At 11/17/05 06:06 PM, 88MilesPerHour wrote:
Be sure to read up on the part about misusing a comma after a co-ordinating conjunction.
I didn't, unless I'm mistaken. The word that would have been the co-ordinating conjunction. I replaced that with a comma. I would have placed a comma after a co-ordinating conjunction if I wrote:
Well one advantage of being a mod is that, once you are modded you get to hear the amazing secret on how to use commas.
The first sentence in that link you sent me says, "Comma usage is in some respects a question of personal writing style." Commas get misused all of the time, even popular authors like Charles Dickens wrongly used commas to emphasize certain things. Misusing a comma is better than not using them at all. I'll rewrite the sentence though.
Well one advantage of being a mod is: once you are modded you get to hear the amazing secret on how to use commas.
(You know, you didn't do a good job correcting my comma mistakes, considering the very first word of the said sentence needs a comma after it.)