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The Elite Guard Barracks

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-25 11:52:00

At 7/25/07 10:56 AM, Phantom wrote: What a horrible fucking day, my computer died again last night with the fun message saying "The following file is missing or corrupted : Windows/System32/Config/System. Now isn't that fun? Now a repair guy had to come over and help me fucking fix it which he did but again, I lost lots of my old information, and I'm fucking enraged! This is too fucking much, how much can one man take? My computer fucks me in the ass for the second time in one month! AAAAAHHHHH
*Jumps out of window*

Well that really sucks shit.

My computer did the same but i think that's because i mistakenly deleted it lol.

There's only really one thing to keep your information and that is buy a cd or dvd and put your files on it if you didn't already know.

Need advice? Visit the RELATIONSHIP CREW!

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-25 12:29:26

At 7/25/07 10:56 AM, Phantom wrote: What a horrible fucking day, my computer died again last night with the fun message saying "The following file is missing or corrupted : Windows/System32/Config/System. Now isn't that fun? Now a repair guy had to come over and help me fucking fix it which he did but again, I lost lots of my old information, and I'm fucking enraged! This is too fucking much, how much can one man take? My computer fucks me in the ass for the second time in one month! AAAAAHHHHH
*Jumps out of window*

What kind of computer do you have? Plus that sucks because all of those visits from the repair guy must be costing you a lot. When my computer breaks down I just, call the delivery guy and then on my spare time I just go to an internet cafe to go on newgrounds. Also if jumping out of a window, please no taller than a 2 story building, might hurt a little : p

My tax dollars go to pay for a war that I and most of America dont even want. Yet I can't even afford Health insurance for my family. Hmmm..... Sig Pic by madknt

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-25 13:13:03

Haha, just got back from a little out of town trip to see I get owned by Phantom lol!
But yea, good story so far, I liked Chapter 2 and 3 both, more so 3. Cant wait to see the rest, when the action starts to get good. Nice work EagleRock.


Funny thing is that in real life I am allergic to garlic HAHA!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-25 13:49:57

At 7/25/07 10:09 AM, EagleRock wrote:
At 7/23/07 10:22 PM, RSQViper wrote: RSQ POLL
Q. What's your favorite song in the audio portal? Please link it.
I just realize I never entered this. I like
this song simply because it blew me away when I first heard it. This band sounds just a bit too good to me, and I think they need to be discovered big time.

I just listened to it and what a great song. I'll have to check out their MySpace page at some point, too.

Also, my favorite song, to answer my own poll, is Earthbones by Bosa. Thi sguy is also my totally favorite audio artist. I seriously suggest everyone going over and listening to his stuff. He is an unsung audio artist and I don't know why, his stuff is absolutely incredible.

At 7/25/07 10:56 AM, Phantom wrote: What a horrible fucking day, my computer died again last night with the fun message saying "The following file is missing or corrupted : Windows/System32/Config/System. Now isn't that fun? Now a repair guy had to come over and help me fucking fix it which he did but again, I lost lots of my old information, and I'm fucking enraged! This is too fucking much, how much can one man take? My computer fucks me in the ass for the second time in one month! AAAAAHHHHH
*Jumps out of window*

Damn, man. Just damn. I just went thru sending my computer in for repairs as well. Of course, they took my sound card when I did it... but at least they fixed my computer. (bastards)

One thing I do it I have a firelite drive. It's a harddrive that plugs in with a USB port. They come in many sizes, mine is 80G. It's so handy. I have all my important stuff backed up onto it and it totally saved my ass. If you don't have one, I highly suggest it.

At 7/25/07 01:13 PM, DaRk wrote: Haha, just got back from a little out of town trip to see I get owned by Phantom lol!

HAHA! Yep, you did get a nice whack.

But yea, good story so far, I liked Chapter 2 and 3 both, more so 3. Cant wait to see the rest, when the action starts to get good. Nice work EagleRock.

Yes, they do rock so far. And they can only rock harder once I'm in them. =p

Funny thing is that in real life I am allergic to garlic HAHA!

