i decided id try one.... Ill probly do an animated one pretty soon...

i decided id try one.... Ill probly do an animated one pretty soon...
At 3/13/06 08:44 PM, blacksabbath_freak wrote: i decided id try one.... Ill probly do an animated one pretty soon...
Tommorow's the last day.
hey man the contest is finished
and i didn't found the voting topic :s
At 3/9/06 07:43 PM, sprint-T wrote: here is mine it is based off the best game ever Alien Hominoid
no shit
At 3/13/06 08:25 AM, TomFulp wrote: This actually is one of my favorites... My three comments are:
1) Visuals (sunbeams especially) could be more crisp, it looks all dithered...
2) Color cycling of sunbeams could be smoother, less spazzy.
3) The NG could possible just sit still rather than zoom in and out.
I think cleaned up, this one could be my fav. :)
Is this better? Or would this just with the "NG" text like last time be better?
I hardly ever come here anymore....
At 3/15/06 10:17 AM, bigexplosions wrote:At 3/13/06 08:25 AM, TomFulp wrote:Is this better? Or would this just with the "NG" text like last time be better?
That one gets my vote, although I'm still keen on making a cleaner version of it... that image is like 95% hot and I wanna go for 100%. :)
The contest has ended, and new thread will be made for voting soon.
I will ask that this thread be locked by any mod/admin.
The voting thread will be made later tonight, and voting will start.
At 3/15/06 03:48 PM, SlipperyMooseCakes wrote: I will ask that this thread be locked by any mod/admin.