At 8/7/07 04:08 AM, RSQViper wrote:09 // 33342 // 319 // 45.6 // 15.3+ // EagleRock +1EEP!
10 // 33045 // 011 // 01.6 // 08.1- // SlashFirestorm -1
After Clock Day, probably. Too busy right now to do anything about it. :-(
At 8/7/07 04:08 AM, RSQViper wrote:09 // 33342 // 319 // 45.6 // 15.3+ // EagleRock +1EEP!
10 // 33045 // 011 // 01.6 // 08.1- // SlashFirestorm -1
After Clock Day, probably. Too busy right now to do anything about it. :-(
At 8/7/07 03:54 AM, Sterockicy wrote: 43 // 02508 // 000 // 00.0 // 00.0+ // Dante-Son-Of-Sparda -1
44 // 02256 // 101 // 14.4 // 07.1+ // TheThing
45 // 02027 // 006 // 00.9 // 01.8- // Imacow
46 // 01906 // 068 // 09.7 // 09.7+ // HeavenDuff
47 // 01775 // 014 // 02.0 // 01.1+ // Ursiruss
48 // 01682 // 030 // 04.3 // 00.3+ // TheBlueNeck
Wow !! According to the rosters I'll be in position 43 pretty quickly if I keep on protecting the portal,
thats really nice !!!
Thanks for the rosters !!
At 8/7/07 03:54 AM, Sterockicy wrote:
Greetings fellow EGB-villianssss! I don't really have much to comment on right now. I could ramble on why I haven't been active this week but you here it all the time from me. I am sick of the NG portal already. It is extremely hard to earn points these days and my point is proven by this list. I think they should change at least the coding back to what it was previously so it is possible for the average working/school person to make 40-50 points per day. Does anyone agree?
I'm not sure that would help- there are just fewer things being submitted, even if I was on all day I wouldn't be getting as many points as I was.
Shanus - 384
Seamonky - 340
EagleRock - 314
Odyssic - 238
Coop83 - 230
Congrats to these 5- good to see some new names.
07 // 41032 // 340 // 48.6 // 11.0- // Seamonky
As expected you are running away from me now :(
08 // 37819 // 034 // 04.9 // 22.2- // Sentio
09 // 33342 // 319 // 45.6 // 15.3+ // EagleRock +1
10 // 33045 // 011 // 01.6 // 08.1- // SlashFirestorm -1
This could be quite a battle, and sooner or later they will both catch up with me as well... though you are going to have to pick the pace up Slash if you want that vengeance :D
Nice chapter again Eagle- the Barracks is going to be very quiet soon with all these fatalities!
Sig by lebastic
At 8/6/07 04:00 PM, Sentio wrote: Bleh, I have next to zero internet time at the moment, though I am trying my best to get online when I can. An awesome average of 5B/P a day... *cries*
You make it sound like I'm about to pass you :P
At 8/7/07 03:54 AM, Sterockicy wrote: Barracks roster - August 7, 2007
Sterockicy's note:
Greetings fellow EGB-villianssss! I don't really have much to comment on right now. I could ramble on why I haven't been active this week but you here it all the time from me. I am sick of the NG portal already. It is extremely hard to earn points these days and my point is proven by this list. I think they should change at least the coding back to what it was previously so it is possible for the average working/school person to make 40-50 points per day. Does anyone agree?
I don't, it's working normally for me. There's less flash coming through the portal due to the time of year and that will suddenly be changed come Clock Day :P
You just need to settle down to a normal pattern and you'll get used to it :)
Top 5 Gainers:
Shanus - 384
Seamonky - 340
EagleRock - 314
Odyssic - 238
Coop83 - 230
Special Congratulatory list:
Top gainers, repeat offenders: Shanus, Seamonky, Coop83!
W00t, I'm now a repeat offender. That's pretty awesome for me, as I've managed to stabilise my pace, while everyone around me has disintegrated more or less.
Rank // Total B/P points // Gain // Gain/day // Gain rise/drop // Name
14 // 29281 // 035 // 05.0 // 05.0+ // Hemlok
15 // 28475 // 230 // 32.9 // 01.0+ // Coop83 +1
16 // 28293 // 039 // 05.6 // 02.5- // MadCow -1
As proven here. Backi into the top 15 and slowly reeling in Hemlok. I wonder just how productive Clock Day will be for me?
