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How YOU can become a MOD!

66,339 Views | 981 Replies

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 16:41:35

At 6/21/05 04:40 PM, _Mary_ wrote: Gooch + Mary = Slash-free & happy 4-ever!

Well technically in your nick they're underscores rather than slashes of any description...



*runs away*

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 16:44:54

At 6/21/05 04:41 PM, SlipperyShah wrote: Well technically in your nick they're underscores rather than slashes of any description...

Hey man! You tryin' to start sumethin'? *push*

a.k.a. Mary

My NG Wiki Page

"i guess it's settled that carm is a the manliest and most chauvinistic of mods? ^_________^" - Rucklo

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Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 16:45:09

At 6/21/05 04:36 PM, Zendra wrote: So funny - because some topics never die and always being bumped up. :)

like this one whenever theres talk about mods and modding this gets bumped lets keep it alive.

At 6/21/05 04:41 PM, -Cobalt- wrote:
At 6/21/05 04:40 PM, _Mary_ wrote: Gooch + Mary = Slash-free & happy 4-ever!
Oh oh oh, can i join?

DAmn I should put dashes around my alias. but I wont.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

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Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 16:45:56

At 6/21/05 04:44 PM, _Mary_ wrote: Hey man! You tryin' to start sumethin'? *push*

An' what if I am? Eh? You wan' some?

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 16:46:27

At 6/21/05 04:32 PM, AshleyRiot wrote:
I am a C&Cer/ Wi/Ht?er for the most part

don't take this the wrong way, but EEEEEEW

a AAHC member, now would you?

whatever that is

but you should be out there letting other people know who you are, not waiting for them to know you.

fuck that, I'm here to have fun. I won't go in that C&C filthy hovel place. Ew. I don,t even mod there just in case I catch some sort of interstinal worms.
And where is how to is just the part where the geeks on NG go. GEEKS ON NG. That's hard to do .Its pretty boring and its basicaly just a bunch of people lougning around waiting to be "helpful" by pasting some info from a page.

Setting an example is what a mod is all about, right?

you COULD say that.

but you'd be wrong.

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 16:46:45

At 6/21/05 04:45 PM, Dobio wrote: You should bug Wade and James to delete the Mary account, since it's inactive and dead, and get the username without the slashes.

They did it for Jonas.

liljim said s/he had logged in within the past year so he didn't want to delete the account. He said maybe in the future he'd check it out again. :*(

a.k.a. Mary

My NG Wiki Page

"i guess it's settled that carm is a the manliest and most chauvinistic of mods? ^_________^" - Rucklo

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 16:47:24

At 6/21/05 04:45 PM, SlipperyShah wrote: An' what if I am? Eh? You wan' some?

Want some what? Is it candy? Please say it's somthin' sweet mister.

JaY11's sigs > your sig.

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Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 16:47:55

I'm not sure about these rumors floating around about me, haha. I've never heard any of them...

I've never met Wade in real life. I did start talking to him before I was modded though. I would talk with some of the mods from time to time on AIM, and I guess they didn't find me all that annoying, or they probably would have blocked me instantly. After that I began talking to Wade. Then DarkArchon referred me to Wade for modship. Then the mods discussed it secretly. Then finally, I was just modded. So yeah, I basically got modded because I knew people who knew people and I became friends with people of power... But I don't know what's wrong with that.

People are saying it's unfair that people are modded because they have connections. What's so unfair about it? This isn't a minimum wage job, where you get hired because they need help. You get hired here because you seem loyal, you're respected, and you are responsible enough to handle the authority given to you. Why would Wade want to go around modding people he doesn't know, how could he trust them? When someone says "Well, he should mod good posters, not his friends." How does he KNOW who the good posters are? He doesn't watch the forums like a hawk and stalk everybody who browses the BBS... He mods the people he gets to know, that way he can trust them, and he knows them on a first-hand basis, so he can find out what their character is, and if they are good enough for the modship... Though sometimes people are modded that Wade doesn't know, but that's usually because so many mods recommended that person.

Saying Wade shouldn't mod his friends is a ridiculous statement... If I ran a business I would only give people I knew, respected, and trusted, power to help me run my business.

