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The Elite Guard Barracks

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-18 09:12:16

At 6/17/07 12:18 AM, PenguinLink wrote: In other news, I'll be trading my golden knuckles for a bob-wired boxing glove tomorrow. >:)

It's barbed-wire. Bob's just the guy who wraps it around the glove.

At 6/17/07 02:23 AM, Sentio wrote:
At 6/16/07 04:39 AM, Coop83 wrote: Then maybe I'd better keep this, for when I want something off you...
That sounds extremely ominous :S.

Oh it needn't be ominous, so long as I get what I want ;)

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-18 13:37:31

At 6/17/07 06:07 PM, Sentio wrote:
Very true, though I'm still running from memory at the moment :)

Now that is impressive. :)

Oh right, yeah, the Easy Gain and Blam club.... wait, no, that still doesn't sound right...

No it doesn't. Are you sure we're in the right place? :P

Not getting a female flying monkey...?

True, true. But don't you feel a bit guilty knowing Bob won't experience true happiness if you don't give him a companion? Poor Bob, I wonder what his life consists of.

Yup, though it is already good and shiny :D

Indeed it is. :)

S'ok, I've got this one covered >:D

Hell yeah! Show him what you're made of. >:D

You speak too soon!

I did, didn't I?

At 6/17/07 08:25 PM, I-Love-Caitlyn wrote:
But on a diffrent note how is everybody doing in here b/p and otherwise?

Welcome back. The portal has been fairly inactive these past few days, which seems peculiar because I thought many people were on vacation. =/

At 6/18/07 09:12 AM, Coop83 wrote:
It's barbed-wire. Bob's just the guy who wraps it around the glove.

SAWREE. I realized that once I had posted the damn thing. All this talk about Bob has got me traumatized. :P


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-18 17:25:07

At 6/18/07 01:40 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote: Good day fellow NG user's, I'm only about 13 B/P away from getting to my next rank...so now i must be patient...also PenguinLink congrats for getting to level 12. Also at about 6:50 AM this morning i turned 17.

Well hey happy b-day to you. God mine isnt until October which is still a while away but it will get here eventually. And im still a ways away from my next rank but i am going at a much faster pace now so i should be able to get there sooner.

When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-18 18:57:30

At 6/17/07 08:25 PM, I-Love-Caitlyn wrote: Everybody i have returned. And thanks EV for depositing for me while i was gone. But i am going to make my way back to the portal as i have some work to do there now. But on a diffrent note how is everybody doing in here b/p and otherwise?

Pants in B/P (by my standards anyway), but great in life in general. In fact life is treating me better than it has in a long time :)

At 6/18/07 09:12 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Oh it needn't be ominous, so long as I get what I want ;)

It depends what you want...

At 6/18/07 01:37 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
At 6/17/07 06:07 PM, Sentio wrote:
Very true, though I'm still running from memory at the moment :)
Now that is impressive. :)

You don't do two years of biochemistry at university without remembering a few things! Though I did drop most of those modules in favour of genetics and evolution modules.

Oh right, yeah, the Easy Gain and Blam club.... wait, no, that still doesn't sound right...
No it doesn't. Are you sure we're in the right place? :P

It looks like the right place... there's a bunk with my name on it, so it must be! Perhaps the 'Everyone Gets a Bunk' Club?

True, true. But don't you feel a bit guilty knowing Bob won't experience true happiness if you don't give him a companion? Poor Bob, I wonder what his life consists of.

His purpose is to take over the world, he's not meant to be happy! Angry flying monkeys are far more effective! He'll have a lot of cloned 'Bobs' when I eventually get around to it though. I still dream of my army :)

(and he has a right hand, just like the rest of us- I'll leave what he gets up to to your imagination!)

S'ok, I've got this one covered >:D
Hell yeah! Show him what you're made of. >:D

He's going down! >:D

At 6/18/07 01:40 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote: Good day fellow NG user's, I'm only about 13 B/P away from getting to my next rank...so now i must be patient...also PenguinLink congrats for getting to level 12. Also at about 6:50 AM this morning i turned 17.

Congrats on the new rank (the portal has been very well behaved today so I imagine you made it), and also congrats on the rank-up IRL!

At 6/18/07 05:25 PM, I-Love-Caitlyn wrote:
Well hey happy b-day to you. God mine isnt until October which is still a while away but it will get here eventually. And im still a ways away from my next rank but i am going at a much faster pace now so i should be able to get there sooner.

