At 5/17/07 04:10 AM, arianna1 wrote:
I am still around, just not b/p'ing as much as before, not that I was ever really fast at it anyway.
It's a good thing you're still B/Ping. :) I shall be ready to congratulate you once you reach level 15, which is an awesome level. :D
At 5/17/07 07:19 PM, pwroftheseagoat wrote:
Well I may not have gotten all 100+ points from that attack but it was enough to make me an Elite Guard General!! :D :D
Congratulations. Keep up the great work, General. :)
At 5/17/07 08:00 PM, X-Naut wrote:
The pink elephants can play some good tunes, I will admit. Too bad I can't say much about their dancing either.
Yes, their dancing is horrible. Comes to say that Elephants weren't meant for dancing, now were they? :3
But give the cut down a try. And just make sure if you see those elephants again, don't get too close to them when they're in the middle of a musical number. Because I'm not sure if many of the members here are fond of squashed penguin. :o
Having endured many injuries before, being squashed by two pink elephants wouldn't be too surprising. But I'll try to avoid them nevertheless. :)
At 5/18/07 01:35 AM, Sentio wrote:
And a sad farewell to my baseball bat :(.
Congratulations, on your shiny, wait, I mean rusty pipe. :) I am also fairly close on acquiring Level 12.
At 5/18/07 07:58 PM, ArtDanVal wrote:
I am also happy to announce that I am an EGSC, at long last after a little over a year of B/Ping.
Congratulations, ArtDanVal. I'm assuming it must be an awesome feeling the second you acquire it. :)
At 5/19/07 03:23 PM, EagleRock wrote:
*PenguinLink stands up straight, tucks in his shirt, and takes the last bite of the taco he has been eating, and salutes Sir EagleRock heartily.*
Sir, PenguinLink reporting for duty, Sir! :D
At 5/20/07 03:01 AM, Sterockicy wrote:
Elite Guard First Lieutenant! (11,000 b/p points)
Congratulations. Keep up the great work, Lieutenant. :)
At 5/20/07 06:10 PM, Dela wrote:
Say hello to to Praporshchik Dela.
Congratulations. Keep it up. :)
At 5/20/07 07:56 PM, Sentio wrote:
I'll be making 33,000 B/P later tonight.
Congratulations! Keep it up and you'll be in the top 50 in no time. :)
At 5/20/07 08:38 PM, Dante-Son-Of-Sparda wrote:
hey thanks man I needed them
If you post in here once more with a one-lined post, then I will consider it as spam. Sentio and I have told you in the past that if you're going to post in here, post legitimate comments that are above one line. It has come to the point that giving you advice to not post such short comments in here is worthless, because 1) You're not carefully reading our posts, or 2) You don't care. Please improve your posting habits if you're going to post in here and this shall be the last time I will tell you this.
On an unrelated note, I became an Elite Guard Colonel today. One of my favorite badges. :)