At 8/7/07 03:54 AM, Sterockicy wrote:Barracks roster - August 7, 2007
Thanks again for the update. =)
Top 5 Gainers:
Sooo close again. Congrats to everyone who did make it.
03 // 52389 // 000 // 00.0 // 00.0+ // ADT
Hmm I haven't seen him around here in a long time now...
05 // 49797 // 187 // 26.7 // 25.7+ // pepeatumi
Well, so much for passing him. =/
06 // 47549 // 196 // 28.0 // 01.0- // Major-punk
Just cruising along.
At 8/7/07 03:54 AM, Sterockicy wrote: Barracks roster - August 7, 2007
Thanks for the update Sterockicy!
29 // 08749 // 113 // 16.1 // 15.0- // DarkSoldier
Nice work to myself :)
At 8/7/07 03:54 AM, Sterockicy wrote: Barracks roster - August 7, 2007
Nice update Stero
Sterockicy's note:
I would have to agree with you there :(
Top 5 Gainers:
Shanus - 384
Seamonky - 340
EagleRock - 314
Odyssic - 238
Coop83 - 230
WTF!!!!!! Jesus have mercy one us all I'm first, congrats to the rest aswell :O
Top gainers, repeat offenders: Shanus, Seamonky, Coop83!
*Stands there stunned* Congrats you two
Top 3 biggest average rises: pepeatumi + 25.7, EagleRock + 15.3, Odyssic + 15.7!
Random word: Alt + F4
Random Response: Windows key + D
23 // 13139 // 108 // 15.4 // 02.0- // Sterockicy
24 // 12729 // 384 // 54.9 // 09.7- // Shanus
I still cant believe we're so close now, but trust me this pace wont last for long
Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog
I watch an unholy amount of films
At 8/7/07 05:24 PM, Mendou wrote: You people still forgot to list me...... like i said iv been a member here for a couple months already.
Yeah, I don't think everyone knows you changed your name from Akatsuki321.
At 8/7/07 03:54 AM, Sterockicy wrote: Barracks roster - August 7, 2007
Does anyone agree?
I don't really care. I mean, I feel sorry for you guys, who are used to getting so many each day, but personally, I have the highest average I've ever had, and while it may be because of the fact I want to be back (officially) in the Barracks, I still feel the portal runs fine (for me).
44 // 02256 // 101 // 14.4 // 07.1+ // TheThing
Woot!! highest average ever, along with largest bi-weekly total! At this rate, I might be back by the end of the month!
If anyone could please deposit for me please pm me. I'm going to check tomorrow morning if this thing starts up.
My new computer is acting up pretty badly so I'm going to take it back to the store and see if they can fix it or give me a new one. Only had this thing for about a month and already had the blue screen earlier today >:(
Also a great story so far Eagle, much better than I expected. Only read to about chapter 6 but all that I've read has been fun.
At 8/7/07 11:01 PM, pwroftheseagoat wrote: If anyone could please deposit for me please pm me. I'm going to check tomorrow morning if this thing starts up.
At 8/7/07 03:54 AM, Sterockicy wrote: Random word: Alt + F4
Rank // Total B/P points // Gain // Gain/day // Gain rise/drop // Name
41 // 02732 // 071 // 10.1 // 01.1+ // DaRk
42 // 02520 // 055 // 07.9 // 03.6+ // Andrea364 +1
43 // 02508 // 000 // 00.0 // 00.0+ // Dante-Son-Of-Sparda -1
44 // 02256 // 101 // 14.4 // 07.1+ // TheThing
45 // 02027 // 006 // 00.9 // 01.8- // Imacow
46 // 01906 // 068 // 09.7 // 09.7+ // HeavenDuff
I see that I've finally passed Dante-Son-Of-Sparda, that's a great acheivement in my book. In a week or two if DaRK gets lazy I may pass him even, heheh, I'm sure he won't let that go on willingly though... maybe if we tortured him, but that wouldn't be right...
At 8/7/07 09:27 PM, TheThing wrote:44 // 02256 // 101 // 14.4 // 07.1+ // TheThingWoot!! highest average ever, along with largest bi-weekly total! At this rate, I might be back by the end of the month!
Congratulations, I wish I could say the same for myself though. This is a regular B/P total gain for me and it'll be an exceptional one if school will still interfere.
