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How YOU can become a MOD!

66,340 Views | 981 Replies

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 17:47:04

At 6/21/05 05:45 PM, DirtySyko wrote: Yeah, we can fly and shit.

Well I think quite a lot of people can shit ^_^

JaY11's sigs > your sig.

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 17:47:07

At 6/21/05 05:42 PM, GibSG wrote: Prove it :P
Without banning me.... :P.
Or posting pics of the fun mod day.

click and weep, little man

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 17:48:39

At 6/21/05 05:47 PM, -poxpower- wrote:
click and weep, little man

You do not have sufficient permission to read this forum. Sorry! :'(

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 17:49:03

I clicked it and it says "You do not have sufficient permission to read this forum. Sorry!" I must not be allowed to that really cool party. Haha

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 17:49:50

At 6/21/05 05:47 PM, -poxpower- wrote: http://newgrounds.com/bbs/forum.php?id=9

Giving out the link to the porn forum again, eh?

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 17:51:34

At 6/21/05 05:47 PM, -poxpower- wrote: click and weep, little man

That's funny, I don't have a problem cli-




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Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 17:56:27

that sucks

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 17:56:59

At 6/21/05 05:47 PM, -poxpower- wrote: click and weep, little man

Only Mods can view it? No way! I'm sure its a hidden picture or something! I shall look for it until my eyes bleed! *Stares a the picture*

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 17:59:58

At 6/21/05 05:31 PM, DirtySyko wrote:
Shits yeah we get paid hella good. I don't know any mods who don't drive BMW's.

I don't drive a BMW. In the UK the 3 series is outselling the bloody Mondeo. Seems everyone and their dog has a beemer nowadays. I'm waiting until I'm minted and I can afford an Aston although I'd probably have to pull double mod shifts to get that one through.

How YOU can become a MOD!

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 18:00:33

At 6/21/05 05:21 PM, Maus wrote: I made more noise about getting rid of that thread than any other mod. So blame me for that.

HAHAHAHA! Don't make me laugh please. Is your alias ' Dobio ' or ' -poxpower- ' or ' Ozcar ' ? You were sticking up for us in the end, not bitching to people how awsome it was. Or saying that we should put warnings on our links seeing how a double negative equals a positive and that anyone who wanders into our domain should expect hentai and if is caught at work or home viewing it deserves the punishment they recive.

LOL, you think that's pox.

And you think not? rofl

At 6/21/05 05:24 PM, DevoLver wrote: meh. its not even that big of a deal. people seem to forget that this is just the internet....just the internet

It doesn't matter to you because you were never a part of the AAHC. It doesn't matter to you because you don't have friends online that you are truely close to, that's why. So hold your tounge.

At 6/21/05 05:36 PM, -poxpower- wrote: they are already in the mod lounge.

lol no


rofl fail

that's why its so fun. Well sometimes.

See, admit it. You liked the C&C to a point back in the day and you know it.

Plus you get to meet new people. What a concept.

Sure is.


You're joking...

please James, don't waste precious ressource.
Bring back popularity instead. That was always good for a laugh.

All you have to do is look at the BBS, and current lists. I'm ranked #140 in B/P points. Do you know how fucking hard it is to find who is #139 and how far I am from passing them? Probably not because you don't care about stats and lists, but I do, and alot others too.

we help people?
ew no way.

Fail, hard.

99% of the time I see people asking for help on this site its things they could have figured out by themselves in 5 fucking minutes. Ihate those tards.

True, reading the FAQ would help them out, but they never do. Shit, there are still some major fucking loop holes in it the last time I checked it.

I'll help people on occasion, but its really rare that they NEED and DESERVE to be helped. I won't stay in some forum all day telling people how to deposit, no way.

People are undeserving of your help? That's quite odd...


Yes, but still, it's part of life, is it not? You do enjoy it don't you? That is why you are here is it not? Because it's the internet? A half-life of sorts, a double life if you will.

damn. What do you think I am? Batman?