Wait a second... that means Phantom hit you for no good reason!!!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-25 14:57:06

At 7/25/07 11:52 AM, DarkSoldier wrote: There's only really one thing to keep your information and that is buy a cd or dvd and put your files on it if you didn't already know.

I keep various things (pics, music and documents) on several places so I may have not lost everything but it's a real bitch having to reinstall everything (including flash player) again. But I will get the important things on a cd soon.

At 7/25/07 12:29 PM, SilentSoldier wrote: What kind of computer do you have?

I used to know a command on the run window that shows you all the information about your computer but I forgot it, maybe EAGLE KNOWS IT? I think its was something with the word "Diag"

Plus that sucks because all of those visits from the repair guy must be costing you a lot. When my computer breaks down I just, call the delivery guy and then on my spare time I just go to an internet cafe to go on newgrounds. Also if jumping out of a window, please no taller than a 2 story building, might hurt a little : p

The repair guy is a family friend so he only charges when the problem is fully solved, which it isn't yet, so he's cool. I also live on a 4 story building :P

Also daRk, I hope that slap didn't hurt too much, it would have hurt more if I was level 29, which I'll be in September 9th weather permitting (meaning if nothing breaks again by then, which is highly unlikely.

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-25 15:07:28

At 7/25/07 01:13 PM, DaRk wrote: Funny thing is that in real life I am allergic to garlic HAHA!

That is quite possible the most hilarious thing in the universe. See? I know all!!!

At 7/25/07 01:49 PM, RSQViper wrote: I just listened to it and what a great song. I'll have to check out their MySpace page at some point, too.

They have good music. There are quite a few delectable NG Audio artists out there...

Funny thing is that in real life I am allergic to garlic HAHA!
Wait a second... that means Phantom hit you for no good reason!!!

Phantom would have done it anyway. Who are you kidding?

At 7/25/07 02:57 PM, Phantom wrote: I used to know a command on the run window that shows you all the information about your computer but I forgot it, maybe EAGLE KNOWS IT? I think its was something with the word "Diag"

You mean dxdiag, a.k.a. the DirectX Diagnostic Tool. Quite a handy tool at that.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-25 15:08:53

At 7/25/07 02:57 PM, Phantom wrote: I keep various things (pics, music and documents) on several places so I may have not lost everything but it's a real bitch having to reinstall everything (including flash player) again. But I will get the important things on a cd soon.

Dude, that is the one thing I hate most. Reinstalling everything. Sonofabitch! And then getting all your options setup again, installing any addons to Firefox, re-registering everything you installed, hoping you have all the CD Keys you need... the list goes on and on.

At 7/25/07 12:29 PM, SilentSoldier wrote: What kind of computer do you have?
I used to know a command on the run window that shows you all the information about your computer but I forgot it, maybe EAGLE KNOWS IT? I think its was something with the word "Diag"

or maybe RSQViper knows. It's "dxdiag"

The repair guy is a family friend so he only charges when the problem is fully solved, which it isn't yet, so he's cool. I also live on a 4 story building :P

That is one helluva deal.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-25 22:08:22

The Barracks Under Fire

by EagleRock


Chapter 4 - Decisions, Decisions

EagleRock and TheThing passed through the teleportation pod.

Their bodies felt as if they were sucked through a rubber hose, as they were contorted and stretched through reality. When their trip finally ended, they were in two other pods and felt as if nothing happened.

What appeared before them outside the pod was an exact replication of the famous de_dust map. As EagleRock carefully stepped into the desert dust, keeping is AUG at the ready. Keeping vigilant, he set aim across wherever he looked, using his 1.5x zoom as a monocular into the distance towards the center of the area.

With that, he waved TheThing out to join. TheThing had already 2x zoom on his SG-552 while he stared down the long pathway from their spawn point. He cautiously stepped out.

Sure enough, it was de_dust. The CT spawn point was exact, with the bombsite nearby. EagleRock whispered, "Let's test the radio and see if this works. I recommend we split up and examine the area."

TheThing used his radio. "Testing...seems fine. I don't know this area, so lead the way."

