OK, so I was very, very tired yesterday, which is why I only answered one question about the roster. I've had a good night's sleep now though, so I'm gonna go ahead and reply to everyone's comments on it like I said I'd do.
At 5/27/08 09:46 AM, AnalPenguinFarming wrote:
The new roster looks SICK! I hope you have plenty of time to do that every week! Because that looks awesome!
Heh, thanks. It shouldn't be a problem getting this done every week - there's only a few additional calculations to do to maintain the new features. The main challenge was actually getting the entire EGB's grand total B/P, and things of that nature. Massive figures... nearly 1 million B/P altogether.
A little trivia for y'all - the 13 Supreme Commanders alone make up over 560,000 B/P of the total 865,000.
I love the distribution scale, it makes everything look professional and...stuff. Great work with the improvement of the new list.
The distribution scale is something I'm hoping to expand upon in future. I might even attach a graph or something to the first post of the roster.
At 5/27/08 10:30 AM, Joshiwa wrote:
Thanks for the new update, it looks amazing!!!!!
Thanks man, glad you like it, cos you'll be doing it next ;)
At 5/27/08 03:06 PM, Sir-Nuts wrote:
Thanks for the major 2-paged update, NEVR!
You're welcome.
At 5/27/08 03:41 PM, Shanus wrote:
Looking very nice, glad to see you took everyone's ideas on board. Great job :D
Yeah, I tried to get as many ideas on there as possible without making it too much work to keep updated on a regular basis. Most of the ideas I left out were good, but would have added a lot of time onto the updates each week.
At 5/27/08 05:27 PM, Pinoyguy75 wrote:
Time to reupdate that roster because some just got a promotion. Oh yeah... Sergeant Pinoyguy75 checking in!
Heh, I cringed when I saw your total B/P was 4,999 for the week. I'd already pulled everyone's B/P for the week, though, so ah well. At least you'll be listed next week on the promotions list. ;)
At 5/27/08 08:49 PM, pwroftheseagoat wrote:
The new roster looks great! Thanks.
Glad you like it man.
And look how the Eagle flys, two weeks being a top gainer too! You guys can slow down now starting to worry me a little.
Heh, the Eagle flies, the Sea Goat swims, and the Coop... cruises? Hmm.
At 5/27/08 08:59 PM, EagleRock wrote:
Thanks again! You guys always do such a great job with these rosters, and I thank yoU!
Happy to do it :)
That was a common trait with all of the relations officers...never satisfied with their work, and always chasing perfection. :-)
You mean records officers? But yeah... I always notice one or two little mistakes that I've made. I've yet to do a perfect roster without ANY tiny mistakes, so when that does happen, I'll be partying.
No big deal! There's always next time!
Indeed, that's what I thought too. Better for them to miss one more week and have an accurate gain.
EGB Statistical analysis
I love these little stats that really add that cute little punch to the mix. Kudos!
Glad you like them - I thought they were quite interesting too. Nice to see where the EGB is. I still couldn't believe that all of us together are coming close to 1 million B/P points. That's a lotta points.
Jeez...I didn't realize almost a third of us were EGSC's...
Like I said to APF, you guys make up over 560,000 B/P by yourselves. Crazy much?
Flagrant what? Homosexuality?
More like... the roster this week was flagrantly brilliant :P
At 5/28/08 04:30 AM, TheNossinator wrote:
Thanks for the awesome new roster, NEVR.
Pleasure as always.