At 1/29/03 07:31 PM, WadeFulp wrote: Wish everyday that hell freezes over! Haha. We have had a lot of people asking to be made a MOD. From our experience people who ask to be given priveledges ususally aren't the type of people who should have them. The way this will work is if we need more MODs the current MODs will nomiate someone. So if you have an interest in being a moderator your best chance to become one is not to ask to be one! Also be a model poster, act mature, help point out problems to the current mods if they seem to have over looked something (but don't be pesty about it), etc.
I thought that a burning desire to abuse the minicule amount of power that modship in this forum would grant combined with an inablity to live a real life would all be baseline qualifications. Bribery and arse kissing are also pluses.