And just to add something more. If I'm not mistaken, Dobio also nominated me for modship (or when I was nominated he agreed I should be modded.) And anybody Dobio nominates should definitely be modded, because he's a genius... Or at least a genius for saying I was worthy enough of becoming a mod ;)

I've been refurbished and reissued, prepackaged and precooked, decontaminated and deloused, but I still smell, sound, look and feel like shit.

New to the video game forums?

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Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 16:50:13

At 6/21/05 04:47 PM, -Morph- wrote: Want some what? Is it candy? Please say it's somthin' sweet mister.

It's not for you, only for Mary <3

* Slippery got banned :-(

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 16:51:18

At 6/21/05 04:50 PM, SlipperyShah wrote: It's not for you, only for Mary <3


a.k.a. Mary

My NG Wiki Page

"i guess it's settled that carm is a the manliest and most chauvinistic of mods? ^_________^" - Rucklo

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 16:52:10

At 6/21/05 04:47 PM, DirtySyko wrote: I'm not sure about these rumors floating around about me, haha. I've never heard any of them...

I think they're saying it happened because you guys play Xbox Live together. But it's all just jealousy, I remember before being modded DS was all over the BBS. Every other topic was about his hair or some other faggy thing. Damn I wanted to lock/ban so much during that time. :)

px hulk.

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 16:55:13

How I got moded:

DarkArchon got moded, and people we pissed, so Wade moded some other people to appease the anger, first one being ME, the angry loudmouth guy who's still always right about everything EVER.


if you want to be a mod


just like me.

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 16:56:10

At 6/21/05 04:52 PM, Incredible_Hulk wrote:
I think they're saying it happened because you guys play Xbox Live together. But it's all just jealousy, I remember before being modded DS was all over the BBS.

That's true, but I started talking to the mods before I ever played Xbox Live with Wade. So I went through the mods to get the chance to even converse with him. Then after that, I would play some Halo2 with him and we would make fun of DarkArchon together, while he sat around the whole time saying how he fucked my mother after he pushed her down some stairs and then raped a mexican... Or whatever.

Every other topic was about his hair or some other faggy thing. Damn I wanted to lock/ban so much during that time. :)

www.livejournal.com :)

I've been refurbished and reissued, prepackaged and precooked, decontaminated and deloused, but I still smell, sound, look and feel like shit.

New to the video game forums?

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Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 16:56:40

At 6/21/05 04:51 PM, _Mary_ wrote: NeenerNeener

I know better than to argue with someone who has a samurai sword :-S

JaY11's sigs > your sig.

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 16:59:20

At 6/21/05 04:56 PM, DirtySyko wrote: www.livejournal.com :)

Heh, how I miss using that link. It was almost automatic regardless what you posted. Where the hell have you been that you let game consoles concur over ghey secks?

px hulk.

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 17:05:07

At 6/21/05 04:45 PM, Dobio wrote: You should bug Wade and James to delete the Mary account, since it's inactive and dead, and get the username without the slashes.

They did it for Jonas.

Maybe I should ask if they can delete the inactive users with the Inuyasha and Kiba aliases. I'd really like to have the Inuyasha one...

At 6/21/05 04:46 PM, -poxpower- wrote: don't take this the wrong way, but EEEEEEW

I'm guessing you don't like commitment? Common sense? And all round great and fantastic people, the best users the BBS has ever seen? That's pretty sad sir. : (

whatever that is

Lemme refresh your memory. The Anti-Anti-Hentai-Club, or say PRO-Hentai Club. The one you said. ' After x-mas is over, that club is going to be locked. ' The one you hate dearly and wanted deleted, which is now. I can refresh your memory with this image...


Ring a bell?

fuck that, I'm here to have fun. I won't go in that C&C filthy hovel place. Ew. I don,t even mod there just in case I catch some sort of interstinal worms.

Intestinal worms, of inteligence and delight! :D They are the most friendly people in there, and the most fun you can have, unlike here where everyone has about a 1/4 pound of dry sand in their vaginas.