I have seen this caped crusader lurking in places at night...

but all bullshit aside, I understand why you like to hang around in the same places over and over with the same people. Its a nice feeling to return to the same blokes day after day, its just that if the forum was just the CCC for me, it would suck ass. The CCC was a nice complement while it lasted, but it wasn't everything to me.

Thus I'm assuming you are a man of change, one who doesn't like the same thing time after time, correct? But you did love talking to the people who were in there did you not? And don't you feel a bit down at times thinking back on all the fun you had with it, knowing that a good ammount of those people are gone? I can assume that you do at times.

At 6/21/05 05:47 PM, -poxpower- wrote: click and weep, little man

My god, haven't you people ever wondered why there are number gaps between the forums?

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

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Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 18:03:51

At 6/21/05 06:00 PM, AshleyRiot wrote: HAHAHAHA! Don't make me laugh please.

You think it's funny. But it's true. Yes, I tried very hard to work with you guys near the end. But after more links, no emails, and a lot of attitude, I was fed up.

And you think not? rofl

I've met pox. So I know that picture isn't him.

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 18:09:07

gah.......not this again.....i hate those n00bs who think mods abuse their power just cuz they got banned.....the mods are fed up with you! so STFU!

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 18:09:32

At 6/21/05 06:00 PM, AshleyRiot wrote:
lol no

like you'd know.
btw "no" = best comeback ever
btw everyone in the mod lounge hated that hentai club shit

See, admit it. You liked the C&C to a point back in the day and you know it.

do you know what "CCC" stands for?
and it was started before the club forum was ever made.

Probably not because you don't care about stats and lists, but I do, and alot others too.

I use to care. But then I like realised I could be making flash instead, or jacking off. But don't stop though, you're doing the site a service. I encourage your behavior.

Shit, there are still some major fucking loop holes in it the last time I checked it.

such as?
tell us and we'll tell the admins.

People are undeserving of your help? That's quite odd...

"help yourself and pox will help you".
I won't help every lazy shithead who wants to learn flash without having to read one web page. fuck them.

Yes, but still, it's part of life, is it not? You do enjoy it don't you? That is why you are here is it not? Because it's the internet? A half-life of sorts, a double life if you will.

I enjoy it because I don't have to clean everyone's diapers even if they beg for it. I can just do whatever I want. That's the internet. I'm not obligated to act in any particular way.

But you did love talking to the people who were in there did you not?

I still talk to most of them.

knowing that a good ammount of those people are gone?

there's nothing I could have done about people leaving. People leave, its the way it is.

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 18:16:03

At 6/21/05 06:09 PM, -poxpower- wrote: do you know what "CCC" stands for?

Is it the "Club-a-Club-a-Club" or something?

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 18:38:12

At 6/21/05 06:03 PM, Maus wrote: You think it's funny. But it's true. Yes, I tried very hard to work with you guys near the end.

Yes, and I thank you for that.

But after more links, no emails, and a lot of attitude, I was fed up.

Why ofcourse links, that is what we are about, or say were when we were established here. And no emails? Mind going a bit into what you mean? And yes, I saw some of the attitude, Deathcon7 and Twin_Uzis were the main two, I could see how you were getting pissed.

I've met pox. So I know that picture isn't him.

I would like to belive those words, but they are just that, words. That picture came from Baron_Von_Bad_Guy, and he knows quite a bit. And, the recent mod group photo, poxs chin, it's similar, no?

At 6/21/05 06:09 PM, -poxpower- wrote: like you'd know.


btw "no" = best comeback ever


btw everyone in the mod lounge hated that hentai club shit

Yes I know that. We had it in for us at the start, and it only grew after page 300 when Dobio posted in there and got somewhat reamed I guess you could say. I don't know why, seeing how there is hentai all over the site, and one of the main resouces that brings it traffic each day.

