At 10/9/08 10:50 PM, Gu-rrilla wrote:
Hello, do you mind if I shadow you guys? I'm not asking to join, as I don't have the rank of "Private", but I wanted to see what it would be like and what I need to do to become a formidable b/per. I was also wondering if someone can judge my b/ps, reviews, and posts.
Alright, your stats aren't bad for your year, but those b/p stats can be easily obtained through being around on the major days, ie. Pico Day, Madness Day, and most of all, Clock Day.
To become a better b/per, you'll need to watch the portal constantly, and I highly suggest downloading Casualty's Portal Guard, which will allow you to keep track of UJ flashes in the Portal.
Along with that program, come around during the early morning hours when the European users mainly submit, as well as the afternoon/night hours, which are the times when most other users post their flashes.
Now, I know you personally, so I know you have practice, as well as school, and I'm not going to tell you to sacrifice those things to become a higher level, but to become better, you will have to sacrifice some things, including but not limited to, sleep, time that could be spent doing other things, and a bit of your social life.
Now, I still work, and hang out with friends regularly, but I still have a decent level, am in the top 500, and have no intentions to stop b/ping at all.
I wish you the best buddy, and remember to post those pics!