At 11/6/07 02:55 PM, aldlv wrote:
BTW... changing topic...
Have you seen Waterlollies... from Chluaid?...
Is the best movie ever... with a score of 4.79/5 & 9.95/10...
It'll sink soon enough, There She is 2 was at over 4.8 for the first week, now it is well down the top 50 list. All movies sink eventually thanks to the fan boys voting down whatever is competing against their own personal favourites. Regardless this movie will be in the top 50 for a long long time to come though, probably top of it for quite a while (until There She Is 3?)
At 11/6/07 06:11 PM, RSQViper wrote:
I actually got it while it was in the portal. =)
And though the graphics are TOTALLY amazing in this one, wtf is up with his stories now, though. They are becoming lacking. Littlefoot and the original Bitey were great little stories. Now it seems like all these are, are showing off his graphical prowess.
I want a good story, too!
I missed it in the portal, it came in while I was asleep, but I had already seen it on his site the day before, so nothing too much missed, it just got my 5 a few hours later :)
I personally thought the story was stronger in this than in the previous Brackenwood movies, with a bit more depth to it. Still not as good as a lot of other submissions though in that department, perhaps going the Zombie route and having a running story through a number of submissions would be the way to go, getting a whole story into such a short time is a big ask.
Either way still the best thing on Newgrounds though, graphically and musically nothing else can come close.