At 4/23/05 12:20 AM, Elfer wrote: Oh yeah? Then why are you here begging to be a mod too, you scalliwag?
Like that'll ever happen anyway.
At 4/23/05 12:20 AM, Elfer wrote: Oh yeah? Then why are you here begging to be a mod too, you scalliwag?
Like that'll ever happen anyway.
At 4/23/05 12:25 AM, TheJoe324 wrote: Like that'll ever happen anyway.
Pah! Don't try to downplay your interest like some slack-jawed lollygagger!
We all know you're only posting in this thread to suck up to Wade!
At 4/23/05 12:25 AM, TheJoe324 wrote:
Like that'll ever happen anyway.
Don't be so modest. We all know that you would be a good mod.
At 7/1/04 11:49 PM, KupaMan wrote: Well, my chances of being a moderator are about the same as my chances of getting a girlfriend.
That sounds like me.
At 4/22/05 11:14 PM, -Wicked_Insanity- wrote: *sigh* I'll never be a MOD, but there's always a chance (1 out of 100,000,000,000,000)
More like a 1 in 737,381 chance.
At 5/7/05 08:50 AM, WorldOutkast wrote: More like a 1 in 737,381 chance.
I'd say it was lower than that, actually. I mean, not everyone uses the forums, and even less of those are regulars. I'd say 1 in 1000, or something.
But then again, to even get a chance at becoming a mod, you have to enter the current mods circle jerk group. Oh, sorry, what I mean t to say was : Be a "responsible" poster
I wouldnt mind being a mod.......*does what wade said*
OK I nominate............"Blue_Elvis_Boy" aka "Beast_of_Gevaudan" aka any name that ends with a _anticlock. Now I know you must think Im crazy for saying this Wade due to his recent out burst and breaking almost every rule and being banned nearly 10 times in less than 30 minutes. But If you, yes you Wade, were to go to those username's posts here in "General" and read them and even took the time to go to "Beast_of_Gevaudan" profile and go to the website in the profile and read the, its not extremely long, front page that was made. You will see this person really does care. This person cares about the forums about people getting a fair chance when in question of being banned. some mods do ban for stupid stuff they dont need to and way to quickly. to harshly and to strict. they are hard on new comers like the other users are and if this person could get to be a mod for maybe just a tryout day im sure this person would protect the ones who have no defense come on its not fun coming to the forum being banned for an honest mistake is it?
I would assume if you e-mailed this person at the "Beast_of_Gevaudan" or "Blue_Elvis_Boy" e-mail located in their profiles this person would live up to and beyond your expectations.
At 5/7/05 09:17 AM, Styk_figure wrote: Blah blah blah "new account"
I'm glad that not just anyone is allowed to be a moderator here. A moderator's job is to make sure the boards are stupid butt-face clean. Its no wonder that someone like this Beast of Guadavala-blah-blah was banned for asking to be one.
At 5/7/05 09:17 AM, Styk_figure wrote: OK I nominate.....
Let's see here:
You registered one month ago...your a level one user....and this is your first BBS. I'll take "Ways in which you and your suggestion will be Ignored" for $800 Alex....
Commissioner Penguin
5 Year Club
At 1/29/03 07:33 PM, format wrote: asking is the worst way to become a mod, not just on NG but anywhere. it just becomes an annoyance after a while when people dont recognize this.
for a person on level 22 with 7,000+ posts, you are a pretty good candidate, you or josh bend will be a mod someday
At 5/7/05 09:22 AM, Snoofalah wrote:
Hey, Snoofalah is back! I have not seen you post for a while. :o
Welcome back!
At 5/7/05 06:34 PM, hair_shit wrote: josh bend will be a mod someday
Hi. You must be new here.
Christ, lock this topic already or something.
Or else we're gonna have 200 more posts for 'I NOMINATE GRANDFATHERCLOCK HAHAHAHAH HE IS FUNNY' and similar crap.
unban russianspy22
At 4/4/03 05:57 PM, Wonko-the-Sane wrote: there's an exception to every rule
And that is... ME!!! I'm responsible! ...umm, maybe I shouldn't have said that...
At 4/22/05 11:36 PM, Morextremist wrote: so what it all boils down to is a circle jerk of mods picking their friends to be the newest mods
Funny how nobody really knew who I was...
At 5/16/05 07:19 AM, WorldOutkast wrote: And that is... ME!!! I'm responsible! ...umm, maybe I shouldn't have said that...
At < 500 posts, you haven't even begun to show anyone your level of responsibility.
At 5/16/05 07:24 AM, RedCircle wrote:At 4/22/05 11:36 PM, Morextremist wrote: so what it all boils down to is a circle jerk of mods picking their friends to be the newest modsFunny how nobody really knew who I was...
Haha, me too. I think I was nominated by one mod.
At 5/16/05 07:24 AM, RedCircle wrote:At 5/16/05 07:19 AM, WorldOutkast wrote: And that is... ME!!! I'm responsible! ...umm, maybe I shouldn't have said that...At < 500 posts, you haven't even begun to show anyone your level of responsibility.
I know... I was just being sarcastic, mmmkay?
At 5/16/05 09:44 AM, WorldOutkast wrote: I know... I was just being sarcastic, mmmkay?
3-day old replies fuck with my head.
At 5/20/05 12:35 AM, -Gooch- wrote: I should probably keep my eye on this topic a little more often to see what else follows after this post of mine. :)
I guess I can post this pic I just made for your amusement.
*sort of random, slightly amusing and dumb pic*
Apologies aren't what I look for. Redemption is what I want!
Look at my profile to see a true cockhead! DO IT NOW!
At 5/20/05 01:04 AM, -Gooch- wrote: That gave you 900 of the Gooch points right there. I would've gave you a lot extra if you somehow managed to squeeze my fat head in there somewhere. ;)
Since I got a taste of Gooch points, now I've become greedy.
Here, I just grabbed a random pic of yours and slapped it right on there. Hope you enjoy. :P
Apologies aren't what I look for. Redemption is what I want!
Look at my profile to see a true cockhead! DO IT NOW!
Well than, since I'm an annoying fuck whose been banned from reviewing, I have no chance at all! WOOT!
At 5/20/05 01:44 AM, Dobio wrote: I think people aren't reading the "BUT DON'T BE PESTY ABOUT IT" part.
I'm going to say it in bold, to make it clear.
Now, c'mon Dobio, I'm sure you and your fellow mods love logging on and finding your inbox full of e-mails about OMGASPAMTHREADOHNOESWEREGONNADIE, especially after a mod that was online took care of it hours ago.
So often times it happens, that we live our lives in chains, and we never even know we had the key...
At 5/20/05 01:42 AM, OVlez wrote: Here, I just grabbed a random pic of yours and slapped it right on there. Hope you enjoy. :P
That's hot.
At 1/29/03 07:31 PM, WadeFulp wrote: So if you have an interest in being a moderator your best chance to become one is not to ask to be one! Also be a model poster, act mature, help point out problems to the current mods if they seem to have over looked something (but don't be pesty about it), etc.
thank you for the information.
I've been wanting to know.
Yea this is a great way we can post an help out the bbs then when we do it eneough we will become mods.
At 6/2/05 02:11 PM, Da_T_brothers wrote: what do you have to do if you are one?
abuse your powers, of course.
At 6/2/05 02:13 PM, w0Lf wrote:At 6/2/05 02:11 PM, Da_T_brothers wrote: what do you have to do if you are one?abuse your powers, of course.
how swell sir.