*enthusiastically salutes*
At 8/7/07 04:41 AM, HeavenDuff wrote: Wow !! According to the rosters I'll be in position 43 pretty quickly if I keep on protecting the portal,
thats really nice !!!
Thanks for the rosters !!
Well, don't intend on passing me by that time ok, I'll make damn sure that I don't lose a spot if it's the very last thing I do. If anything happens I give Slash permission to have my account as an inheritance, so long as nothing stupid happens to it. Anyway, that will take you a lot of time if you don't have a beakneck pace like EagleRock, Phantom, and Coop have.
Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE
I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!
The story continues to get better. I'm starting to get worried about MetalDart's character. And that grenade thing, spooooooky. Who knows how that will end up.
Yeah, I've been gone the past two days due to family stuff and whatnot. But now I'm back. And it doesn't look like too many people have missed me. Blargh.
Also, Clock Day is only a mere week away. Better start preparing.
At 8/7/07 03:54 AM, Sterockicy wrote: Barracks roster - August 7, 2007
Top 5 Gainers:
Shanus - 384
Seamonky - 340
EagleRock - 314
Odyssic - 238
Coop83 - 230
Grats to these five.
01 // 54372 // 079 // 11.3 // 13.7- // X-Naut
02 // 54131 // 075 // 10.7 // 01.6+ // Phantom
Ugh, my pace took a deep hit. But I should be able to get it back up soon. And I still see Phantom still has some life in him.
Filler text.
Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.
Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.
At 8/7/07 03:54 AM, Sterockicy wrote: 01 // 54372 // 079 // 11.3 // 13.7- // X-Naut
02 // 54131 // 075 // 10.7 // 01.6+ // Phantom
X-Naut still has his little lead over me but that's beside point, I have a slow but steady pace and that's all I really need. Oh well.
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
At 8/7/07 03:54 AM, Sterockicy wrote: Barracks roster - August 7, 2007
Sterockicy's note:
Greetings fellow EGB-villianssss! I don't really have much to comment on right now. I could ramble on why I haven't been active this week but you here it all the time from me. I am sick of the NG portal already. It is extremely hard to earn points these days and my point is proven by this list. I think they should change at least the coding back to what it was previously so it is possible for the average working/school person to make 40-50 points per day. Does anyone agree?
Well i do for one. Cause i mean i used to get like 30-40 a day now all i get is like 10-20 a day. Which i cant complain cause it is better then nothing at all.
Top 5 Gainers:
Shanus - 384
Seamonky - 340
EagleRock - 314
Odyssic - 238
Coop83 - 230
Congrats to these people who are pretty much doing the best out of all of us at the moment. But if i could ever get my pace raised to about 40-50 b/p a day i might just make that list.
New to the list: None!
This maybe becausethe people in the NGPD now have to work alot harder to get in the EGB.
39 // 02945 // 040 // 05.7 // 02.4- // I-Love-Caitlyn
It seems like i am always hovering around in this spot. But hopefully if i can speed up my pace and start doing alot better then what i am currently dong then i may just be able to move up in the EGB.
When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.
At 8/7/07 08:44 AM, Coop83 wrote:
You make it sound like I'm about to pass you :P
Hahahaha, not any time soon! Slash and Eagle are more of a worry.
Having said that, for the third year in a row I'll be missing Clock Day as I'll be at my aunts... which means I've still never been here for one in all my time on NG :(.
Sig by lebastic
At 8/8/07 06:13 AM, Sentio wrote:At 8/7/07 08:44 AM, Coop83 wrote: You make it sound like I'm about to pass you :PHahahaha, not any time soon! Slash and Eagle are more of a worry.
Well, they're not going to apss you for about a week now *looks at calender, seeing clock day less than 7 days away*
Having said that, for the third year in a row I'll be missing Clock Day as I'll be at my aunts... which means I've still never been here for one in all my time on NG :(.
That's harsh. I'll nail some B/P points in your honour then, how does that sound?
At 8/8/07 01:30 AM, X-Naut wrote: Also, Clock Day is only a mere week away. Better start preparing.
I almost forgot...time to really clean the rust off my Blam Rifle...