BTW, pass the milk please.

do you know what "CCC" stands for?
and it was started before the club forum was ever made.

Yes, Club-A-Club Club. It was to make fun of all the clubs that were up and coming. Wade got tired of seeing all the clubs pop-up in the General Forum, so he made the C&C. I could get that thread where he talks about ' STOP WITH ALL THE STUPID CLUBS ' for you if you like.

I use to care. But then I like realised I could be making flash instead, or jacking off.

Heh, if I had any flash skills, I would too. But it's still fun.

But don't stop though, you're doing the site a service. I encourage your behavior.

Thankyou for your kind words.

such as?
tell us and we'll tell the admins.

Sure. Read the fourth post of my alt ' Master_Inuyasha ' [ Yes, I only am having fun for the moment, I'll go back to that alias soon enough. ]


"help yourself and pox will help you".
I won't help every lazy shithead who wants to learn flash without having to read one web page. fuck them.

You do prove a point. I think that NG in some way should have a system filtering out those who don't read the rules or anything prior to singing up. I'll admit, I was one of those as well, but people like myself is how I came to be who I am.

I enjoy it because I don't have to clean everyone's diapers even if they beg for it. I can just do whatever I want. That's the internet. I'm not obligated to act in any particular way.

Hmm... I see your point.

I still talk to most of them.

Heh, you know I'm not talking about mods, other users who are gone that you knew back in the day.

there's nothing I could have done about people leaving. People leave, its the way it is.

Yes, but it is still sad is it not?


Now, just a little activity. I would like you[anyone who is interested in this bit] to listen to these songs I have posted, and tell me what you think of them. Just currious to know...[ Note : You have to have quick time to hear them. (I do belive)]


I would just like to know what you feel from these songs, what the mood of them is. You don't have to do this if you don't want to.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 18:46:56

At 6/21/05 06:38 PM, AshleyRiot wrote:

]: Why ofcourse links, that is what we are about, or say were when we were established here. And no emails? Mind going a bit into what you mean? And yes, I saw some of the attitude, Deathcon7 and Twin_Uzis were the main two, I could see how you were getting pissed.

There were more links to kiddie hentai posted, and not one of you bothered to email a mod to have it deleted.

I would like to belive those words, but they are just that, words.

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

That picture came from Baron_Von_Bad_Guy, and he knows quite a bit. And, the recent mod group photo, poxs chin, it's similar, no?

Ah. No. That picture looks nothing like pox.

How YOU can become a MOD!

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 18:58:05

At 6/21/05 06:38 PM, AshleyRiot wrote:
That picture came from Baron_Von_Bad_Guy, and he knows quite a bit.


At 6/21/05 06:09 PM, -poxpower- wrote:
Yes, Club-A-Club Club. It was to make fun of all the clubs that were up and coming. Wade got tired of seeing all the clubs pop-up in the General Forum, so he made the C&C. I could get that thread where he talks about ' STOP WITH ALL THE STUPID CLUBS ' for you if you like.

so what makes you think I ever liked C&C then?
I always hated clubs, they are lame. The CCC was just a huge-ass lounge for cool people, which was proven later by having most of them becoming mods. Find another club with that kind of achievement.

Heh, if I had any flash skills, I would too. But it's still fun.

yeah, we're all born with those, its like magic.
Like, I open then program, and BANG I knew everything in there.

I think that NG in some way should have a system filtering out those who don't read the rules or anything prior to singing up.

good luck. we email them rules and we make them check boxes all over the place. There's only so much we can do.

Yes, but it is still sad is it not?

yeah but what's your point??


some sort of suspence thriller thing


sounds like a Tim Burton film


some random athmospheric thingy.

yeah they sound like the songs that play in the parts of movies where you aren't suppose to care about the music.

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 23:28:21

At 6/21/05 06:46 PM, Maus wrote: There were more links to kiddie hentai posted, and not one of you bothered to email a mod to have it deleted.

