I just reached the somewhat mention worthy number of saves... 6´666 of them. =P
Culture is to society as cancer is to the body. We need structure, dicipline and no more relaxation.
No more gentle shit, pain is the fundation of a solid nation.

I just reached the somewhat mention worthy number of saves... 6´666 of them. =P
Culture is to society as cancer is to the body. We need structure, dicipline and no more relaxation.
No more gentle shit, pain is the fundation of a solid nation.
At 1/24/06 05:27 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:
I agee with you for the most of the part, sir.
Sir, don't need to call me sir, I am but a lowly Master Sergeant! lol :salute:
But here is problem. Let's assume that LittleWashu marks 800 abusive reviews per day. Because she marks so many abusive reviews, she could be wrong sometimes. Say that she gets 750 right correct marks every day. However, among those 750 reviews, maybe only 400 of them will be removed or Wade will be burnt out.
I believe there are two ways reviews are removed: review mods deleting them, or Wade pressing the "purge" button or whatever admin tool it is and he just destroys all the ones with bad enough marks. Wade doesn't have the time to go through all the flagged reviews and flashes...in terms of flashes, they will be deleted when flagged unless the author e-mails him directly. Reviews I assume he just clears out from time to time.
Let's say that each correct mark is worthy 1 point ONLY WHEN REMOVED. Then she gets 400 positive points per day. However, those incorrectly marked reviews and those unmoved reviews (As long as the reviews do not get removed, they will not count as abusive reviews and people who mark them will be punished.) will cost her 400 (50 + 350)points as well. If that is the case, she is not gaining any points despite her effort. I am sorry to say that, but it is the cold hard fact. That is why I am against mass marking.
Actually, I believe the only way to lose points from reviews is to have them reviewed by a moderator and then subsequently deemed as non-abusive. My silver whistle was attained entirely from reviews...I flagged a whole lot of them in the abusive review thread...hundreds at least...and I went straight to silver when Wade cleared the backlog. If you lost points just for marking reviews until they're deleted, I should have briefly had a garbage whistle. So either they don't count at all unless a review is deemed to be un-abusive, or the penalty until then is insignificant...I doubt the latter, because it'd have to be VERY low of a penalty for me to mark a few hundred reviews with a normal whistle and not drop to garbage.
Also, the penalty from a review flag being deemed unabusive is less than what you get for a correct flag...so, assuming she gets more than half right (I'm almost certain she does) she makes significant progress.
It's all complicated and annoying, but the summary is that if you suffered negative points from an abuse flag on a review until cleared, I would have had a garbage whistle for a time when I began whistling. So I believe it works in this way: you don't get/lose points from an abuse flag until deleted/cleared.
At 1/24/06 05:27 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:
You really gave bad advice here. Carefully look at the quoted text I underline.
At 1/24/06 05:27 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:
I agee with you for the most of the part, sir. But here is problem. Let's assume that LittleWashu marks 800 abusive reviews per day. Because she marks so many abusive reviews, she could be wrong sometimes. Say that she gets 750 right correct marks every day. However, among those 750 reviews, maybe only 400 of them will be removed or Wade will be burnt out. Let's say that each correct mark is worthy 1 point ONLY WHEN REMOVED. Then she gets 400 positive points per day.
A correctly marked review is worth more like .001 or less.
"It takes.... hundreds of flagged reviews to increase your VP by just 0.01."
That was written by gfoxcook a review mod. link.
However, those incorrectly marked reviews and those unmoved reviews (As long as the reviews do not get removed, they will not count as abusive reviews and people who mark them will be punished.)
No thats wrong.
By "unmoved reviews" you mean reviews that have not been marked abusive by enough users and therefore an administrator has not reviewed it. Am I right?
Heres from Newgrundling's Whistle Points & Level FAQs :
"Points may also be gotten from flagging abusive or illegal reviews as such, and once enough users do this, an administrator will review it, and either remove it (giving points to those who flagged it), or determine that it's not abusive, punishing those users (but not by as much as they would have been rewarded) for their fallacious flagging."