September for me, though I've reached the point where birthdays aren't such a big deal anymore. I doubt there will be much difference between 22 year old Sentio and 21 year old Sentio.

And yeah, the portal has been good, though I've been too busy to really exploit it. Still, all points are good points!


Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-18 21:44:54

At 6/17/07 08:25 PM, I-Love-Caitlyn wrote: Everybody i have returned. And thanks EV for depositing for me while i was gone. But i am going to make my way back to the portal as i have some work to do there now. But on a diffrent note how is everybody doing in here b/p and otherwise?

Meh, I'm doing better than I usually do, but it's not too good, even with the lack of school. Damn job, taking my time. But I do like the check

At 6/18/07 01:40 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote: Good day fellow NG user's, I'm only about 13 B/P away from getting to my next rank...so now i must be patient...

Hope you get it soon. I'm like 55 away, and the way the portal is moving, it could take a while

also PenguinLink congrats for getting to level 12. Also at about 6:50 AM this morning i turned 17.

Happy new level to PenguinLink, and happy new age. Hope you get what you wanted.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-18 23:11:28

PenguinLink, congrats on the new level and a happy birthday to Akatsuki321!

I am sorry for being unactive for these past few days or so. I am somewhat tied up with other things right now and I am trying to get things straight.

I have been watching over the portal though for the past few hours to make up for loss time! Hows everyone else doing with their B/Ping?

Any word from Slash yet? Anyone think he gave up on us?

I hope not. :(



Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-19 11:17:04

First, I wanna thank DLJ for stepping up and doing my 5 votes. You = my kneegrow. If by some weird chance I get selected for the $100 for voting, I'll split it with ya.

Second, I'm gonna post every now and then but certainly not like I used to. HOWEVER! There will be new stories on the EGB Forums (the link is in my sig). Check it out today, I started posting the last half of "Dave the Angel."

Third: ????

Fourth, I plan to set up my own site soon. I need a place to put my stories and shit with an address that can fit on a fucking business card. Rachel and Joe basically inspired me to self-publish. They do excellent work and they have the ovaries/balls to take all the risks of being independent.

Well, kids, I suppose that's it. Remember, there is no god.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-19 20:12:21

At 6/19/07 05:30 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote: Good day fellow NG user's. Today was a pretty decent day at the portal i must say. Now the big challenge come when it's going to take 1000 B/P just to get to the next rank. But I'll not falter for i must keep going.

Wait until you get to the 2000 and the 4500 rank. the 1000 ranks are easy if I had my old network and free time like I used to I would have been at the final rank months ago.

On another subject how has you days been going fellow EGB? Mine went the same as anyother work day. Oh and for those who remembered when I had that nasty fire I have good news everything is now back to normal finally. only difference I don't have my free time or old internet network anymore. Have a nice day solider boys and girls ^_^

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-19 20:49:36

At 6/19/07 11:17 AM, Snerd wrote: First, I wanna thank DLJ for stepping up and doing my 5 votes. You = my kneegrow. If by some weird chance I get selected for the $100 for voting, I'll split it with ya.

That's a myth; no one gets the $100 for voting. At least, no one I know of. Tell me if you do/did/know someone who did.

Second, I'm gonna post every now and then but certainly not like I used to. HOWEVER! There will be new stories on the EGB Forums (the link is in my sig). Check it out today, I started posting the last half of "Dave the Angel."

Pretty cool. I haven't read the stories, but the fact that you're making them is awesome. +10 cool points for gotten allusion.

Third: ????


Fourth, I plan to set up my own site soon. I need a place to put my stories and shit with an address that can fit on a fucking business card. Rachel and Joe basically inspired me to self-publish. They do excellent work and they have the ovaries/balls to take all the risks of being independent.

I say start on a freewebs site, until you start getting a lot of hits. Then move into a regular site. That way, you don't lose money, and people can still read you stuff and you can get your name out there.

Well, kids, I suppose that's it. Remember, there is no god.