Actually, I only caught that one, I was gone for the rest of the Easter day, there wasn't much I could really do about that.

I guess you could say, or blame me for the one to bring about it's downfall. I was the one who raised the hand in the thread that one day, that lead to that quarrel between me and you.

I guess you could say it's my fault it was erased as well, for not e-mailing you, or another mod, well, one who would venture into the C&C.

What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Words are deciving is what I mean. If you can round up some old posts of yours, or tell me about which number of posts you complained about it, tell me, and I might find them. If I do, then I can truely belive you. I'm sorry if I offended you with this bit, but this is how I feel.

Ah. No. That picture looks nothing like pox.

People do change with time.

But he does look like Steves twin brother of sorts to me. Not to mention that is the first time I've seen that picture.

At 6/21/05 06:58 PM, -poxpower- wrote: ghahahahahahaha

I guess you find it that funny. Just a question, do you think he'll ever become a mod in this day and age?

I always hated clubs, they are lame.

I don't see how you can hate clubs when in a sense, your CCC WAS a club, was it not? A bunch of people making fun of other clubs, not to mention you are a mod, and all you mods are like a large club yourselfs.

The CCC was just a huge-ass lounge for cool people, which was proven later by having most of them becoming mods. Find another club with that kind of achievement.

The only ones I know of becoming mods out of there are you and Dobio. I haven't begun to read that thread yet, but I will in the future.

yeah, we're all born with those, its like magic.
Like, I open then program, and BANG I knew everything in there.

Yes, alot of it is natural talent. Some is through training, but if you have a nack for it, go for it.

good luck. we email them rules and we make them check boxes all over the place. There's only so much we can do.

Yes, that is true. It could turn into some places where new users have to pass a grammar/spelling test of sorts. Get below a certain percentage and you can't join.

yeah but what's your point??

No point really. Just saying that it is sad to see some people go who you've known. I know some who have left because of too much change. I guess you could say it's their fault for not coping with the changes around them.

some sort of suspence thriller thing

Suspence yes. In a sense. I guess you could say to me, it represents betrayal, paranoia, uncertainty and a bit of fear.

sounds like a Tim Burton film

Heh, everyone I ask about this one in particular says that. I guess you could say it sounds like a waltz of sorts, and undead waltz. In a way, you could say it represents fear, playfullness a bit, and some searching as well, as in someone who has lost their way.

some random athmospheric thingy.

Yes, it is quite peacful. To me, it represents loosing someone, a loved one you could say. If you listen closely, you can almost hear the song its self crying out in sadness. It could represent fear as well, as in what can I do now that I have lost this person, where am I going to go to?

yeah they sound like the songs that play in the parts of movies where you aren't suppose to care about the music.

Oh no, I assure you, this music is to be cared for. There is so much more to this music than meets the eyes, or say ears. I don't know how much of a gamer you are, but you might want to try and find an old playstation game entitled " Vagrant Story ". I assure you, it will change, if not your life, but some of the things you look at in life.

No real reason why I asked your oppinon on these songs, just wanting to get your thoughts on some things, seeing how I don't really know you all that well, I might as well take the time to get to know you a bit better wouldn't you say?

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 23:37:14

At 6/21/05 06:58 PM, -poxpower- wrote: I always hated clubs, they are lame.

Does that mean you won't come to the Quebec club anymore? Some of us miss you.

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 23:41:06

At 6/21/05 11:28 PM, AshleyRiot wrote: I guess you could say it's my fault it was erased as well, for not e-mailing you, or another mod, well, one who would venture into the C&C.

You didn't email anybody, but you responded to the link, and quoted it.

What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Words are deciving is what I mean. If you can round up some old posts of yours, or tell me about which number of posts you complained about it, tell me, and I might find them. If I do, then I can truely belive you. I'm sorry if I offended you with this bit, but this is how I feel.