Dont you see that an administrator DOES NOT EVEN SEE the reviews that was marked until "enough users do this" THEN "an administrator will review it". So when you say that people who mark a review as abusive but it doesnt get removed from lack of users marking it THEY CANT lose whistle points because an administrator HAS NOT EVEN SEEN THE REVIEW.
will cost her 400 (50 + 350)points as well. If that is the case, she is not gaining any points despite her effort. I am sorry to say that, but it is the cold hard fact. That is why I am against mass marking.
But she is gaining whistle points. Cold hard fact my ass.
BTW im not yelling when im writing in CAPS but rather trying to highlight that word/sentence.
At 1/24/06 01:02 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: _Joe_ and ramagi just have a LOT of points and a big head start. Plus whistle points don't always count immediatly, you have to wait until Wade clears them...but mark my words, she'll have gold someday, and it wouldn't surprise me at all if she became the whistle queen, or flag queen, or whatever she wants to call herself, lol.
Also here is a heads up from _Joe_ himself. they did there flagging in the flah portal. also the higher your rank you more whistle points you get and since they where gold and deity they got a lot more whistle points then you would get if you are silver and lower. that is why the bar is so high. also flagging abusive reviews only gives you one point no matter who high in whistle rank you are I got that from the Newgrunding the only other other user who got the deity whistle besides _Joe_ and ramagi.
At 1/24/06 05:27 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:At 1/24/06 01:26 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
I read all the reviews before I flag them I don't flag like an idiot thank you! but you do have a point because the old reviews have a lot of marks on them but there is no way of telling if they are Abusive or No mark. My younger sister ( User name Littleryoko) had made that mistake and got a garbage whistle. then she asked me to help her get out the hole but I did it the right way I read the reviews based them on the review guildlines and then I flagged them. I was able to get her out the whole and get her to silver. but now more people tend to use the yes or abusive button ever since wade deleted the reviews in august last year. But I must admit that Rule 2 gets me sometimes but not like that if I am not sure I just leave it alone.
lol, tenchi sisters ^_^ A friend of mine used to be on NG and got a garbage whistle, but he just gave up and made a new account since he was only level 2 or 3 when that happened...
i wish they'd put tenchi back on...I've got episodes 1-13 of Tenchi Muyo on my computer, but i want the other series too...
Today has been okay so far. Current count is 88 and rising. I wish it'd hurry up...if it doesn't speed up, I'll get my promotion early-mid Thursday...
Okay, so I was cruising along on NG, minding my own business. And I open up a page and all of a sudden there's this CLOWN. A clown ad that made noise and scared the hell out of me because my volume was up kinda high. I hate ads like those...ads should not be allowed to make any sound unless you click/roll over them. You know what, they shouldn't be able to make noise unless you click on them, because those smiley ones tick me off too. And those graphic intensive ads made in flash should have to have quality be set to low as a default, because I've noticed that flashes load quite a bit faster if I set them to low...I know Newgrounds needs ads to run, but still...pfft.
no one mention firefox plz
Ah well, back to b/p'ing...good hunting everyone!
At 1/24/06 08:25 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: lol, tenchi sisters ^_^ A friend of mine used to be on NG and got a garbage whistle, but he just gave up and made a new account since he was only level 2 or 3 when that happened...
i wish they'd put tenchi back on...I've got episodes 1-13 of Tenchi Muyo on my computer, but i want the other series too...
The american version of it sucks compared to the Japanese version. As for the other versions of that show I have those on DVD the original Japanese versions of them. oh here is something you would know about that show if you are a die heart fan about it.
all the ladies that are in that house (except Kiyone) are related to Tenchi in the Muyo saga. that is because Tsunami Is Washu's sister and since Sasami and Tsunami are one and the same (in the muyo Saga) that means Washu is related to Tenchi since Sasami is Tenchi's great aunt. and how is mihoshi Related to them you ask? this is simple Washu's first child (the little boy you see in eposide 8 of the Muyo saga) is Mihoshi's grandfather and since Washu is the mother of this child that means Mihoshi
is related to Washu who is related to Tenchi.