Nor is there a redesign.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-19 22:08:08

There are places on the internet that print free business cards and you can get about 250 at a time. I was going to use that as sort of a promotional tool for the site. I also want to showcase the talent of other people. This is sort of like an independent publishing company. It's just so I (and anyone else that joins me) can get the attention of people such as comic companies, book publishers, etc. It wouldn't necessarily be for stories or poetry, either. It could also feature artwork. I'm going to talk all of this over with a friend of mine to see what I need to do to get a cheap-ass site that still looks good. If everything works out, I invite all of the members of the EGB with a creative itch to scratch it on my site.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-19 22:43:54

Hey, just thought I'd drop a few lines so yall know I'm still alive and kicking. So far my b/p has slowed down by quite a lot now that those teenage distractions ( Haley and my friends, pets, the mall, and a whole bunch of other crap ) came in and started interfering with my internet life. I promise I'll still work hard to do my fair share of duty around here though. I won't be posting as actively anymore I am sorry to say, but remember I'm here, so don't miss me too much if you miss me at all. I'm off to the portal to rack up some points.

See ya round.

Your source for monthly music producer freebies here // ALL my big sample projects, FREE

I do professional audio critique & commissions. Catch me on YT! If you got music, I'll playlist you!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-20 00:06:56

At 6/19/07 10:43 PM, Andrea364 wrote: So far my b/p has slowed down by quite a lot now...

mine has dropped significanTly tHE last few moths due to a job and Travel. I could still get some done at work (wHere I am Now) if nG wasn't friggIn blocked. Somehow they don't block the bbs which I find odd...

well, that And fLash dOeSn't work hERe except on one computer. stiLl, it wOuLd be nice if i could Just checK out flash and b/p while I was on breaks, ya know?

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-20 02:24:56

At 6/17/07 05:46 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
Well, what can I say? I did pretty good in Biology but such vocabulary is way beyond me.

The internet's second purpose (1st is porn) is to give you this information at the click of a button. You could have just googled it!

Thanks. :) You're also very close in acquiring your next B/P badge, so I'll be ready to congratulate you once you acquire it. :D

I wont make it before I leave this Sunday. I have had a bad week so far and it would take a miracle to make it. Good thing out of that is that when I get back (5th July) I will be motivated to make those few hundred points. Instead of getting back and having 1500 points to make before that happy time when you gain a level.

At 6/17/07 06:07 PM, Sentio wrote:
Not as big as I had hoped...

Maybe Enoll is a better mod option. After all, us aussies are all HUGE!

I'll be getting to as many games as possible next season- to see rougher games you need to go to the lower leagues now though. Crawley Town FTW!

Less skill = less rules = More enjoyable game.

Very true, though I'm still running from memory at the moment :)

What are you trying to say? That im not using my memory! You cant prove that :)

Thanks :D. Could manage it in a couple of months as I'll get a lot more saves at home than blams. Might pause at 20k each if it works out that way.

Still a while to go if thats the case. It would be an awesome achievement if you could make it. How annoying would it be if you made the 20k each mark and then some mods deleted those flagged entries and you got 1 extra save or something. Like whats happened to Denvish. That would annoy the shit out of me.

Damn, Sterockicy is pwning Sentio. :P

Thanks, keep the put downs aimed at Sentio coming. Maybe he will chicken out because of the pressure of losing.

You speak too soon!

You speak too much!


Mannose > Xylulose > Maltose > Lactose > Galactose > Fructose > Sucrose > Glucose

Allose > Mannose > Xylulose > Maltose > Lactose > Galactose > Fructose > Sucrose > Glucose

Allose is very rare too so I get extra ownage points for that!



4 days till camp!

Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-20 03:39:13

Well let me just brag about something while I still can because it's soon gonna be wrong. I'm finally in the top 20 but soon X-naut will catch up so I'm just glad I made it this far, any comments?

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-20 04:16:07

At 6/20/07 03:39 AM, Phantom wrote: Well let me just brag about something while I still can because it's soon gonna be wrong. I'm finally in the top 20 but soon X-naut will catch up so I'm just glad I made it this far, any comments?

Congrats? Its sort of a good but also weird moment isnt it. You are happy because you made the top 20 but also weird because you know it wont be for long and there isnt much you want/can do about it.

Congratulations on making the top 20 anyways! Take a screen shot, print it out and hang it on your wall. Its an achievement most of us will never make so you should feel priviledged you had the chance to do so at all.


Do you have 2,500+ b/p points? Are you looking for an intelligent club where you can discuss NG related and unrelated topics? Join the Elite Guard Barracks!

