At 1/7/09 08:10 AM, Ismael92 wrote:
Barracks Roster 7th January 2009
Happy new year!
To you the same
This time, I've also included people who are new to the list. Numbers are displayed in the American way :)
I think I caught all important milestones and promotions, sorry if I missed anything!
Somebody would let you know if you had, from what I see you're golden
Also, I have to say that I love discovering new things in Excel that make my work easier :D
With the length of the member list, that must be quite the added bonus
I don't know why, but apparently EagleRock's B/P is lower than last time. Probably I did domething wrong :/ I wrote ???? where his gain should be (sorry!)
Gains are much lower than last time, but probably that's because of the holidays, and because this roster is based on a shorter period than last time :)
That issue you have with EagleRock happens almost once a month when I do the NGPD list, but as I do it by hand with a calculator and paper my margin of error is higher than yours I would assume.
Phantom - 70,000 B/P
Shanus - 30,000 B8P
PantyWipe - 10,000
RohantheBarbarian - 10,000
Ismael92 - 5,000
I have a long way to go in order to reach any of those
Shanus - Sup. Commander
Mendou - Commander
Metal-Therapy - General
aldlv - Lt. General
idiot-buster - Lt. General
ever-vigilant - Major
Sir-Nuts - Major
RohantheBarbarian - Sgt. Major
TheNossinator - Staff Sergeant
Ismael92 - Sergeant
P-I-N - Corporal
SoulMaster71 - Corporal
Congrats you guys
Entering the list:
I fit in a little better on this list
40] 02,715 | ???? | ???? | ???? perfect-insanity Pte. -2
Nothing makes you feel more like the little fish in the big pond you are better than that
Top 5 Gainers
1,844 - Phantom
1,538 - idiot-buster
1,455 - RohantheBarbarian
1,432 - Idiot-Finder
1,399 - Mendou
Something tells me I'll not be making appearances here any time soon
Thanks Ismael
Also, please pardon my not posting for stretches of time, I'm just lurking for the moment so that I don't make an ass out of myself when I speak up