At 8/8/07 02:20 AM, I-Love-Caitlyn wrote:At 8/7/07 03:54 AM, Sterockicy wrote: I think they should change at least the coding back to what it was previously so it is possible for the average working/school person to make 40-50 points per day. Does anyone agree?Well i do for one. Cause i mean i used to get like 30-40 a day now all i get is like 10-20 a day. Which i cant complain cause it is better then nothing at all.
It depends on the user. If you're accustomed to constant checking like me, you rarely miss those 50-pointer instablams. Also, I've had my time in the limelight, I can't really complain about my B/P rate anymore.
Congrats to these people who are pretty much doing the best out of all of us at the moment. But if i could ever get my pace raised to about 40-50 b/p a day i might just make that list.
It's annoying that your B/P rate drops so much thanks to the redesign, but remember that if your B/P drops, so does everyone else. Therefore, your relative B/P is about the same. If anything, it might spur us on to work harder to get those precious high-point days.
Hell, I used to constantly beat star pace (143 B/P day), as I would usually clock in around 150 B/P a day. After a month or two, I slowed down to the rate I held for at least 6 months, around 120 B/P daily. Coming from these paces, anything less than 60 B/P a day seems slow to me. I can only imagine what Slash feels, as he did more at his prime, I think even around 160-170 B/P a day on average.
It'd be interesting to how much B/P you would get for the same effort that it took star pace back before the redesign. I imagine that it might be something along the line of 80-100 B/P now, just by the curve. And here I thought I was only hitting 30 B/P a day because I was really doing that bad...
At 8/8/07 06:17 AM, Coop83 wrote: *looks at calender, seeing clock day less than 7 days away*
Really? It's only next week? It seems like should be next month. Oh well, it's not like I'm going to be doing anything important in the next week.
I just hope that just because it's Clock Day, doesn't mean that every flash passes. I remember last year that I had almost no points because I voted fairly on the submissions. I understand it's an important holiday to the Clocks, but that doesn't mean every flash in their honor is going to make it.
At 8/8/07 08:21 AM, EagleRock wrote: It's annoying that your B/P rate drops so much thanks to the redesign, but remember that if your B/P drops, so does everyone else. Therefore, your relative B/P is about the same. If anything, it might spur us on to work harder to get those precious high-point days.
I like to think that I'm the exception to the rule here. I've been doing close to 40 points per day prior to the redesign, now it's looking at about 30. I've seen people drop something like 20-30 points per day from above me to below me, which is quite shocking.
For once, I've got a tactic that works :)
At 8/8/07 08:31 AM, TheThing wrote: I just hope that just because it's Clock Day, doesn't mean that every flash passes. I remember last year that I had almost no points because I voted fairly on the submissions. I understand it's an important holiday to the Clocks, but that doesn't mean every flash in their honor is going to make it.
Agreed. Last Clock Day I only got about 300 B/P because I wasn't willing to vote 5 on any flash that had the words "clock," "day," or "happy" in it. I must have voted on at least 600 flash, too.
At 8/8/07 08:39 AM, Coop83 wrote: I like to think that I'm the exception to the rule here. I've been doing close to 40 points per day prior to the redesign, now it's looking at about 30. I've seen people drop something like 20-30 points per day from above me to below me, which is quite shocking.
For once, I've got a tactic that works :)
You're probably right. I would imagine that checking the Portal more often than not would help tremendously with this, as you can easily catch those instablams, like I said.
Either way, it proves what I said about you all along: slow and steady wins the race. All of a sudden, we fast B/Pers are dropping 50% in speed, while you are barely touched.
At 8/8/07 10:31 AM, EagleRock wrote: Either way, it proves what I said about you all along: slow and steady wins the race. All of a sudden, we fast B/Pers are dropping 50% in speed, while you are barely touched.
What can I say? I'm an old hand at this game :P
At 8/8/07 08:31 AM, TheThing wrote:At 8/8/07 06:17 AM, Coop83 wrote: *looks at calender, seeing clock day less than 7 days away*Really? It's only next week? It seems like should be next month. Oh well, it's not like I'm going to be doing anything important in the next week.
Nope, Wednesday August 15th will be a celebration of the 6th Anniversary of B
Yeah if i could spend the whole day on the computer i woud get alot more b/ping done. As well if i could stay up all night. Which i might wind up doing on clock day. Cause i am going to try to wake up early and get a head start on that day. Cause my usual rate is about 100 b/ps on that day. But this time around i am trying for more like 200-250 b/ps.
When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.