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-20 05:11:30

At 6/18/07 01:37 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
At 6/18/07 09:12 AM, Coop83 wrote:
It's barbed-wire. Bob's just the guy who wraps it around the glove.
SAWREE. I realized that once I had posted the damn thing. All this talk about Bob has got me traumatized. :P

Did you ever stop to think how bad poor Robert feels about all this?

At 6/18/07 06:57 PM, Sentio wrote:
At 6/18/07 09:12 AM, Coop83 wrote: Oh it needn't be ominous, so long as I get what I want ;)
It depends what you want...

I'll save it for when I want something ;) I can wait for now >:)

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-20 06:59:16

At 6/19/07 10:08 PM, Snerd wrote: the guy's plan

Not a bad idea. The business cards may not be a good idea, seeing how you live North Carolina, and only the people there will be able to get the cards. Maybe an email to every publisher would work better, and a mass showcase on NG too.

Well, I'm sure I can find a couple of website designers that could/would do it for free, and there are sites that offer hosting really cheap.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-20 09:58:39

At 6/20/07 06:59 AM, TheThing wrote:
At 6/19/07 10:08 PM, Snerd wrote: the guy's plan
Not a bad idea. The business cards may not be a good idea, seeing how you live North Carolina, and only the people there will be able to get the cards. Maybe an email to every publisher would work better, and a mass showcase on NG too.

Well, I'm sure I can find a couple of website designers that could/would do it for free, and there are sites that offer hosting really cheap.

Thanks. I'd have to wait a while on the hosting, though, because I only have a little money.

I have a friend in California. I could get him to spread some business cards around there. I'm sure if I asked, some of the people here would be willing to spread a few around. That way, I don't just have people from here. My friend in California also has a YouTube account and a webcam, so I could get some free commercials.

If all of that fails, I'll go to England, escape from handcuffs, and return to America a star (what Houdini did).

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-20 12:41:00

At 6/20/07 09:58 AM, Snerd wrote: If all of that fails, I'll go to England, escape from handcuffs, and return to America a star (what Houdini did).

I highly doubt what worked for houdini would work for you. Cause well he was known as an escape artist and well your a storie writer. Idk but to me that's a pretty big diffrence. But you could try it just for the hell of it and for shits and giggles but idk about the results of it. But hey it's your stories do what you must.

At 6/20/07 06:59 AM, TheThing wrote: Not a bad idea. The business cards may not be a good idea, seeing how you live North Carolina, and only the people there will be able to get the cards. Maybe an email to every publisher would work better, and a mass showcase on NG too.

Yeah that's seems to me like the best way to go about it. Because ot might get alot of publicity that way.

When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-20 15:04:18

At 6/20/07 12:41 PM, I-Love-Caitlyn wrote: I highly doubt what worked for houdini would work for you. Cause well he was known as an escape artist and well your a storie writer.

You know I'm not serious about that, right?

At 6/20/07 06:59 AM, TheThing wrote: Not a bad idea. The business cards may not be a good idea, seeing how you live North Carolina, and only the people there will be able to get the cards. Maybe an email to every publisher would work better, and a mass showcase on NG too.
Yeah that's seems to me like the best way to go about it. Because ot might get alot of publicity that way.

Well, I've put my stories on places all over this here interweb. I just think that instead of scattering them, my best bet would be to have them in one location. Unfortunately, a lot of places where I've put my stories are no longer around. Luckily, I saved them. I'll still continue to share some stories on the EGB Forums and stuff, but "s4.invisionfree.com/lickmyballsbitchorillmur deryourpetgoat" isn't really catchy. It's also very unprofessional. I need something that someone can rememer and tell their friends about. So it's not just about function, it's about marketability. I need to come up with a name and some sort of logo. I also plan to make a trip to some local universities to see if they have a print shop. Typically, they'll print things for you if you pay them. This is going to be a quick, efficient independent publishing company. It's guerilla publishing.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-20 18:06:51

At 6/17/07 05:46 PM, PenguinLink wrote: You gotta love the dialogue in these games.

I love the dialogue. I just never liked how it feels that almost half of the game is mostly dialogue. My thumb hurts from going from text box to text box.

Also, grats on the new level.

At 6/19/07 08:12 PM, LittleWashu wrote: On another subject how has you days been going fellow EGB?

