I got...
A digital camera
a Wacom Tablet
some dvds
and... A PS3 :D
My little brother got a Wii though, so that's basically me getting a Wii, because I can use it anytime I want, because I can beat him up :P
You RICH bastard!! :D
You are very lucky indeed. :3
I got an electronic drum kit >:D
Came with:
-Two toms
-Kick drum.
And of course two pedals.
It's a bloody lovely piece of work :). I shall piss my Mum when it's late at night off for years to come :D.
Seriously, I'm lucky to have such a nice family, they're too good to me :').
However, I doubt this was cheap :/. I shall be eating rice, served from a paper bowl until nect Christmas.
And condolences to those that had a shitty Christmas :'(. I've had a rough time this year, but all you have to do is believe on your capability, (Gawd, can't get much more cheese can we?).
Christmas isn't about material objects however; so Washu, just be glad you're okay :).
Love you all <33333
Merry Christmas ^-^ xx