That is right I Did my homework on this show since it is my favorite
now back to my flagging
another slow day only 600 so far :(
At 1/24/06 06:13 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
I believe there are two ways reviews are removed: review mods deleting them, or Wade pressing the "purge" button or whatever admin tool it is and he just destroys all the ones with bad enough marks. Wade doesn't have the time to go through all the flagged reviews and flashes...in terms of flashes, they will be deleted when flagged unless the author e-mails him directly. Reviews I assume he just clears out from time to time.
Sorry but only wade removes the abusive reviews the review mods can only ban the users not delete the reviews :(
End of day report:
A below average day 41 points, 0 reviews, 1 response and 5 posts.
Today I was so tired, right now im so tired, im so going to bed now.
So EagleRock your within 60 points. you bastard.
Im really gonna work my ass of these next few days and try to minimize your gain so hopefully I'll still be ahead on the upcoming saturday update. I need at least 90 a day anymore is just bonus.
If you dont pass me tommorow I think ill be able to fend you off just long enough, maybe. Since on thursday and friday I have exams and get to come home at like 12:00pm and ill get almost a full day while studying infront of the portal. So you cant possibly gain too much more than me on those two days.
Yes I know internet.
At 1/24/06 09:15 PM, LittleWashu wrote:
Sorry but only wade removes the abusive reviews the review mods can only ban the users not delete the reviews :(
Ah, thanks for clearing that up, captain! :salute:
At 1/24/06 08:59 PM, LittleWashu wrote: The american version of it sucks compared to the Japanese version.
That's also true for almost all animes, lol. :sigh: I have the uncensored, english-dubbed ones of Tenchi Muyo, but with anime it's always best to watch them in their original forms.
all the ladies that are in that house (except Kiyone) are related to Tenchi in the Muyo saga.
lol interesting! I saw all the series back when it was on Cartoon Network years ago, but now I've forgotten all of it! A few months back I downloaded 13 Tenchi Muyo episodes, but am having trouble finding the other series...same with Ranma 1/2, I can't find any sites offering that series past episode four...
That is right I Did my homework on this show since it is my favorite
I bet all the other Elite Guards think we're nerds now, lol.
Well...:ahem: lol, back to the portal! Things are definatly picking up now! Two hours to go until the new NG day, so let's hope it keeps up! :salute: Good hunting!
Well, for those who are bored, you can read a story I wrote for the Mafia. Hope you like it.
Link here:
Day's end report:
B/P: 10 ish
Reviews flagged: 25. You win Captain LittleWashu!
Audio / Forum / Games & Movies Moderator. Flag stolen content, don't be a dingus.
Major-punk, you containly enjoy flaming me, don't you? :P I was just trying to get tell LittleWashu what I thought, there was no need to bash me. But of course, if you think that I am an idiot who always make bad comments, it is another story. But I would still prefer not having any type of conflict with you. So calm down, it won't hurt if you stay calm. In addition, I don't believe what gfoxcook said about the value for each correctly marked review. The whistle system is always a mystery and nobody knows what they need to get in order to rank up their whistle levels. To those who said that a user only needed 50-75 successful flags to get a golden whistle, I don't think that you are right there. I've flagged at least 300 entries successfully already and I rarely miss. But I still don't have a golden whistle. I believe that only the person who has the second highest whistle points can get it, period. gfoxcook is a highly respected user, no doubt about that. But I doubt that he knows how much a correctly marked review weights when removed. 0.1 was just his guess, I suppose. Anyway, as long as LittleWashu is making her process at capturing the golden whistle, it is fine. I am happy for her and I wish her good luck. Personally, I find it no point to continue arguing with you, Major-punk about how the whistle system works because she should not retreat on her way of capturing the gold no matter how it works. Once again, I wish her good luck.