At 8/8/07 10:47 AM, Coop83 wrote: Nope, Wednesday August 15th will be a celebration of the 6th Anniversary of B
I think I am taking htis day off. I need to take a day off next week anyway, so it might as well be this day since there will be so much to keep me busy and not bored off my ass.
Last clock day I only got a little B/P time in and I think I still got 150. I didn't vote to pass the shitty clock day Flashes that came. I mean, how many flashes with use a red "B" do we really need here on Newgrounds? Nope, those all got 0.
Hell, I made a Clock Flash day-of and it was awful because I rushed it, yet it has a 3.68 (higher than my very well drawn trailer), a score it doesn't even close to deserve.
I think Clock Day is so overwhelming that people just start 5ing everything to get thru the portal.
What was it 150 or so UJ entries at some points last year? With over 1,000 Flash submitted?
At 8/8/07 02:17 PM, RSQViper wrote: Last clock day I only got a little B/P time in and I think I still got 150. I didn't vote to pass the shitty clock day Flashes that came. I mean, how many flashes with use a red "B" do we really need here on Newgrounds? Nope, those all got 0.
Good call. I'm sure we'll all vote fairly, though, as I have sacrificed many hundreds of B/P on Clock Day alone just to vote fairly. It's worth it in the long run.
Also, stolen alert:
Note the lack of for the e-mail address.
Well i missed both of the stolen flashes. And Stero i think i might nedd your help getting to that gold whistle. But i would if i could i just can never catch the stolen or hateful flashes before they get marked. But anyway all my focus is primary to b/ping and depositing. I hardly can ever get any whistle points. So thats why i think i need you help on that part Stero.
When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.
At 8/8/07 10:31 AM, EagleRock wrote:At 8/8/07 08:31 AM, TheThing wrote: I just hope that just because it's Clock Day, doesn't mean that every flash passes. I remember last year that I had almost no points because I voted fairly on the submissions. I understand it's an important holiday to the Clocks, but that doesn't mean every flash in their honor is going to make it.Agreed. Last Clock Day I only got about 300 B/P because I wasn't willing to vote 5 on any flash that had the words "clock," "day," or "happy" in it. I must have voted on at least 600 flash, too.
Yeah, I got about 10. But I had voted on easily 100 flash that day, so I only got a 10% return on my votes. I think on that day, we should have a certain time where we all can go and give fair score to the submissions that day, allowing those that should be blammed, be blammed.
At 8/8/07 08:39 AM, Coop83 wrote: I like to think that I'm the exception to the rule here. I've been doing close to 40 points per day prior to the redesign, now it's looking at about 30. I've seen people drop something like 20-30 points per day from above me to below me, which is quite shocking.
Same, although I don't get that many points a day, I've actually improved since the redesign. While most went down at least 10, I've gone up that many (roughly, maybe a little less).
Either way, it proves what I said about you all along: slow and steady wins the race. All of a sudden, we fast B/Pers are dropping 50% in speed, while you are barely touched.
Of course, it takes a or 2 month for us slow ones to even consider moving up a rank, even in the lower ranks.
At 8/8/07 01:09 PM, I-Love-Caitlyn wrote: Yeah if i could spend the whole day on the computer i woud get alot more b/ping done. As well if i could stay up all night. Which i might wind up doing on clock day. Cause i am going to try to wake up early and get a head start on that day. Cause my usual rate is about 100 b/ps on that day. But this time around i am trying for more like 200-250 b/ps.
That's what I've been doing; staying up during the night an extra 2 hours or so and B/Ping while doing other miscellaneous things. I've also been getting up 30 minutes earlier for work to get a couple in, and to check my other various sites. That really helps my average. As for Clock day, I never get too many; I like to vote fair, and I end up viewing the shitty flashes that pass anyway.
At 8/8/07 02:17 PM, RSQViper wrote:At 8/8/07 10:47 AM, Coop83 wrote: Nope, Wednesday August 15th will be a celebration of the 6th Anniversary of B
Yeah, that's a week from now. Or from my original post, a week and 1 day. I also know all about B.
I think I am taking htis day off. I need to take a day off next week anyway, so it might as well be this day since there will be so much to keep me busy and not bored off my ass.
That's a good idea, but I can' take any more days off; I work on a part-time job, where every week a schedule is made. I've already taken 3 weeks off for vacations, and this upcoming week I'm only available 8/14 shifts, so I need to be available as much as possible.