Pretty well, actually. I'm still trying to find a job. And I've been spending most of my spare time in the theater, since there are some good movies finally coming out.

At 6/20/07 03:39 AM, Phantom wrote: any comments?

Not really, lulz.

Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-20 18:16:01

At 6/20/07 03:04 PM, Snerd wrote:
At 6/20/07 12:41 PM, I-Love-Caitlyn wrote: I highly doubt what worked for houdini would work for you. Cause well he was known as an escape artist and well your a storie writer.
You know I'm not serious about that, right?

Yeah i knoe but i still thought i would say something about it just to be funny and such. But i knew you would not try anything like that.

. I need something that someone can rememer and tell their friends about. So it's not just about function, it's about marketability. I need to come up with a name and some sort of logo. I also plan to make a trip to some local universities to see if they have a print shop. Typically, they'll print things for you if you pay them. This is going to be a quick, efficient independent publishing company. It's gorilla publishing.

Well sounds like you got it all figured out except for the name, logo, and all that other stuff that goes with it.

When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-20 20:23:57

At 6/20/07 03:04 PM, Snerd wrote:
At 6/20/07 12:41 PM, I-Love-Caitlyn wrote: I highly doubt what worked for houdini would work for you. Cause well he was known as an escape artist and well your a storie writer.
You know I'm not serious about that, right?
At 6/20/07 06:59 AM, TheThing wrote: Not a bad idea. The business cards may not be a good idea, seeing how you live North Carolina, and only the people there will be able to get the cards. Maybe an email to every publisher would work better, and a mass showcase on NG too.
Yeah that's seems to me like the best way to go about it. Because ot might get alot of publicity that way.
Well, I've put my stories on places all over this here interweb. I just think that instead of scattering them, my best bet would be to have them in one location. Unfortunately, a lot of places where I've put my stories are no longer around. Luckily, I saved them. I'll still continue to share some stories on the EGB Forums and stuff, but "s4.invisionfree.com/lickmyballsbitchorillmur deryourpetgoat" isn't really catchy. It's also very unprofessional. I need something that someone can rememer and tell their friends about. So it's not just about function, it's about marketability. I need to come up with a name and some sort of logo. I also plan to make a trip to some local universities to see if they have a print shop. Typically, they'll print things for you if you pay them. This is going to be a quick, efficient independent publishing company. It's guerilla publishing.

I just thought that the business cards might only be useful to spread the name around your town/area and your friend's town/area, and I'll try to hand some out too.

Yes, "licking your balls or you'll kill my goat.com" isn't the best website title. I don't know, maybe just "snerd publishing.com" would work. You could specialize in Sci-Fi and fantasy, you know, nerdy things, although at first you have to keep it open.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-20 20:34:04

At 6/20/07 02:24 AM, Sterockicy wrote:
At 6/17/07 06:07 PM, Sentio wrote:
Not as big as I had hoped...
Maybe Enoll is a better mod option. After all, us aussies are all HUGE!

LMAO (sorry, couldn't control myself)

What are you trying to say? That im not using my memory! You cant prove that :)

Not this time, but if you can top this...

Allose > Mannose > Xylulose > Maltose > Lactose > Galactose > Fructose > Sucrose > Glucose

Godnose > Allose > Mannose > Xylulose > Maltose > Lactose > Galactose > Fructose > Sucrose > Glucose

Allose is very rare too so I get extra ownage points for that!

Here's the description of mine- a bit of a cheat as it is an artificial molecule that isn't a sugar, but the name and story are awesome:


Ok, so this is a bit of a cheat, since it's not an official molecular name...but it makes a nice story. When Albert Szent-Gyorgyi isolated ascorbic acid and published his findings, he called the new substance 'ignose' since he was convinced it was a sugar that resembled glucose and fructose, but was ignorant of its structure. When the journal editor refused to accept ignose as a sensible name, Szent-Gyorgyi suggested 'Godnose' instead! Alas the editor was neither imaginative nor humorous, and suggested that a more proper name had to be used. The structure of the carbohydrate was elucidated in collaboration with Haworth at Birmingham and the alternative name given was hexuronic acid (hex = six). During the same period (1928–1931), Charles Glen King of the Columbia University of USA isolated Vitamin C from lemon juice and it was observed that hexuronic acid and Vitamin C were identical. Szent-Györgyi documents the episode in the essay "Lost in the Twentieth Century," which is in Volume 32 of the Annual Review of Biochemistry, and dates from 1963.