They headed on down to the center area. TheThing slung his sniper rifle on his back, un-holstered his Desert Eagle, locked, and loaded. "You take the left, down under the bridge and I'll cut right," EagleRock said. Sure enough, the tunnel, dead center of the map, was right there for EagleRock to enter. This was the famous point in the map where the most deaths occurred. EagleRock stilled his breath as he took aim and crept around the corner. It was empty.

It turned out the entire map was empty, just as Wade said it would be. TheThing and EagleRock traversed the entire map and checked every crevice. They radioed their findings back and forth, and EagleRock determined it was an exact replica. The only thing that was fishy to him was a steel door that was under the bridge, which TheThing couldn't open. EagleRock dismissed it, but was still concerned. They eventually met up at the Terrorist spawn site.

"Well, it seems about right," said EagleRock. There's just one thing. Let's test out these guns. EagleRock saw a boot lying on the ground. He took aim through his scope and squeezed the trigger. The AUG let out a satisfying shot that propelled straight into the boot. The boot skipped away a few feet until it thumped itself back down into the dust. He then saw a tire that was propped up nearby, and squeezed about a dozen rounds into it. TheThing did the same to a can that was on the ground, nearly pulverizing it with his Desert Eagle. They then tested all their weaponry, from guns to grenades.

"Well, they work. I've seen enough of the map to be sure this is really de_dust." Now was the task of getting back. They approached the pods and found they were already open and ready for transport back to the base. They kept their weapons at the ready, and stepped back into the pods.

Afterwards, they found themselves back in the base, greeted by their fellow Barracks members. Salutations and sighs of relief told them they were fine. Phantom dashed over, exclaiming, "Excellent! I could see and track both of you every second you were out there. These map computers really do work. However, I had no way of communicating." It was then that the intercom crackled back on and spoke again.

"I hope you found the test satisfying. Surely you can see that the maps are accurate, the guns are real. The only thing we do not allow is for you to communicate from the base to the players in field. That way, there's no way to cheat and let people know where other players are."

EagleRock thought that fair, but then said, "What about the moderators? Do they get to commuicate?"

"Of course not. That just wouldn't be fair. This would be a one-sided bloodbath. Even if I wanted to do that, it'd be bad for publicity."

Phantom stared ahead. "That's all well and good, but that's just one map. What about the others?"

"Well, I'm prepared to let you check all the maps if you want."

EagleRock nodded. "I do. I'll have Phantom check them for me on the map while I go in the field and check them out."

"I'll come too," said TheThing. "I feel like I owe it to you all."

"You owe us nothing," responded EagleRock. "But if you want to, feel free to come along."

"Just one thing," retorted Wade. "You can keep the guns while you check out the maps, but when we're done, you need to return them to the lockers. We clean your guns and refresh your ammo before every match. Plus, we do not allow guns in the base when a match is not going on. If you don't put them back, we will have to take them from you ourselves."

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-25 22:09:33

"What is the meaning of this??" Phantom was pissed. "You stuff us down here and say everything is going to be okay, yet you won't even let us be armed??"

"Look. I've done all I can to make you trust me. If you don't trust me past this point, I understand. But you will have no need for ammo outside of the arenas. Everything will be just fine if you return them to the lockers. If not, we'll have trouble. I'm sure you'll know what you need to do." Wade took a breath. "Now, you can check out the next map, cs_office. Prepare yourselves by the pods." The speakers crackled as the intercom turned off.

EagleRock looked at Phantom. "I know. Just roll with it for now. We'll figure out what we should do after I inspect these maps. Just keep watch for me on the screens. The rest of you relax and calm down. I'll need you rested before we come up with a plan."

They ensued through the evening and into the night. EagleRock and TheThing teleported from map to map, traversing every crevice and checking all the maps. Phantom then checked the overhead maps and cameras and made sure all was right. As the rest of the Barracks retired to their surprisingly comfortable living quarters, EagleRock, TheThing, and Phantom worked through the night. All that while, as Phantom was checking up on the two, he was in deep thought.


Phantom was part of EagleRock's Barrack since he started. As he had ties with the Newgrounds Mafia, he was not easily trusted, but EagleRock trusted him. This he was grateful for, as it eventually lead to him becoming the Relations Officer due to his ties with many other groups on Newgrounds. Eventually, he was made EagleRock's Lieutenant, and second in charge. He loved the Barracks, and was very confident in EagleRock, but always had pangs of doubt in his mind, for EagleRock had one weakness: he was too trusting.

EagleRock was the one that defended Dream-of-Duke as he put the rest of the Barracks in Jeopardy, and resisted kicking him out. Phantom couldn't understand why. Eventually, it got the point where he had to be discharged, and even EagleRock couldn't deny this. Still, it bothered Phantom, and wondered if EagleRock was oblivious to dangers in this place. He had to stay diligent, just in case.


After they were done, EagleRock and TheThing retired their weapons as per Wade's commands and got comfortable. Phantom came over to discuss the next steps.

"So now what?" said Phantom. "I think we should make our move during the first 'match' and get the hell out of here."

EagleRock thought hard for a minute and responded, "I have a different plan: we fight."

"WHAT?? Are you crazy?"

"No. It's the best thing we can do. So far, we've complied with their requests and have been okay. If we make a move now, we could easily be killed. Meanwhile, if we take part of their little game, we're doing their wishes. We'll probably be outnumbered, and we'll probably be in a stacked match. However, we're the Elite Guard. We're the best soldiers there are, and like hell I'm going to step down to a challenge. I'd rather die in a blaze of glory then be killed as a coward trying to escape." He paused for a second. "If they want their fight...they got it."

Phantom stared at EagleRock for a long while. "Point taken." He exhaled slowly. "So be it."

EagleRock nodded and then they went to get their rest. They'd need it.

End of Chapter 4

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-25 23:31:16

Another excellent chapter by the great EagleRock!

That reminds im going to check out what DOD is doing.

Need advice? Visit the RELATIONSHIP CREW!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-25 23:39:48

sir reporting for duty sir requesting permission to rejoin after my resignation during the great layout change (means i havent been on for awhile)

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-25 23:44:57

At 7/25/07 11:39 PM, conkerman wrote: sir reporting for duty sir requesting permission to rejoin after my resignation during the great layout change (means i havent been on for awhile)

Looking at your records, I see you're a civilian. Being in this club requires a ranking of Elite Guard Private, or 2,500 B/P If you want to join, get onto the Portal and start your journey!

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-25 23:54:14

sir yes sir ill get on that now

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-26 00:38:12

At 7/25/07 11:54 PM, conkerman wrote: sir yes sir ill get on that now

I hope to be seeing you as a member soon!

Need advice? Visit the RELATIONSHIP CREW!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-26 01:16:34

Once again, good chapter, but I'm starting to get anxious, I have the need for some good ol fashion War action. J/K. But anyways if it could be possible I am asking if someone could deposit my XP for me on Saturday, for I will be out of town.

My tax dollars go to pay for a war that I and most of America dont even want. Yet I can't even afford Health insurance for my family. Hmmm..... Sig Pic by madknt

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-26 01:46:02

At 7/26/07 12:38 AM, DarkSoldier wrote:
At 7/25/07 11:54 PM, conkerman wrote: sir yes sir ill get on that now
I hope to be seeing you as a member soon!


considering that if he was a no life he could be able to get maybe 80 B/P points per day.
If he would be having 80 points per day... it would take him at least 30 days... but it could only happen if he was staying on his computer all day long for a month... so I think we won't see him for a while...
and I'm also really sad that I can't be considered an Elite Guard now... thats sad :(

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-26 01:50:08

At 7/26/07 01:46 AM, HeavenDuff wrote:
At 7/26/07 12:38 AM, DarkSoldier wrote:
At 7/25/07 11:54 PM, conkerman wrote: sir yes sir ill get on that now
I hope to be seeing you as a member soon!

considering that if he was a no life he could be able to get maybe 80 B/P points per day.
If he would be having 80 points per day... it would take him at least 30 days... but it could only happen if he was staying on his computer all day long for a month... so I think we won't see him for a while...
and I'm also really sad that I can't be considered an Elite Guard now... thats sad :(

yea seriously i was thinking about that umm it might be a little longer than soon so i guess ill jus talk on here as a temp till i can join

