Day's end report:
136 points. Another beautiful day...^_^ it's a shame tomorrow is Monday, and likely points will drop significantly. But I'm getting used to doing these nice 125+'s so awesome to have no life like me. In that sad, sad kind of
At 1/22/06 11:09 PM, K-Pingu wrote:
:: Days end report:
B/P: Approximately 43
Not bad, Private! Keep it up! :salute:
At 1/22/06 11:32 PM, Major_punk wrote:
End of day report:
Today I think was one of the busiest days of my life! Ive at least 10 hours of homework went out with some friends, and reached the milestone of 10,000 b/p! when I got a total of 80 today, 5 reviews and increased my post per day.
I envy your having a life, lol. I only get to go out like, once every two weeks, at best...but yes, good haul, sir!
This week im really gonna be deprieved of sleep.... this new bus route has me waking up 45 minutes earler and on the same week as exams >: (
I know the feeling...all throughout high school I had to wake up at 5:45 AM to catch the bus, because I lived way out in the boonies, far away from my school. Not to mention I was in the International Baccalaureate program (lol I bet I still spelled that word wrong), so I regularly had to stay up all night with homework and papers and blah blah blah...over those four years, I became the insomniac night-owl that I am today. It's a blessing and a curse.
At 1/22/06 11:43 PM, space_cowboy101 wrote:
Days End Report:
68 b/p points compared to yesterdays 140 points. Today was good considering I was only awake for ten and a half hours. Hopefully tomorrow will be better, hopefully. Happy hunting to everyone staying up for me i must retire to the barracks. *salutes*
Hey, I got double your haul! XD
Good job, though! Unfortunatly, tomorrow is a Monday...often a sleepy, sleepy day on the portal...but good luck! We'll both need it...:salute:
At 1/23/06 12:03 AM, LittleWashu wrote:
Reviewed flagged 500 Another slow day thanks to my cousin :(
B/P 15
I may be faster in b/p's, but you annihilate me in review flags...good job, sir! :salute:
At 1/23/06 12:09 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote:
im just about 200 b/p's away from 30,000 so im happy about that...
And then we'll have another Supreme Commander in our ranks! Good luck in the final stretch, sir! :salute:
Well, I'll be here for a few more hours. Good hunting, everyone! :salute: