At 8/4/07 10:35 AM, EagleRock wrote: Chief Barracks Officer - I hope we're not planning to change that...
Lieutenant Chief Barracks Officer - It's Phantom. Not changin'.
He'd kill us if we tried!
Relations Officer - Still Sentio, and he's still doing a bang-up job.
Recruitment Officer - We don't technically have one, as PenguinLink is inactive.
If no one else seems to fit this role, I could take it over again (especially if someone else becomes NGPD Liason), but I'd prefer having some new blood (new EXPERIENCED blood, of course) taking over. It should be someone rather active so they're around a good chunk of the time.
Records Officer - I don't know who currently is holding this (my records got lost with our old forums), but we all know who should fit this role.
NGPD Laison - We do need one. Granted, Slash is taking over that role, but should he do EVERYTHING around here?
Heh, yes, I'm mainly doing it because I happen to wander in and out of places and talk to people while doing it. I'm not a NGPD graduate...maybe we should find one for the job, as I know we gots some around here.
We do have other positions which I have since suspended, including the Portal Operations Officer, Reconnaissance Operations Officers, Portal Violations Officer, etc. These positions were needed when we were much more hated, but are since not necessary.
Rest in peace, Barney Bunch.
I'd like nominations from the Barracks as to who should fill which roles (and don't nominate yourself, geniuses...:-). Also, I'm sad to say that our old forums seems to be down for good. We need to settle into the forums that Slash set up. I may fix it up a bit and secure the forums a bit more, as I've had a lot of experience running forums for quite a few years. The ranks tend to disturb me a bit, but it seems like a huge hit with the members, so I'm not sure what to do there, lol.
Yeah, I managed to set the forums up, but I'm not really experienced with it (this is the first one I've ever made). Eagle's got the tech, I got the...creativity, heh.
As for'm really more narrowing it down at the moment than having someone specific. A lot of people here could fit the jobs, but we need to find out who's interested, check to see who's done a good job at the roles in the past even when not an officer, etc.
Incidentally, Slash is doing a good job maintaining the FAQ and performing Forum Admin duties, so I may need to think up a new officer that fits that. Technically the FAQ is the job of the Relations Officer, but I'll have to think about that one.
Supreme Commander Firestorm, Head Officer of Sexy.
...what? Oh, come on, I was kidding.