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-26 01:54:40

If it could be possible I am asking if someone could deposit my XP for me on Saturday, for I will be out of town. In other news the Portal has seemed to be very slow for the last couple of days, which is not that good for me considering that I'm getting very close to my next rank...I'm just anxious... :-p

My tax dollars go to pay for a war that I and most of America dont even want. Yet I can't even afford Health insurance for my family. Hmmm..... Sig Pic by madknt

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-26 01:59:14

At 7/26/07 01:50 AM, conkerman wrote:
At 7/26/07 01:46 AM, HeavenDuff wrote:
At 7/26/07 12:38 AM, DarkSoldier wrote:
At 7/25/07 11:54 PM, conkerman wrote:

yea seriously i was thinking about that umm it might be a little longer than soon so i guess ill jus talk on here as a temp till i can join

Well... with the redesign I ain't a Elite Gurad anymore.... so I am in the same situation as you, but still I was lucky to join before the redesign.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-26 02:09:30

I have a feeling that this submission : http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/39 0067

could probably be stolen.
The different animations in the flash dont have anything in common, their styles are all different.
And also, the flash animation is good, but the guy doesnt know how to fix the problem with the music hes talking about in the section of authors comments.

Could you guys tell me if I'm right or wrong ?

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-26 02:22:06

At 7/25/07 03:07 PM, EagleRock wrote: You mean dxdiag, a.k.a. the DirectX Diagnostic Tool. Quite a handy tool at that.

Exactly, so you are usefull after all XD

At 7/25/07 12:29 PM, SilentSoldier wrote: What kind of computer do you have?

And now to answer your question:

Operating system: XP Professional
Language: English
System manufacturer: GBT__
System model: AWRDACPI
Bios: Award modular Bios v6.00pg
Processor: AMT Athlong 64 X2 Dual core rocessor 3800+, MMX, 3DNow, ~2.0GHz
Memory: 1024MB RAM
Display, name: NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GS
Sound, name: Realtek HD Audio output

At 7/25/07 03:08 PM, RSQViper wrote: Dude, that is the one thing I hate most. Reinstalling everything. Sonofabitch! And then getting all your options setup again, installing any addons to Firefox, re-registering everything you installed, hoping you have all the CD Keys you need... the list goes on and on.

Yeah I lost everything on Firefox, passwords, bookmarks that I kept over this time, all my add ons and themes. You're right, it sucks most, and did you even notice it's nearly impossible to get something like Flash 8 anymore? all I see on the Adobe/Macromedia site is CS3 and it's huge and I don't even want it, thank god I had the exe file of Flash 8 somewhere.

And great Chapter Eagle :)

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-26 03:25:45

At 7/26/07 01:50 AM, conkerman wrote: yea seriously i was thinking about that umm it might be a little longer than soon so i guess ill jus talk on here as a temp till i can join

Actually you're going to have to go elsewhere until you get the 2,500 B/P. I mean, it wouldn't be fair to allow you and no one else, ya know? I suggest checking out the Newgrounds Department of Defense and continuing to B/P yourself. Then when you get enough B/P, go join the NG Police Headquarters. From there you'll graduate to 2500 B/P and be able to lateral over to us. It's a journey, but worth it.

We'd love to have you, but this is the path we all had to take.

At 7/26/07 02:09 AM, HeavenDuff wrote: I have a feeling that this submission : http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/39 0067

could probably be stolen.
The different animations in the flash dont have anything in common, their styles are all different.
And also, the flash animation is good, but the guy doesnt know how to fix the problem with the music hes talking about in the section of authors comments.

Could you guys tell me if I'm right or wrong ?

When I saw it I wondered as well, but I couldn't find it anywhere else, so as far as I can tell it's ok. You can't whistle (or at least SHOULDN'T) what you don't have alink for to the original.