That little comment came after the bit about me saying I have met pox. So I have no idea what the eff you're talking about now.

People do change with time.

But he does look like Steves twin brother of sorts to me. Not to mention that is the first time I've seen that picture.

Well, the picture I posted is from over the weekend. pox has posted pics of himself within the last 9 months. The pic that you got from BVBG looks like none of them. Sorry.

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 23:41:59

I have been doing this ever since 03, YOU ARE LYING MY GOOD SIR.

Drama is my anti-drug.

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 23:44:12

eh i would never want those faggety bitchs nominate me to be one in their anal sex soul train.

How YOU can become a MOD!



Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 23:44:42

At 6/21/05 11:28 PM, AshleyRiot wrote: I guess you could say it's my fault it was erased as well, for not e-mailing you, or another mod, well, one who would venture into the C&C.

heh. Almost any mod will help out, if you'd only take a step forward. Sure, apathy is easy. Almost as easy for blaming the mods for not seeing everysinglethingonthebbsever.

The only ones I know of becoming mods out of there are you and Dobio. I haven't begun to read that thread yet, but I will in the future.

TheJoe, Me, Avie, Hulk.... I'm sure I'm missing a few. Star_Cleaver... still.. there were more, methinks.

"A witty quote proves nothing."


BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 23:50:17

At 6/21/05 11:44 PM, Ameer_G_A wrote: eh i would never want those faggety bitchs nominate me to be one in their anal sex soul train.

Just out of curiosity, what exactly is an anal sex soul train?

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 23:51:33

At 6/21/05 11:45 PM, Dobio wrote: This thread has suddenly become insanely better.

I dunno, I just skimmed from the first to last page and it's like one big pile of festering mouse feces.

unban russianspy22

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 23:54:52

At 6/21/05 06:00 PM, AshleyRiot wrote:
At 6/21/05 05:24 PM, DevoLver wrote: meh. its not even that big of a deal. people seem to forget that this is just the internet....just the internet
It doesn't matter to you because you were never a part of the AAHC. It doesn't matter to you because you don't have friends online that you are truely close to, that's why. So hold your tounge.

i don't have friends online? what a joke that is. i talk to people all the time online on a regular basis day to day. and even if they try to piss me off or do something to me that i may not like, i step back and say "wait...this is just the internet. this is no big deal.....UNLESS I WANT TO MAKE IT ONE." theres alot more things to put forth effort into...at least being mad at someone that you will actually SEE in real life at one point or another. to me....its all data on the screen. i mean, there are people i get along with online. but once again. at the end of the day, its not worth getting upset over.

if you can give me one buy-able reason to hold a grudge with someone over the internet.....for any reason. be sure to let me know

wait that won't work. you might find a reason buy-able and i won't feel the same about it.

lets just say, i don't think its worth all this. thats all

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 23:57:08

At 6/21/05 11:44 PM, Ameer_G_A wrote: eh i would never want those faggety bitchs nominate me to be one in their anal sex soul train.

well.....they prabably wont....and what in the world is an "anal sex soul train"...where did you get that one

Monster Count: 2999 - Countdown to 3000


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Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-22 00:00:25

I would like to be a mod, id be the second lowest lvl' mod yay!!! Yeah I was just wondering I think ive already sent you an email regarding that....

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-22 00:14:01

At 6/22/05 12:00 AM, oval1 wrote: I would like to be a mod, id be the second lowest lvl' mod yay!!! Yeah I was just wondering I think ive already sent you an email regarding that....

Whos is the lowest level mod?

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-22 00:17:33

At 6/22/05 12:14 AM, harryjarry wrote:
At 6/22/05 12:00 AM, oval1 wrote: I would like to be a mod, id be the second lowest lvl' mod yay!!! Yeah I was just wondering I think ive already sent you an email regarding that....
Whos is the lowest level mod?

it was either 5....or one......i could look him up...one moment

Monster Count: 2999 - Countdown to 3000


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