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How YOU can become a MOD!

66,236 Views | 981 Replies

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-11-17 17:55:14

At 11/17/05 05:52 PM, 88MilesPerHour wrote:
At 11/17/05 05:37 PM, DirtySyko wrote: Well one advantage of being a mod is, once you are modded you get to hear the amazing secret on how to use commas.
"Well, one advantage of being a mod is that once you are modded, you get to hear the amazing secret on how to use commas."



The fact that users still post here thinking they'll become mods by asking proves they're not mod material.


Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-11-17 17:55:15

At 11/17/05 05:52 PM, 88MilesPerHour wrote:
At 11/17/05 05:37 PM, DirtySyko wrote: Well one advantage of being a mod is, once you are modded you get to hear the amazing secret on how to use commas.
"Well, one advantage of being a mod is that once you are modded, you get to hear the amazing secret on how to use commas."


I used a comma in my sentence for a reason. Not only that, but a comma works perfectly fine in the context that I used it.


I've been refurbished and reissued, prepackaged and precooked, decontaminated and deloused, but I still smell, sound, look and feel like shit.

New to the video game forums?

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-11-18 15:40:04

Hi I think that people who wants to be a mod are need to be good. I'll explain, I think its a lot of responsability, and people need to have a good judgement on what they decide, so its why they don't choose anybody, they chose people that help people, tell them their thought of what people do are say. Thats the way for my opinion, to be a great mod. OHH anothet thing, being a Mod is not neccesary good, because people can hate you, and can like you, jsut have a good judgement, and always be gentle with everybody ( if they are gentle too) and everything should be good.

For your information, I know a lot of thing, because I have a diploma for being a big boss one day. So if someone need some help, don't hesitate to ask me

Thanks and have a nice day. Rick

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-11-18 15:42:01

I don't think I'll ever be a mod... I might get too power hungry and change my alias to "theGr8mightyPoo" and stink up the place worse than ron...


Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-11-18 15:44:12

At 11/18/05 03:42 PM, S-Denjin wrote: I don't think I'll ever be a mod... I might get too power hungry and change my alias to "theGr8mightyPoo" and stink up the place worse than ron...

Holy shit man, I think you´re right! How´s your ear? :)

Wakka wakka

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-11-18 15:45:34

At 11/18/05 03:44 PM, Rucklo wrote:
At 11/18/05 03:42 PM, S-Denjin wrote: I don't think I'll ever be a mod... I might get too power hungry and change my alias to "theGr8mightyPoo" and stink up the place worse than ron...
Holy shit man, I think you´re right! How´s your ear? :)

it's still ringing, but I've managed to drown it out with my own thoughts so it's not as annnoying. The only difficulty I have is having to sleep at night with the ringing.


Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-11-18 15:52:17

At 10/9/05 04:03 PM, -Gooch- wrote:
At 10/9/05 03:56 PM, Earfetish wrote:
It seems like all the time though, guys like you, Tremour, and Rabid-Echidna are always the ones that get mentioned the most when a thread comes up like, "Who Will Be The Next Mod?" I would imagine a guy like Subpar would be mentioned more than he was, but I guess not.

I agree gooch you are a good reguler and you would be a good mod I would like to c you as 1

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-11-18 15:54:42

At 11/18/05 03:52 PM, I_RULE_OVER_ALL wrote: gooch you are a good reguler and you would be a good mod I would like to c you as 1

-Gooch- is a moderator.

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-11-18 15:54:57

who the fuck re opend this and why

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-11-18 16:00:39

At 11/18/05 03:56 PM, -Canas- wrote:
At 11/18/05 03:54 PM, DeckMaster171 wrote: who the fuck re opend this and why
Pfft, I don't know.

If you read through all the comments of the last month, it's basically just a bunch of ass-kissing posts.

Art imitating life imitating art.

"I can't wait for all the BBS faggots to suck my dick for twelve pages!"

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-11-18 16:29:43

At 11/17/05 06:06 PM, 88MilesPerHour wrote:

Be sure to read up on the part about misusing a comma after a co-ordinating conjunction.

I didn't, unless I'm mistaken. The word that would have been the co-ordinating conjunction. I replaced that with a comma. I would have placed a comma after a co-ordinating conjunction if I wrote:

Well one advantage of being a mod is that, once you are modded you get to hear the amazing secret on how to use commas.

The first sentence in that link you sent me says, "Comma usage is in some respects a question of personal writing style." Commas get misused all of the time, even popular authors like Charles Dickens wrongly used commas to emphasize certain things. Misusing a comma is better than not using them at all. I'll rewrite the sentence though.