Ok Dream_of_Duke Here is a little light for you from a previous post I read where a member of the NG staff and a few mods posted in. the highest user has a whistle power of 3.0 the gold user has a power of between 2.0 and 3.0. one you get silver most users who are at silver are between 1.00 and 2.00 in whistle power. (Everyone knows this part but I will say it anyways) when the diety whistle get whistle points the bar goes up. so as longs as ramagi gets whistle points the bar will for gold and deity will go up even more.
At 1/24/06 10:42 PM, K-Pingu wrote: Well, for those who are bored, you can read a story I wrote for the Mafia. Hope you like it.
Link here:
Day's end report:
B/P: 10 ish
Reviews flagged: 25. You win Captain LittleWashu!
I may have flagged more then you but I didn't flag up to my personal goal :( I came short by 800 this day. I hope you were realing the reviews before you flagged them as well because the last thing i want to see is anyone here with a garbage whistle or anything lower then what they have.
now for my end report
30 B/P
Flags 1200 :(
oh yeah here is a tip for all you people who want to get a gold whistle or just plain up your whistle level. when Flagging listen to some relaxing music I always listen to the
music that was used in This
game it helps me get into the mood. another tip everyday flag the same abusive reviews you flagged the day before. I Myself Still do that but not as much since I know 9/10 that if I post a link that I already flagged will be flagged by just about anyone else who either wants the gold whistle or users how know me though the BBS (not trying to get cocky here) I also flash new stuff along with the old as well but what I have been flagging the most is the gayest showdown which has over 2000 abusive reviews (I don't get them all because I get inturrupted by my cousin every day :( )
At 1/24/06 10:55 PM, LittleWashu wrote: Ok Dream_of_Duke Here is a little light for you from a previous post I read where a member of the NG staff and a few mods posted in. the highest user has a whistle power of 3.0 the gold user has a power of between 2.0 and 3.0. one you get silver most users who are at silver are between 1.00 and 2.00 in whistle power. (Everyone knows this part but I will say it anyways) when the diety whistle get whistle points the bar goes up. so as longs as ramagi gets whistle points the bar will for gold and deity will go up even more.
I am not sure about that. 2.00+ is not a big number to reach after all. ramagi posted a thread long time ago saying that she retired her whistle. So I believe that the points required for gold whistles should not be more than 2.5. However, there are so many hugry users like you who registered much earlier than us and they all only have silver whistles. In fact, -Joe- is the only person I have seen carrying a gold whistle. So the explanation is that only the person with the second highest whistle points are allowed to carry the gold whistle. Other than that, I cannot find a reason why only -Joe- has it. What do you think?
Day End Report:
48 b/p points. One more terrible day. Nothing productive to show for. Happy hunting to those left doing your duty.
DEFCON Update:
You might notice I haven't really been on all day, as today has been another busy day for me. I retroactively change the Portal status to DEFCON 3 to reflect the last few hours of decent Portal action. Might I add that seeing 15 UJ flash at one time is VERY refreshing.
At 1/24/06 01:51 PM, Ghost_Phantom wrote: Every one give a warm welcome to new mafia member, K-Pingu. My latest protégé. Let me tell you something while I can. I'm rough but I'm fair so beware if you screw up when you work for me.
I wonder what Private K-Pingu has gotten himself into...
At 1/24/06 04:13 PM, Major_punk wrote:Thanks.At 1/23/06 07:46 PM, EagleRock wrote:What key is that ive forgotten already?
Control + A (select all) and Control + C (copy).
Oh right happy NG account birthday EagleRock! sorry im a day late.At 1/24/06 09:16 AM, Rslegend wrote:Eaglerock, three years, wow.
Not at all, sir. I actually posted the news late... :-/
At 1/24/06 09:54 PM, Major_punk wrote: So EagleRock your within 60 points. you bastard.