Sig by lebastic

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-20 21:28:26

Hello Soliders! I can't wait until I become elite guard statis! SIRS!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-20 21:37:28

At 6/20/07 09:28 PM, manwithcity wrote: Hello Soliders! I can't wait until I become elite guard statis! SIRS!

Sorry, son, but you can't wait to become an Elite Guard here. Try asking at the NGPD for a membership. I'm too lazy to find the link

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-20 22:37:46

God what is Stero and Sentio up to? Although the story Sentio posted about the godnose was pretty cool i dont know why you two are trying to out do each other. On a totally diffrent note, I just got back from alittle gaming tornament with my gf on msn it was very fun and entertaining although i lost most of the matches.

When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-21 00:14:17

At 6/18/07 01:40 PM, Akatsuki321 wrote:
PenguinLink congrats for getting to level 12. Also at about 6:50 AM this morning i turned 17.

Thanks. I hope you had a nice Birthday and congratulations on obtaining your new rank.

At 6/18/07 06:57 PM, Sentio wrote:
It looks like the right place... there's a bunk with my name on it, so it must be! Perhaps the 'Everyone Gets a Bunk' Club?

Perhaps, but I still feel we're in the wrong place...

I still dream of my army :)

Oh teh noes! This is Bobness! (300 joke, ftw. Meh. It's not funny. My humor fails.)

(and he has a right hand, just like the rest of us- I'll leave what he gets up to to your imagination!)


At 6/18/07 09:44 PM, TheThing wrote:
Happy new level to PenguinLink.

Thanks, meng.

At 6/18/07 11:11 PM, DarkLotusJuggalo wrote:
PenguinLink, congrats on the new level.

Thanks. Welcome back. :)

At 6/19/07 08:12 PM, LittleWashu wrote:
Oh and for those who remembered when I had that nasty fire I have good news everything is now back to normal finally. only difference I don't have my free time or old internet network anymore.

Hey there. That's great to hear. :)

At 6/20/07 02:24 AM, Sterockicy wrote:
You could have just googled it!

You cheater. :P

What are you trying to say? That im not using my memory! You cant prove that :)

Oh really?

Maybe he will chicken out because of the pressure of losing.

"You speak too soon!" © Sentio's Words, Inc.

Allose is very rare too so I had to google it.


At 6/20/07 03:39 AM, Phantom wrote:
any comments?

No. There I commented. Seriously, though, congratulations. Great work, sir. :)

At 6/20/07 05:11 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Did you ever stop to think how bad poor Robert feels about all this?

Sentio doesn't mind. Right bud? :P

I'll save it for when I want something ;) I can wait for now >:)

Watch out for Bob, though. He is a dangerous little fellow when he sees that Sentio is in danger.

At 6/20/07 06:06 PM, X-Naut wrote:
I love the dialogue. I just never liked how it feels that almost half of the game is mostly dialogue. My thumb hurts from going from text box to text box.

Heh, I can relate to that. But, aren't all RPG's like that?

Also, grats on the new level.

Thanks, meng.

And I've been spending most of my spare time in the theater, since there are some good movies finally coming out.

Hey, since you're going there frequently, would it be too much of a favor to ask if you could bring us a few snacks every now and then? :P

At 6/20/07 08:34 PM, Sentio wrote:
Godnose > Allose > Mannose > Xylulose > Maltose > Lactose > Galactose > Fructose > Sucrose > Glucose

This couldn't get any tenser.


I'm in awe. Godnose for the win! >:D



Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-21 01:31:31

Did anyone notice the portal looks a bit messed up because of this week's underdog winner? I hate it when crap like that gets anything at all, Tom and Wade should just wake the fuck up and make sure NG isn't invaded by the freaking KK...

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2007-06-21 01:37:51

At 6/21/07 01:31 AM, Phantom wrote: Did anyone notice the portal looks a bit messed up because of this week's underdog winner? I hate it when crap like that gets anything at all, Tom and Wade should just wake the fuck up and make sure NG isn't invaded by the freaking KK...

Yeah i just cam from the portal and noticed the weird diffrence, Damn now we will all have to put up with that for a week now. It might get annoying after a while but why and how did it get underdog?

When life gives you lemons, be glad it didn't give you herpes.

BBS Signature