After a somewhat extremely long delay, the voting thread for the “Link to NG banner Contest” thread has been made! *cheering*
Lots of people have made some banners, some of which have been really impressive! Arty ones and interactive ones - which are very good!
Now, everyone can do this. I need people to vote for them!
You can vote for five - out of a total of 17
It might be 19 soon, as long as SnowTemplar and ThatIsBull can get their entries in soon
This contest is based on SlipperyMooseCakes icon contest, so I will use his simple yet easy and effective way of voting
Here is the link to a list of all the banners entered
With all the swfs and such, everything lags a bit
If the lagging is a giant problem, you can always visit the original 'Link 2 NG' Thread and sift through all the entries there (and point out any mistakes or people I have left out while you are at it)
How to vote
You put the name of the artist
The rank you are giving them (1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place, etc.)
And, depending on how many they have made, a letter: for their first entry, it’s ‘A’, for their second entry, it’s ‘B’
So, for example, let’s say I want Moonhog’s banner to win, I would vote like this:
1st place
Submission A
Easy enough to understand? Please say so if you don’t, but it’s easy really!
Visit SMC's original voting thread if you still don’t understand, perhaps he has explained it better.
Do this 5 times for each artist and submission you like!
1) Look at entries
2) Pick out your favourite
3) Post your vote in this thread
Do this properly please, it makes it easier
If you aren’t going to do it properly, then don’t bother posting, k.
Deadline: 5th of June
It’s a long time, two weeks in fact.
Well, I think that’s all I have to say, give me any queries to clear up now and get out of the way!
You can visit the rest of the site for info on the contest and more about the voting
Link to NG Banner Contest website
Link to NG Banner Contest website
Get voting!
I hardly ever come here anymore....