Im really gonna work my ass of these next few days and try to minimize your gain so hopefully I'll still be ahead on the upcoming saturday update. I need at least 90 a day anymore is just bonus.
Wow...Interesting to know I've affected someone's B/P habits just be doing what I do...
At 1/24/06 09:55 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: I bet all the other Elite Guards think we're nerds now, lol.
Because anyone that has voted on at least 1,500 of other people's flashwork is definately NOT a geek.
Also, might I add, that I am purposely avoiding the whole whistleblowing conversation. The residential expert (Captain LittleWashu) can handle it herself, I'm sure.
Malicious warning, guys! Check "CC---Gears". It was resubmitted without changing after the original one was submitted 40 minutes before. Happy flagging!
Day's end report:
125 points! Sweet! If I pull 125 points tomorrow, I'll hit Sergeant Major! And with the decent UJ queue now, I'll get quite a few before I even wake up tomorrow! ^_^
At 1/24/06 11:51 PM, space_cowboy101 wrote: Day End Report:
48 b/p points. One more terrible day. Nothing productive to show for. Happy hunting to those left doing your duty.
Well, not terrible...weekdays are always hard...good work, PFC! :salute:
At 1/24/06 10:42 PM, K-Pingu wrote: Well, for those who are bored, you can read a story I wrote for the Mafia. Hope you like it.
I liked it...punk deserved killing, lol.
Day's end report:
B/P: 10 ish
Eh. You do what you can, Private!
Reviews flagged: 25. You win Captain LittleWashu!
She always wins at reviews. ^_^ No shame in losing to her!
Quick take on whistling, as I lack the patience to fully quote Dream_of_Duke and LittleWashu's posts, lol...pretty much, LittleWashu is right.
Dream_of_Duke wrote:
In fact, -Joe- is the only person I have seen carrying a gold whistle. So the explanation is that only the person with the second highest whistle points are allowed to carry the gold whistle.
stuff about whistle power
Or that he is the only one to fit in the insanely high bracket that ramagi set...the whistle system is a lot like VP after level 9...it takes quite a few deposits to bring your base VP up by .01! Why? Because of the very high EXP that Pimp/HumanTarget52 have. If they had a lot less, we'd all have our base VP's go up quite a bit faster. Ramagi has an insanely high amount of whistle points, and this is why it takes many flags to bring your whistle power up by even .001! It sucks, but that's the system...don't worry about it, sir.
I would not mind a whistle system overhaul someday, however...
At 1/25/06 12:00 AM, EagleRock wrote: DEFCON Update:
You might notice I haven't really been on all day, as today has been another busy day for me. I retroactively change the Portal status to DEFCON 3 to reflect the last few hours of decent Portal action. Might I add that seeing 15 UJ flash at one time is VERY refreshing.
Yes indeed, sir! Less than 125 until I get Sergeant Major!
At 1/24/06 09:54 PM, Major_punk wrote: So EagleRock your within 60 points. you bastard.Wow...Interesting to know I've affected someone's B/P habits just be doing what I do...
Im really gonna work my ass of these next few days and try to minimize your gain so hopefully I'll still be ahead on the upcoming saturday update. I need at least 90 a day anymore is just bonus.
Well, you spur me to go faster too, sir! It wouldn't be as fun if I was the only 100+ b/p'er here!
At 1/24/06 09:55 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: I bet all the other Elite Guards think we're nerds now, lol.Because anyone that has voted on at least 1,500 of other people's flashwork is definately NOT a geek.
Well, more nerdy than the average Elite Guard on Newgrounds...lol @ me and LittleWashu talking about anime ^_^
At 1/25/06 12:01 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Malicious warning, guys! Check "CC---Gears". It was resubmitted without changing after the original one was submitted 40 minutes before. Happy flagging!
