the blue a bit down, tried to center the white text under the dark blue one as best as i could (duplicated not so much, didn't find another font i liked for it), also brought the two blocks of text closer to eachother.
The program i used doesn't seem to have a way to move stuff pixel by pixel (unless i'm missing something?) so i had to make some assumptions, this was as close as i could get to what you were advising me to do.
Finally, centre the image and you're good to go.
Weird, i thought i'd done that with my last one, i was thinking that NG's formatting kinda made it look like it wasn't centered.
Take 2, ignore the shitty papyrus font.