Currently I'm second in command, and Phantom is third. The problem is that neither me nor him can really be active enough to serve as the omnipresent leader of the club, like in the old pre-marriage days with EagleRock (who likewise had IRL shit to deal with a lot). Right now I mostly lurk and deal with recruitment, but I can become a bit more active if I devote a little more time to the internets.
I've sort of been hesitant on assuming a commander role, despite being second-in-command; EagleRock is absent often, and for long stretches at a time, but he doesn't deserve being replaced without his consent. I don't want him to show up and find that there's been a coup or something. Still, we should try to operate on the assumption---only an assumption---that he's not coming back anytime soon, so we can function more efficiently. When he comes back---and I'm sure he will---I'll relinquish my "command-ness" unless he decides otherwise. Until then, yeah, I'm the leader.
Phantom expressed a desire to be "third in command" again, and I agree, but since both me and him aren't always active, there needs to be a policy for when the "big three" of the Barracks aren't around. There are several long-time, trusted members of the Barracks that can be looked to for guidance in the absence of the command structure. NEVR would make a good "emergency operations officer" in such an event, if he wants it; if neither me, Phantom, nor Eagle have posted in a while (say a week), he could handle new recruitment (by summary decision or member discussion) and other operations.
We really need to crack down on posting in here, too...there's been a tendency, for quite some time, to allow shitty one-line or insufferably short posting litter the thread, going way off topic while others are trying to talk about important Newgrounds stuff, and general asshaberdashery. I don't want anything extreme---no kicking someone out for making a one-line post, for example---but if there are people who consistently continue to post poorly, warnings may be required to spur them towards improving.
Of course this kind of thing would be relaxed for those who have English as a second language, and anyone in that situation should mention it for the record, so I don't unfairly unload on someone who wasn't raised on the language...
Hopefully, with the trimming of inactive members and post improvement, the basic flow of the Barracks will be smoother and other, more creative ideas can be easily implemented. A more fluid and functional method of getting stolen flash whistled, for example---perhaps an officer that can investigate flashes believed to be stolen and pass, for instance (maybe even a Potentially Stolen list which can be checked off as flashes are cleared/deleted by Wade, that'd be swell...).
The recruitment discussions should also involve more people. We usually end up with the same 7-10 people voting, but I'd like to see at least 75% of the Barracks being involved in deliberations. The more people voicing their opinions, the less likely some spammer or BBS dick gets in.
Joshiwa PM'ed me about the idea for an EGB 'Boot Camp', to get new members who need some guidance ready for the Barracks. Indeed, this thread should not be seen merely as a +1 post thread, or as a mere mark of coolness on Newgrounds---it should be used as a hub for improving Newgrounds through vigilant B/P'ing, whistling, and intelligent BBS discussion. Ideas on implementing this would be appreciated; I want a system that works, but doesn't make recruits who need it feeling like they're in remedial B/P'ing or something.
There's also been a bit of stirring about re-igniting the Whistle Improvement Project; I would like for all active EGB members to eventually have a Deity Whistle, particularly those who have been here a while. There wouldn't be any time limits or anything, but high whistles are vitally important to flagging (which has become an adopted role of the EGB over the years) and make the group more influential. It would also help to streamline the stolen-flash-link process, to get it to our allies.
More thorough relations with the NGPD may be useful, as well. Without being too, uh, blunt, they have their own problems...perhaps closer ties with them, coupled with our own internal cleaning/re-structuring, might help them improve as well.
Something else I've wanted for a while, and have done on-and-off for some months---browsing of the blog page for people needing help with Newgrounds stuff and helping them out, whether simply linking them to the FAQ or explaining things in detail. It would also be a good way to advertise the EGB and our objectives, as well as scout for potential recruits for ourselves and the NGPD.
In terms of posting, Barracks members have plenty to post about, particularly those active in the Portal. At the end of the day, one can post about the general flow of the Portal...spam levels, submitters being dicks or being artistic geniuses...good flashes, their stat gain for the day, stuff like that. Of course, remember that stat-only posts are strictly forbidden; if you have nothing better to post than "I got 40 B/P points today", don't post it at all. With a little effort, you can add more to a post and make it look good and informative.
Lastly (for now), if someone is continuing to act a little dumb in the Barracks, don't call them out on it unless it's something severe (of course, as always, sheer spam should be ignored)---PM me about it, and I'll consider talking to them about it and either help them to improve or, shall I say, ask them to reconsider their membership in the Barracks. I want a friendly atmosphere, but friendly should not be synonymous with fucking stupid.
That's all for now.