At 7/26/07 02:22 AM, Phantom wrote:
At 7/25/07 03:08 PM, RSQViper wrote: Dude, that is the one thing I hate most. Reinstalling everything. Sonofabitch! And then getting all your options setup again, installing any addons to Firefox, re-registering everything you installed, hoping you have all the CD Keys you need... the list goes on and on.
Yeah I lost everything on Firefox, passwords, bookmarks that I kept over this time, all my add ons and themes. You're right, it sucks most, and did you even notice it's nearly impossible to get something like Flash 8 anymore? all I see on the Adobe/Macromedia site is CS3 and it's huge and I don't even want it, thank god I had the exe file of Flash 8 somewhere.

Dman, man. You're bringing back bad memories. =(

And Flash 8 you can probably find on Limewire or Morpheus 5.3.0 if you lost your exe file (this is something I keep a backup of). I just hope you have your serial key. *eep!*

And great Chapter Eagle :)

I must agree! I really would like to see other members poking their heads into the story soon, though. Even if only quick mentions before the real action starts. Right now everyone else feels like supporting characters. hehe.

Especially Wade. He can support my.... um... I'll stop there.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-26 08:38:35

At 7/26/07 02:22 AM, Phantom wrote: And great Chapter Eagle :)

Yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing how it all ties in for all of the characters. I'm betting I'll get shot by Phantom :P

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-26 20:55:13

Just been away from the barracks for a while and I stumbled across EagleRock's story, I must say I'm quite impressed. Excellent work Sir.

And I'm pleased to say that after the craziness of the redesign I've finally got back into my rhythm of B/Ping. Upon posting I'm on 74 points, and the morning is young :D

At 7/24/07 09:04 AM, Sterockicy wrote: Thanks Andrea for answering things for me! and Shanus of coarse.

What I do??


Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge || Elite Guard Barracks || Review Request Club || NGLog

I watch an unholy amount of films

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-26 22:47:34

Hey everybody! Well it looks like Tails has not made his way here yet or has he? Anyway sorry for my leave of absence but i had some things i had to do and get taken care of before i could make my way back here cause if i didnt i would not get the time to post around here. So what had everybody else been up to on here?

When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-26 22:54:30

At 7/26/07 10:47 PM, I-Love-Caitlyn wrote: Hey everybody! Well it looks like Tails has not made his way here yet or has he? Anyway sorry for my leave of absence but i had some things i had to do and get taken care of before i could make my way back here cause if i didnt i would not get the time to post around here. So what had everybody else been up to on here?

I've been restoring my computer files.

But my computer now just restarts randomly and gives me an error every time i start up my computer.

But thats impossible that i have a virus or spyware since my norton anti-virus just did a virus check yesterday (yes that error was since i put in my HP recovery dvds which was like what monday.

So hopefully everything turns into the best.

Need advice? Visit the RELATIONSHIP CREW!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-27 01:00:07

At 7/26/07 10:47 PM, I-Love-Caitlyn wrote: Hey everybody! Well it looks like Tails has not made his way here yet or has he? Anyway sorry for my leave of absence but i had some things i had to do and get taken care of before i could make my way back here cause if i didnt i would not get the time to post around here. So what had everybody else been up to on here?

I've just been messing around a bit here on NG, but banging away at my next Flash. Slowly, but surely it comes along.

As for Tails, I haven't seen him anywhere lately that I can recall.

I'm just waiting around for the next installment of our story... (EagleRock...)

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-27 01:36:12

The portal is pretty calm tonight... any other Elite Guard on duty tonight?

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-27 01:46:26

At 7/27/07 01:36 AM, HeavenDuff wrote: The portal is pretty calm tonight... any other Elite Guard on duty tonight?

I'm around, but it is nearly 9 AM here so obviously it's slow in the portal... Oh well, best to keep trying to do this eh? "Filler".

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-07-27 02:38:49

Hey guys!

I read all your great words about the update.

Just a really quick poll here:

Does anyone else think the movie "Awesome Compilation Vol 1" is extremely overated?

At 7/26/07 08:55 PM, Shanus wrote:
At 7/24/07 09:04 AM, Sterockicy wrote: Thanks Andrea for answering things for me! and Shanus of coarse.
What I do??

You do the update too now so that was directed at you as well. And since you will be doing the update next YOU will be the one adding him to the list (which reminds me I need to teach you....noob)


Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

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