Damn, these updates take so long to pull now and it's only going to get worse. I expect the program to be done at around 4:30PM and it used to be that I could get it done by 3. Ah well, I have to keep up with the growth of the list.
At 11/15/11 01:24 AM, Flee wrote:
At 11/14/11 10:55 AM, Bahamut wrote:
Seeing Devin Townsend live was definitely worth making my first delay with the EXP updates in over two years.
Does Ziltoid the Omniscient show up any time during his shows? I'm curious.
Well, he shows up on the movieclips Devin used for the live show. Does that count? It would have been great to have seen Ziltoid on stage, though, especially when he has a cameo in Deconstruction. I could wish for a Ziltoid setlist in the UK sometime but I feel Devin has spoiled us enough already with his Devin Townsend Project shows.
At 11/15/11 01:40 AM, NinoGrounds wrote:
God I like your icons
Does that mean how they're displayed on my site?
At 11/15/11 04:18 AM, Coop wrote:
Thanks for the update, Bahamut. It looks like Monday will be the day that I finally ascend into the top 100 for real, as I pass playtoy-animebastard.
I'm 24 ranks short but I'm not giving up hope. I still think the top 50 is a huge stretch for me but at least now I can see myself reaching the top 100. Heh, a few years back I'd have been happy enough with being in the top 200 but now I'm in the higher tier of #101-200.
At 11/15/11 10:32 AM, Auz wrote:
Still making good progress here apparently. Looking at the crowd ahead of me I should be able to get more than two ranks up next time. Provided they will remain as active as they are.
Make the most of it since levels 48 and 49 are the best you'll get with a boost in EXP rank climbing. After level 50, it's all dried up with inactive users.
At 11/15/11 11:11 PM, Powerage wrote:
i do have a question though, has any progress been made as far as highlighting deactivated accounts within the list?
I still need to speak to byteslinger about that. I can understand now won't be a good time, though considering December is a hellish busy month for everyone. I don't expect her to waste any time off for Christmas just to update the software to my liking.