At 1/4/07 12:39 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:
I wonder where Phantom is when we need him in the front line. Until he comes back with new stragedies, everyone, fire as fast and violent as possible on those SS craps! As an EGLG myself, I refuse to bow down to the Chrome and let his craps get through. Die, loading screens, die!!!!!
Hmm, let's see...checking the officer list...I don't see you on it. Therefore, before you get the balls to tell my members how they should vote, I'd defect to an Officer to make that decision. If Phantom nor I are around, collaboration of the other officers are next.
At 1/4/07 11:43 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:
God, the SS are launching another raid in the portal. I took my responsibility by voting 0 on those undeserving (a few of them are decent though) craps.
Let's see...*rummages though the FAQ and previous posts*...I believe I distinctly said not to tell others how you vote in this thread. That alone will cause bias.
At 1/5/07 02:08 PM, PenguinLink wrote:
At 1/5/07 02:02 PM, Phantom wrote:
You weren't an enthusiast...
That little convo between you two really cracked me up. Love it.
At 1/5/07 02:15 PM, Phantom wrote:
And besides, I only have to salute to Peter, and I can salute to any one in the ranks who I choose to.
Okay then. Get to it. :-)
At 1/5/07 09:39 PM, Hemlok wrote:
At 1/5/07 09:18 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:
I like the idea, but it really does not affect me as I always keep a steady pace anyway. In addition to the new idea, I suggest deleting those members who are inactive for 1 month from the roster. What do you think?
It isn't suppose to affect the active B/Pers, it's suppose to affect the inactive B/Pers. I was thinking members have one chance to screw up, then they are out of the Barracks. Unless of cpurse they have an excuse, like they are on vacation or something like that. I am still waiting an approval from Phantom or EagleRock. Most likely Phantom.
Good question. Dealing with inactives is under the jurisdiction of the Barracks Records Officer. As our Records Officer is a much bigger stat-whore than me, I defect to his knowledge on this matter. Major-punk originally set up an inactivity policy based on your post count in the Barracks and whether or not you have an officer. I ask Major-punk to address this issue.
At 1/5/07 07:42 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:
From now now, please VOTE 0 on ANY KIND of SS loading screens and those craps that they put no efforts or what so ever. Even if you vote 1, it will give them a chance to pass. Our goal is to terminate all the SS craps because they show no respect to the portal. Everyone, find your weapon and VOTE 0 on the enemies!!!!!!
At 1/5/07 11:27 PM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:
Damn, what the hell is wrong with the SS people? >:( The portal is now full of their shit. To be honest, I have not enjoyed 2007 nearly as much as 2006 in the portal because of their craps. Now I have a plan to blam the shit of their unworthy craps, and the stragedy should work if God is on our side. Listen: everyone now votes 0 on those SS craps and votes 0 on them AGAIN right after 12:00. I do not think that their worthless shit can withstand our double blams. >:)
I will say this again. You are NOT a Barracks Officer, and you CANNOT tell others how to vote. And, for the record, even if Phantom said this, I'd be pissed too. You're really pushing my limit this time.
At 1/6/07 12:53 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:
Washu, do you TRULY think that their craps that can be done by a 3 years old in 5 minutes DESERVE anything else but 0?
She has a complete right as a Barracks member to have her own fucking opinion on a flash. If she finds it worthy of any number, she has all the right to do so. And, last I checked, you're not supposed to say how you vote at all. When was the last time I said how I voted on something? NEVER. Why? Because I don't want to influence others. Let's say someone thought that a flash deserved 3, but I mentioned it deserved a 1. Maybe they would second-guess themselves and re-evaluate the flash with a biased point of view (namely, mine). Then, they start to search for flaws in the flash, as they are trying to justify why I would have voted a 1. Afterwards, they end up voting a 1 themselves after searching. It's a psychological effect that I've studied not only in my psych classes, but my graduate management classes. A manager's bias is so powerful (and yet so subtle) that an otherwise excellent employee can be set up for failure within the first day of his or her employment.
True, this effect will not be as strong here, but it is in the end a version of mass-voting. We are AGAINST mass-voters, and employing any method they use will only make us as bad as them. If we purposely vote 0 against their flash, they basically have won. They have forced us to succumb to their practices, which makes us hypocrites. I am NOT a hypocrite, and I do not need to be labeled one because of certain members who like to stir the waters.
If not, then there is nothing wrong to vote 0 and encourage others voting 0 on them.
Please see above for my explanation on this.
At 1/6/07 01:32 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:
At 1/6/07 01:22 AM, PenguinLink wrote:
Whoa, hold on their buddy! The Elite Guard Barracks do not hate or are against any crews! Why do you speak for all of us? You said all of us here hate the SS. That is your personal opinion, not ours as a whole. It seems like you didn't listen to what LittleWashu told you. These kinds of comments are what makes us look bad. Crews will think we are against them and think therefore that we vote 0's on all their submissions, believing we are some mass voting idiots just like them.
I'm glad someone gets it around here.
Young man, you are incorrect on this one. Before you joined the EGB, there used to be a place called EGB war room in the forum segment which Eagle made it clear that we would act AGAINST the Barney Bunch which had the habits of swapping files during their heydays. I am not against any crew. In fact, I love the SS entries WHEN they are serious. But what we cannot bear is crews submitting entries without putting efforts and mass voting on their entries with the purpose of pissing off people. If the SS can quit their recent raid in the portal and take flash as a serious business, we will open our arms and support them.
Okaaay. This paragraph is a bastion of equivocalities and contradiction. First off, he's not incorrect. Second, I specificially said not to mention the war room outside if it, especially in this thread. Third, I NEVER said I hated the Barney Bunch, I simply stated we need to find a way to stop them. If you remember, it was not voting 0 on the flash, but rather tracking down what flash they used (before the fileswap) and determine if it was a double-submit. Then, we were able to flag it based on that rule. Nothing wrong, nothing mass-voting, just pure justice.
Lastly, your contradiction is that you have nothing against the SS, yet you tell the Barracks to openly vote 0 on all their flash. What kind of a fucked up mentality is that? This is exactly why I say take every flash as you see it, NOT to develop prejudices against a group. If the Barney Bunch, in the midst of a crappy submit-fest, submit a great flash that deserves to be protected, then it should be protected! SIMPLE AS THAT.
Those of you that know me know it takes a lot to piss me off. However, let me make this clear:
WE ARE NOT FUCKING MASS-VOTERS. I WILL NOT TOLERATE PEOPLE TELLING OTHERS HOW TO VOTE OR EVEN HOW THEY HAVE VOTED. I have had to deal with too much shit from moderater because of people fucking around on this thread. Do you get it, or do I have to write it in crayon?
And DoD, you better fucking straighten your ass up. If you want to stay here so bad, get the fuck in line and quit going against everything I say. I've set up rules around here for a fucking reason. If you have some reason to doubt what I say, you better address it to me now.