Well one advantage of being a mod is: once you are modded you get to hear the amazing secret on how to use commas.


(You know, you didn't do a good job correcting my comma mistakes, considering the very first word of the said sentence needs a comma after it.)

I've been refurbished and reissued, prepackaged and precooked, decontaminated and deloused, but I still smell, sound, look and feel like shit.

New to the video game forums?

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-11-18 16:37:48

At 11/18/05 04:35 PM, Rokuro wrote: I think the mods shoul drop a line by the Other less visited forums like inside the flash forum soemmone can post spam and nobody would notice until a mod was told about it... just a thought.

true... more people populate the general area than any other place on the bbs...


Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-12-08 06:02:14

I want to be a model poster, if i can

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-12-08 06:04:18

At 12/8/05 06:02 AM, -mEtalliX- wrote: I want to be a model poster, if i can

You can start by not bumping threads that are almost 3 years old.

"The worst kind of coward is one that is only brave enough to show his face in the dark...."

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-12-08 06:08:16

Im sorry if I dident even know this chain exzisted wow thats old like 3 years shit

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-12-08 06:08:37

At 12/8/05 06:04 AM, ZenGaijin wrote:
At 12/8/05 06:02 AM, -mEtalliX- wrote: I want to be a model poster, if i can
You can start by not bumping threads that are almost 3 years old.

... I thought it would be better not to make another thread, which is created. Not like these people "HOW DO U BECOME A MOD" or "I WANNA BE A MODEL POSTER!"

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-12-08 07:19:23

At 12/8/05 06:08 AM, -mEtalliX- wrote:
At 12/8/05 06:04 AM, ZenGaijin wrote:
At 12/8/05 06:02 AM, -mEtalliX- wrote: I want to be a model poster, if i can
You can start by not bumping threads that are almost 3 years old.
... I thought it would be better not to make another thread, which is created. Not like these people "HOW DO U BECOME A MOD" or "I WANNA BE A MODEL POSTER!"

I understand but sometime its better to let these really old threads rest in piece.

"The worst kind of coward is one that is only brave enough to show his face in the dark...."

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-12-18 11:03:01

At 11/18/05 03:54 PM, Andersson wrote:
At 11/18/05 03:52 PM, I_RULE_OVER_ALL wrote: gooch you are a good reguler and you would be a good mod I would like to c you as 1
-Gooch- is a moderator.

oooo LOL

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-12-18 11:11:14

Not to be rude but wasn't this topic done a couple befor? Or is this the same topic that someone bumped?

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-12-18 11:12:54

MMods are way better then OPs

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-12-18 11:22:48

At 11/18/05 03:54 PM, Andersson wrote:
At 11/18/05 03:52 PM, I_RULE_OVER_ALL wrote: gooch you are a good reguler and you would be a good mod I would like to c you as 1
-Gooch- is a moderator.

oh i see

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2006-01-02 03:07:07

At 1/29/03 07:48 PM, SomeStonedSmurf wrote: Have you been to dictionary.com? Really? Try it, because your "grammer" isn't as good as you make it out to be, no offense... I don't pick on people for not being very grammar-wise.

he was just giving an example dude!
but i try to have a good grammar, but that doesnt always work out as i hoped...

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2006-01-06 00:31:12

At 1/29/03 07:47 PM, A17roolz wrote: Good idea - I know some people would take advantage of mod duties.

COUGHRedCircle,Evark,JosCough! ......wut?


Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2006-01-06 01:16:41


Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2006-01-28 23:53:05

I'm following what Wade Fulp said and the rules. I'm already acting mature and whatever also. Thus, I never ask to be a moderator anyway.

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2006-04-03 19:37:40

Umm... I wouldn't mind being a MOD... :)

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2006-04-03 19:43:51

At 4/3/06 07:37 PM, Frenzy_Explosion wrote: Umm... I wouldn't mind being a MOD... :)

Well, it looks like you asked, I guess we know who's going to the "never in his life" bin.

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2006-04-03 19:46:33

being a MOD would be awsome but im not going to bug anyone about it i guess ill just have to wait for that special day. someday............... someday lol.

In internet years i'm dead. *click sig to zoom zoom*

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2006-04-03 19:58:29

I do not want to waste my day tagging peoples threads and the like.Too much time.

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2006-04-08 15:04:07

oopsy. i wish i knew about this before. NOW I WILL NEVER BE ONE.

BBS Signature