And where is how to is just the part where the geeks on NG go. GEEKS ON NG. That's hard to do .Its pretty boring and its basicaly just a bunch of people lougning around waiting to be "helpful" by pasting some info from a page.

Actually, it was about stats for a long time, untill Wade said ' No more scripts ' and the lists were canceled. : ( I'm still waiting, hoping that those lists will be incorperated into NG some how. And why is it boring? Helping out people is another thing mods do, or say one of the things a model moderator does. You don't like helping people? Seeing ' Thankyou so much!' or ' How can I thankyou for finding this ' flash/thread/stat/etc.'? It's such a wonderful feeling to help out someone in need, don't you think? And sir, I wouldn't be talking about geeks, seeing how you look oh so much like one yourself. :o


you COULD say that.
but you'd be wrong.

Yeah, I've seen how I'm wrong, and it is quite dis-heartening really. You are supposed to uphold Justice and honor, yet at times, I see not that, but something that is other.

At 6/21/05 04:47 PM, DirtySyko wrote: I've never met Wade in real life.

XBL is pretty good for getting to know one another...

But I don't know what's wrong with that.

You are a general good person before you were modded, and you still are now. Alot of people know who you are because you used to hang out in the C&C, and you do post in here for the most part.

Saying Wade shouldn't mod his friends is a ridiculous statement... If I ran a business I would only give people I knew, respected, and trusted, power to help me run my business.

What if they knew nothing about that business? I'd rather take the time to get to know someone who knew all about it before setting my friends up with a job they have no clue about.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 17:09:46

At 6/21/05 05:05 PM, AshleyRiot wrote:

Who the fuck is that?

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 17:17:11

At 6/21/05 05:05 PM, AshleyRiot wrote:

lol... You insulted the wrong person :(

What if they knew nothing about that business? I'd rather take the time to get to know someone who knew all about it before setting my friends up with a job they have no clue about.

Knowing the business goes hand-in-hand with getting to know people, respecting them, and trusting them... Especially the trusting part, because he is trusting them with HIS business, which means they must know a little bit about what's going on.

And honestly, that's just the way of the world. You get places by knowing people... This is why socialites make it places and hermits don't. Being able to interact with people, via the internet or the real world, is a very valuable skill to have, because it's a fact that you'll get further in life if you possess the ability to socialize. I've always been a good people-person.

I've been refurbished and reissued, prepackaged and precooked, decontaminated and deloused, but I still smell, sound, look and feel like shit.

New to the video game forums?

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Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 17:19:03

At 6/21/05 05:05 PM, AshleyRiot wrote: What if they knew nothing about that business? I'd rather take the time to get to know someone who knew all about it before setting my friends up with a job they have no clue about.

I don't get the point to all your arguing. Are you trying to say the mods are not doing a good job? Aside from the few people get pissed off from a ban I almost never hear anyone make an arguement that the mods are doing anything wrong and if they do say anything their arguements more or less boil down to "The mods spam too much" or "I like the way the forum was before mods." If the mods are doing a good job of moderating the forums then who cares how they got the job.

And of course, like Wade will point out from time to time the forums are only a very small part of Newgrounds. They're not gonna put all of their efforts into trying to find mods so why not go with the people they know.

Happy with what you have to be happy with

you have to be happy with what you have

to be happy with you have to be happy with what you have

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 17:21:36

At 6/21/05 05:05 PM, AshleyRiot wrote: Lemme refresh your memory. The Anti-Anti-Hentai-Club, or say PRO-Hentai Club. The one you said. ' After x-mas is over, that club is going to be locked. ' The one you hate dearly and wanted deleted, which is now. I can refresh your memory with this image...

I made more noise about getting rid of that thread than any other mod. So blame me for that.


LOL, you think that's pox.

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 17:24:24

At 6/21/05 05:21 PM, Maus wrote: I made more noise about getting rid of that thread than any other mod. So blame me for that.

meh. its not even that big of a deal. people seem to forget that this is just the internet....just the internet

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 17:29:28

Do you just keep adding mods? Or are they ever removed or what?

And are they payed? Or you just get the satisfaction of banning people?