Saw it, whistled it. I only whistle re-submits if the resubmit and original submit were close together, and in this case it was easy to see that no effort had been made to improve it. The author has submitted a LOT of spammy entries lately, in fact...
Well, back to the portal for a few more hours! Good hunting everyone! :salute:
At 1/24/06 11:33 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:
I am not sure about that. 2.00+ is not a big number to reach after all. ramagi posted a thread long time ago saying that she retired her whistle. So I believe that the points required for gold whistles should not be more than 2.5. However, there are so many hugry users like you who registered much earlier than us and they all only have silver whistles. In fact, -Joe- is the only person I have seen carrying a gold whistle. So the explanation is that only the person with the second highest whistle points are allowed to carry the gold whistle. Other than that, I cannot find a reason why only -Joe- has it. What do you think?
It is like I said when ramagi and _Joe_ where flagging they were flagging flash movies \more then the reviews. The movies since they are not flagged as often as reviews are worth more points depending on what whistle you have the higher the whistle more points you get if you are right. and since they both had Diety at a time they got the most point a user could ever get and this had when on for some time. because of this the bar was raised real high. also flagging wasn't really that big back then with a lot of people. in fact only a few used to flag back then for what I read in the BBS some time ago.
I am so fraustrated. Look at "CC-Gears", it was blammed before flagged. I whistled it, my bf DoD whistled it, Slash whistled it and it was not enough! Such unlucky things have happened on me 5 times in the past week. Grrrr...guys, please whistle the entries once the alert is on. I have been tired of losing points like this. Thanks.
At 1/25/06 12:41 AM, hot_and_charming wrote: I am so fraustrated. Look at "CC-Gears", it was blammed before flagged. I whistled it, my bf DoD whistled it, Slash whistled it and it was not enough! Such unlucky things have happened on me 5 times in the past week. Grrrr...guys, please whistle the entries once the alert is on. I have been tired of losing points like this. Thanks.
you don't lose whistle points for stuff like that. you will only lose them if the movie gets removed then afterwards it get sent back after the NG staff finds out it doesn't violate the rules. if it gets blammed then the flags get removed and you don't lose anything so don't worry about it.
I was bored and viewed the reviews for the blammed submission. I found that a new crew called QQ which was anti RR had been founded. Apparently, it is another crew which submits craps. (the score showed so) People, we may have some new enemies soon.
At 1/25/06 01:40 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: People, we may have some new enemies soon.
I dont think they'll be a big problem
Audio / Forum / Games & Movies Moderator. Flag stolen content, don't be a dingus.
At 1/24/06 05:02 PM, dewclawedstorm wrote: Ya well you shouldent complain i have been on this leveal for months.
Have you been paying attention. I was not talking about level. I was talking about the big gap from one spot to another.
I see this debate over abusive reviews that is incredibly long but indeed informative... I don't really flag too much, I only flag if something in a review pisses me off a lot like all caps or one huge line the messes with the look of it... I plan to actually start flagging a lot once I hit my much more desired goal of the 26 the rank. And about the VP reviews can bring. Doing it for the VP is pointless unless are you some one like Gallon who has very few choices left to raise it...
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
DEFCON Update:
Well, the Portal is officially near-death as it usually is at 2:30AM. The DEFCON has been reduced to DEFCON 4.
At 1/25/06 12:23 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Day's end report:
125 points! Sweet! If I pull 125 points tomorrow, I'll hit Sergeant Major! And with the decent UJ queue now, I'll get quite a few before I even wake up tomorrow! ^_^
Good work! I made 120 B/P myself, despite the slow Portal today. I think we can agree that those are great gains for such a day.
Wow...Interesting to know I've affected someone's B/P habits just be doing what I do...Well, you spur me to go faster too, sir! It wouldn't be as fun if I was the only 100+ b/p'er here!
Hah...nice, Master Sergeant.
At 1/25/06 01:40 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: I was bored and viewed the reviews for the blammed submission. I found that a new crew called QQ which was anti RR had been founded. Apparently, it is another crew which submits craps. (the score showed so) People, we may have some new enemies soon.
