At 1/10/06 03:05 PM, _TheFallenOne_ wrote: What?! are you kidding me? 8 hours!!! i only have 2 hours!
Well that is why you are an EGP and I’m not… I wasted my life in the portal and now have no social skills or education.
well, i really don't know :s i shure hope not, and i think the BB aren't that smart, or are they?
You're right... No way are they smart enough to watch us... I’ve heard it wasn’t even a BB member who submitted the pop up flashes... they are getting really a minor concern now...
you do that...
I'll have to... It's useless for now... I might hardly have ny time in the portal... I like posting much more...
no! you sead the words!
What words. Classified Intel is the only word I said. Correct? * shoves an elbow into _TheFallenOne_ as he is about to say "no, you said...*
i don't think anyone in NG history has ever achieved such a high number, i think the highest is somthing about 40-55,000 b/p points. i'll take like 10 years before you reach that amount.
Ehhm… 50 K? Really? Thr truth is out there.
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.