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 17:31:37

At 6/21/05 05:29 PM, FAB0L0US wrote:
And are they payed? Or you just get the satisfaction of banning people?

Shits yeah we get paid hella good. I don't know any mods who don't drive BMW's.

I've been refurbished and reissued, prepackaged and precooked, decontaminated and deloused, but I still smell, sound, look and feel like shit.

New to the video game forums?

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 17:35:38

this is cool.

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 17:36:38

At 6/21/05 05:05 PM, AshleyRiot wrote:
the best users the BBS has ever seen?

they are already in the mod lounge.

Intestinal worms, of inteligence and delight! :D They are the most friendly people in there, and the most fun you can have, unlike here where everyone has about a 1/4 pound of dry sand in their vaginas.

that's why its so fun. Well sometimes.
Plus you get to meet new people. What a concept.

nd the lists were canceled. : (


I'm still waiting, hoping that those lists will be incorperated into NG some how.

please James, don't waste precious ressource.
Bring back popularity instead. That was always good for a laugh.

And why is it boring? Helping out people is another thing mods do, or say one of the things a model moderator does.

we help people?
ew no way.

It's such a wonderful feeling to help out someone in need, don't you think?

99% of the time I see people asking for help on this site its things they could have figured out by themselves in 5 fucking minutes. Ihate those tards.
I'll help people on occasion, but its really rare that they NEED and DESERVE to be helped. I won't stay in some forum all day telling people how to deposit, no way.

Yeah, I've seen how I'm wrong, and it is quite dis-heartening really. You are supposed to uphold Justice and honor, yet at times, I see not that, but something that is other.

damn. What do you think I am? Batman?

but all bullshit aside, I understand why you like to hang around in the same places over and over with the same people. Its a nice feeling to return to the same blokes day after day, its just that if the forum was just the CCC for me, it would suck ass. The CCC was a nice complement while it lasted, but it wasn't everything to me.

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 17:37:17

At 6/21/05 05:34 PM, Placebo wrote:
At 6/21/05 04:45 PM, Dobio wrote: You should bug Wade and James to delete the Mary account, since it's inactive and dead, and get the username without the slashes.

They did it for Jonas.
I tried doing that to get Rifter (which would have completely stopped my name changing days), but liljim refused to delete the account. I know he's done it for other people though, like Jonas.

Not fair >:(

Zoohmygod; so did I. >:(
I wanted Noir, minus the dashes, but of course, Wade never responded.

I even put GAY SEX in the title of the email, but for some reason I was never returned a legit answer. Too bad. I'll have to resort to bruteforcing it. ;o

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 17:38:42

At 6/21/05 03:28 PM, VeryProudofYa wrote: Just admit it, knowing and having good relationships with the mods is much more important than being a good poster.

If someone asks me to reccomend them for mod I make it a point not do so, and in fact if someone else nominated them I would bring it up to them

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 17:39:36

At 6/21/05 05:29 PM, FAB0L0US wrote: Do you just keep adding mods? Or are they ever removed or what?

actualy there has been many removed mods, except they are droped into a blackhole and removed from existance altogether, so you regular users probably don't remember them.

but shit, I miss CaptainButtSecks and LadyLardLass so much.

And are they payed? Or you just get the satisfaction of banning people?

we're not "payed" per say, but at the mod meet, Tom did cover some... hum expenses :o Like beer and other stuff that I'm not sure I should talk about or else everyone would be so jealous.

let's just say that being a mod is way better than being a regular usar.

BBS Signature

Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 17:42:58

At 6/21/05 05:39 PM, -poxpower- wrote: let's just say that being a mod is way better than being a regular usar.

Prove it :P

Without banning me.... :P.
Or posting pics of the fun mod day.

Metal Hell ## Guitarists ## Stand Up Comedy

PSN: Look-a-Hill

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

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Response to How YOU can become a MOD! 2005-06-21 17:45:13

At 6/21/05 05:39 PM, -poxpower- wrote:
let's just say that being a mod is way better than being a regular usar.

Yeah, we can fly and shit.

I've been refurbished and reissued, prepackaged and precooked, decontaminated and deloused, but I still smell, sound, look and feel like shit.

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