Last clock day I only got a little B/P time in and I think I still got 150. I didn't vote to pass the shitty clock day Flashes that came. I mean, how many flashes with use a red "B" do we really need here on Newgrounds? Nope, those all got 0.
Same. I don't know how people can get so many points off that day; I guess I'm just stuck with the shitty flashes.
Hell, I made a Clock Flash day-of and it was awful because I rushed it, yet it has a 3.68 (higher than my very well drawn trailer), a score it doesn't even close to deserve.
Because of those damn voters who say "ZOMG!11!! CC flash!111!! It's going to pass, so why not get a protection point?" and they 5 it.
I think Clock Day is so overwhelming that people just start 5ing everything to get thru the portal.
Which is what happens, but it shouldn't be done. So they miss a couple points, it's not like there isn't going to be 165874646354130315012205463 more flashes coming in the next 10 minutes.
What was it 150 or so UJ entries at some points last year? With over 1,000 Flash submitted?
Yikes was right. But everyone was clamoring over the Xbox360 and the $1,000 (?) prize Tom was giving to the best one, along with other great prizes for the top 5. And I think there was a max of 200 UJ submissions last year, and about 1,500 submitted overall.The portal just wasn't big enough to get all the flashes voted on.
The Barracks Under Fire
by EagleRock
Chapter 12 - Backfire
Sarai's grenade was skillfully thrown through the air duct as it landed under Peregrinus. He barely had time to yell "shit" before he was blown away. The force of the blast threw PenguinLink back, who was nearby on the roof. MetalDart, heard the blast as he was climbing down from his sniper post to give assistance.
"DAMMIT! FALL BACK! FALL BACK!" said MetalDart to PenguinLink, as the moderators continued to hold back the Elite Guards from entering the building.
Down below, Alpha squad started shooting at the moderators all at once after setting off a flashbang. SilentSoldier started with a good suppressing fire with his Para, spraying bullets left and right. None of them were hitting anyone, save one to Canas' leg, but he caused them to scramble quick enough for DaRk to gun down Evark. Dobio and Canas jumped up on the ledge to the left and ran out of sight of the Alpha squad.
DarkSoldier said, "Success! Bravo, Bravo, are you in position?"
PenguinLink responded, "I'm the only one left! They've got us covered at all bases!"
MetalDart called out commands as he was running to PenguinLink's aid. "Alpha squad, you need to take out the mods in the air duct! Get some rifles and pummel the duct and anyone near it!"
"You heard him," said DarkSoldier. "Move out!" The four started to run towards the bay door, runs ready. Suddenly, another flashbang went off and blinded them all. Gunshots sounded throughout the warehouse as the terrorists struck back. The Elite Guards retaliated with their guns, shooting blindly. Just as his eyesight came back, DarkSoldier saw Canas, Dobio, Sarai, and Ramagi all crouched and ready. As he backed up behind the warehouse wall, he tossed a grenade towards the four. They backed up from the lobbed grenade, but managed to shoot down SilentSoldier in the process.
That was when TheThing saw his chance. Up near the top of the warehouse, he saw UberBarista guarding the entrance of the air duct. He quickly took up his autosniper and squeezed off two rounds. The first one missed, but the second got UberBarista in the head, downing him. Ramagi saw this and took advantage, killing TheThing with her SG-552.
"GET OUT!" yelled DarkSoldier to DaRk, who quickly complied. They were both pinned outside the warehouse again, each of them up against the two sides of the open garage door. "UberBarista is down, sir! Go!"
"Roger," said MetalDart, who was now with PenguinLink on the roof. He then grabbed a grenade and tossed it inside the air duct. Once it detonated, he jumped in and saw that the grenade killed Sarai. PenguinLink jumped in behind him as they crouched through the air duct. MetalDart, Desert Eagle in hand. He noticed that the air duct had a splitoff to the side, which went directly above the entrance to the foreman's office. In there the hostages were being kept.
"Okay," he said in a whisper to the radio, "we're heading to the hostage room. When I give the word, give a distraction so we can drop down and get them from behind."
"Roger," said DarkSoldier. "DaRk still has a flashbang, which should do the trick." MetalDart then proceeded to step up to the side air duct, when all of a sudden, bullets were being shot at the air duct.
