At 10/17/08 12:35 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
I agree, something has to be done about the current level of spam, it's gone beyond a joke at this stage. The volume of spam passing at the moment is unacceptable, as is the scores they seem to get (2.00+ for blatant spam, wtf?).
What's worse is that the spam itself is getting to be more and more malicious and hateful. Remember that flash I was talking about a week or so ago, the one with decapitation and the words "Fuck you suck my dick" on it? There is NO PLACE for that bullshit on Newgrounds, it has nothing of value. No-fucking-thing.
I mean, some spammy submissions aren't too bad. B was innocent enough, and some by StereoClock actually made me laugh. But some of these spammers just submit absolute crap, of no merit.
As for portal mods, while I like the idea and in principle it would work, short of an admin taking full responsibility for this job I don't see them handing that much power over the main part of the site to anyone (I think I may have paraphrased that part from someone's post in Wi/Ht?).
What could be done, and I know these may have been mentioned before is:
- To raise the blam threshold to 2.00
- Give an option like "Flag as stolen" for flagging something as spam while UJ.
- An option for flagging authors. This one may not have been mentioned before, but if there was an option to flag authors as submitting spam, it might quell them. Perhaps if they got enough flags on enough of their submissions from enough users they would be forced to have their future flashes examined before being submitted, like first-time audio submitters. Maybe that is where portal mods could be introduced.
</long, drawn out post> <studying for maths exam (>.<)>