At 6/21/09 06:32 AM, ZpLiNtEh wrote:
At 6/20/09 08:21 PM, HeavenDuff wrote:
Just list your favorite bands so we can know who you are :)
mmmmmk :)
I already read some stuff you wrote in the Hell, I like your tastes :)
heh thanks
here we goooo:
The Black Dahlia Murder (favourite band, evar)
Melodic Death Metal and Metalcore, very nice :)
Amon Amarth (second favourite band)
I was just asking for core band nu-metal bands :P
All That Remains (third favourite band)
Fucking awesome, one of my favorites :)
Parkway Drive
I like this one
The Devil Wears Prada
I don't know about them
Bring Me The Horizon
I hate OIi Sykes... worst vocalist ever... but still a nice band...
Avenged Sevonfold
Very Nice
Five Finger Death Punch
I don't like em :(
Children of Bodom
Melodic death :O so not metalcore
Enter Shikari
who are they?
Bullet For My Valentine
Tenacious D
I don't know how to classify them... really...
A Day To Remember
don't know about these three
Lamb Of God
They are metal, but dissed by the Metal Hell members... which is pretty sad... cause they are ok.
I know the name, but not much about the music itself
The Prodigy
don't know
System Of A Down
Best of what the Nu-Metal scene as to offer.
good, but metal as fuck :O
Through The Eyes Of The Dead
DEATHcore :P
I think they are funny.
Arch Enemy
Susperia (just got into them)
Ensiferum (same)
very good, metal, but very good. You should check out Wintersun.
Misery Signals
Hollywood Undead
Nu-Metal right?
Linkin Park (sort of)
Nev likes them a lot :P
Cannibal Corpse
Cool, which albums? (METAL)
eh I think there's a few more, but I can't remember off the top of my head lolz, pretty diverse wouldn't you say :p
Good man !!
It's nice to see someone that's really into Metalcore in here... a lot of the members in here are Nu-Metal fans... and I really can't stand Limp Bizkit :P
You should also check out Glass Casket, sweet stuff :)