"SHIT! They can get through the metal! Split up! Split up!" But it was too late, as Ramagi's Sig 552 Commando hit PenguinLink one too many times. "MOVE IN! MOVE IN!" he yelled to the remants of the Alpha squad, as he shot his Deagle down at his feet, blindly hoping he would hit Ramagi.
DarkSoldier then ran in, spraying his reloaded Para across the warehouse floor. Ramagi was there. She immediately re-aimed her rifle and shot at DarkSoldier, driving him back behind the warehouse again.
MetalDart had enough time to reload and shuffle down the side airshaft. Below him the air duct ended in a grate, which ended above the doors to the hostage room. He could see the doors from above, but couldn't see anyone guarding the door. Luckily, due to the way the airshaft was built, he had a good amount of metal blocking him, hopefully fending off Ramagi's rogue rifle rounds.
"This is not good," said DaRk aloud. "They killed most of us already, and have us completely pinned outside! What do we do?"
"I don't know," said DarkSoldier, as he was out of ideas himself. "I wish Phantom or EagleRock were here, because they'd know what to do."
EagleRock and Phantom were watching the match from the computer room. EagleRock watched the match in desperation as he saw his soldiers fall, one by one. It was eating away at him that he couldn't help them fight, or even talk to them to give them advice.
"What can they do, Eagle?" inquired Phantom, as he watched himself. While he was not well versed in Counter-Strike, his experience in the Elite Guard gave him great tactical prowess. However, it was failing him, as there was little he could think of for them to do.
"I have no fucking clue," said EagleRock aloud, loud enough for nearby Barracks members to hear. "They're took pinned down to do anything, and being outnumbered 5 to 3 is an impossible advantage. This situation would be hard enough if it was even."
"You mean to tell me there's no hope?" said Sentio. "How can that be?"
"Oh, there's hope," said EagleRock, "but it'd require a leap of faith and an act of God. If they're going to turn the tables, MetalDart needs to get into that hostage room. They're all out on the warehouse floor right now, which means the room is empty. If he can get in there, he can turn the match over."
"But how?" said Sentio. "He'd still have to get the hostages out of the room and get them out of the warehouse."
"True. However, think of the ramifications of him doing it. We're outnumbered, they have the positional advantage. If he could squeeze into that room and garrison himself inside, that would be a big blow to them psychologically. Think how you'd feel if the impossible seemed to happen against you, especially against these odds."
Sentio thought. "Very true. But how can he do it?"
"Like I said, a leap of faith. He'd have to jump down from that air duct and take the 8 foot fall, then run in there without getting shot."
"Christ," said Sentio. "You weren't kidding when you said the odds were against us."
"I know. I trust my soldiers, but this is one battle that even the best of the best would sweat bullets on."
SlashFirestorm thought about those words carefully.
Slash, in his prime, was the most intense, most efficient, and most deadly Elite Guard. His daily patrols did more against the evils of Newgrounds than some Elite Guards could do in a week. As such, his skills on the battlefield were strong, and his speed unparalleled. However, running the scenario through his mind did little to help the situation. No matter how the numbers added up, we were screwed. He knew it was only a matter of time, and that it would require a miracle to get us out alive.
In the map, DarkSoldier was still pinned against the left wall of the warehouse as he breathed heavily. He was gripping his Para so tightly that his knuckles were turning white. He knew that MetalDart needed help, and would die if he didn't do anything. As he quickly racked his brain, one idea came to him.
He radioed in his last words. "When you hear my gun, go for the door."
"What are you doing, DarkSoldier?"
"I'm going in. We're dead if we don't move."
"You're dead if you run in there!"
"We're all dead if I don't. Don't waste the opportunity on me. I didn't train all this time in the Elite Guard to have my life go to waste."
"Christ, Dark, you can't really be serious!!!"
"I am. DaRk, toss your last flashbang in, then I'll run in there and cause the distraction."
"Roger," said DaRk. He pulled out the flashbang and tossed it into the middle of the warehouse. Once the flash went off, DarkSoldier ran in, spraying his Para.
MetalDart closed his eyes, as he prepared himself for the jump. Just then, Dobio started shooting at him from the other side of the duct. MetalDart was forced to jump.
Time seemed to stop as he crashed through the grate towards the concrete landing 10 feet below.
End of Chapter 12