Oh, goodie...the latest flavor of the week!
Well, time for me to hit the bunks...it's way too late...good night, soldiers!
At 1/25/06 02:37 AM, EagleRock wrote: Oh, goodie...the latest flavor of the week!
What was it... 'A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.'
At 1/25/06 04:16 AM, Coop83 wrote: What was it... 'A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.'
True. By that you mean that poor submissions by any name whether BB or RR or whatever letter they choose to double will be a poor submission no matter who submitted it. A wise statement indeed.
I would like every one if they could to read the 2 latest pages of the mafia and state an opinion of the chaos that is going on. I did post about it in the forums.
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
At 1/23/06 12:29 PM, EagleRock wrote:At 1/23/06 08:56 AM, iscRulz wrote: Permission to speak. This is Tomfoolery over at the EGB forums. I request permission to be granted access and to be member in those forums.First off, sir, you are a Lieutenant General. You do not need to ask permission to speak, sir. :-)
Duly noted. I was asking permission from the commanding officers.
As far as the forums, I will make you a member immediately. I was unaware of the username and was unsure about making it a membership status. My apologies for the mix-up, sir.
I apologize for not contacting this thread first.
At 1/23/06 02:29 PM, Ghost_Phantom wrote:At 1/23/06 02:22 PM, iscRulz wrote: yeah sorry about that I like to use different emailsWell at least it's settled so we can put it behind us... Though it was a weird moment. Good to see you active again sir...
I liked the confusion, Now we don’t have to think about it sir
At 1/23/06 03:25 PM, EagleRock wrote: I am glad you took it so well, sir. We are of course jittery about such matters as we had a very suspicious individual attempt to gain access to the Barracks Forums. Surely you understand the need for security with our confidential material. At least the whole matter is finished and over with.
Has there been BB members or fans that spammed the Barrack Forums?
Again, we thank you for your understanding, sir, and welcome you to the Barracks Forums.
No problem sir, Thanks.
At 1/23/06 05:37 PM, Andersson wrote:At 1/23/06 02:22 PM, iscRulz wrote: Job well done on your ranking up Brigadier General AnderssonThank you and nice to speak with you aswell, Lieutenant General iscRulz. :-]
Your welcome B. General. Fancy conversing with you too.
By the way, congratulations Private Carlson for being a new recruited Elite Guard, and congratulations for entering the top 300 Praporshchik Coop. =]
Great work Prap. Coop83 on reaching the top 300 and the new recruite Private Carlson
At 1/23/06 08:28 PM, K-Pingu wrote:At 1/23/06 08:23 PM, KungFuCow wrote: On the topic of abusive reviews and flags, i wonder when Wade will clear the list of abusive reviews/flashes and distribute positive/negative whistle points...Probably when he gets around to deleting the BB flashes and banning their IPs
Not really Wade clears all the flags about every 5 months. Thing that sucks is the FAQ says you get the blam points but I never gotten any, you get saves though.
At 1/24/06 01:21 AM, LittleWashu wrote:At 1/23/06 08:31 PM, Rslegend wrote: Well when he does, littlewashu is no doubt going to have a gold whistle.
the person that will get gold whistle is some flagging flash. Reviews help but not much plus are all of her flagging going to be deemed abusive by the review mods.
I know the one's in the gayest showdown do because I flag those everyday and the ones in the abuse review link
Gayest showdown is a great place. I got lots from there.
B/P 30 points more then I thought I would get
Flags 1100 Crap I couldn't get to the 2000 I was hoping for :(
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)
At 1/25/06 05:38 AM, iscRulz wrote: Has there been BB members or fans that spammed the Barrack Forums?
Not really but wesdood did drop by the thread asking to join, while we had a very long discussion about it ( even though it ended in us refusing him ) he never came back so it might have been a BB test to see if you are standing watch.
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.