At 12/17/06 02:00 AM, Dream-of-Duke wrote:
Stats-whore or not, Eagle. Let's say that I want to blam those undeserving entries. However, I cannot get them blammed by myself. If I post here and say: "Hey, let's all blam those undeserving entries to hell." You are going to say that I call for mass voting in order to get the entries blammed. Then you will say that EGB is against mass voting and blah blah blah... Anyway, Eagle, like it or not, there are going to be many stats-whores voting 2. Even if I vote 0 on those entries, they will be saved anyway unless WE mass vote 0 to get them blammed. But since you are against mass voting, I am not going to post here and ask everyone to vote 0 in order to get those undeserving entries blammed. Personally, if I vote 0 or 1 on an undeserving entry, but it still passes the judgement, I will feel sorry for myself because I failed to stop the craps from getting in. Let's face it, we will need more than my 0 to get those flashes blammed. So Eagle, here comes the problem: If I vote 0 and tell everyone else to vote 0, you are going to say that I am calling for mass voting. If I just vote 0 and do nothing else, those entries are going to be saved which means that we failed to stop the craps from getting into the portal. If I vote 2, you are going to blame me for being a stats-whore. Eagle, I have no clue what to do, tell me!!! >:(
You're missing the whole point. I am telling you to do NOTHING but vote fairly. If we can encourage people to vote fairly, quite simply, we are going to be able to get the correct vote out of people. Whether or not that vote is 0 or 2 for a particular flash is regardless. The point is that you do not CARE whether it gets blammed or protected. Instead, you convince people that a fair vote is the right one. That way, undeserving flash do NOT get protected by mass-voters, while those that are deserving of passing judgement are passed. It could not be simpler.
If you need me to tell you how to vote, vote this way: VOTE WHAT YOU THINK THE FLASH IS WORTH. If you think it sucks, give it a 1 or 0. If you think it's good enough to pass, give it a 2-5, depending on how good it is. NO OTHER FACTOR should be brought into your judgement, especially wondering whether or not you are going to get the point. If you are so worried about your precious points, don't worry. if enough people follow suit and vote fairly, it will either pass or fail justly and not by mass-voting means. And right now, you are right...your 0 will not be enough to blam it. However, the more people that believe in this and fight for it will add to the power of fair voting. Eventually, mass-voters will not be able to overpower those that are voting fairly, and the flash will be blammed (or protected) fairly and justly. Eventually, if enough flash follow this trend, stat-whores will follow suit, breaking mass-voter's power forever. Therefore, your points will eventually be swung toward what is right, not what mass-voters want. It is a long-term goal, but it is a just one nonetheless.
I am still not convinced you are only voting 2 just because you think the flash is funny. But if you do think it's funny, and feel it deserves a 2, then give it a 2. However, if another flash is sucky and deserves a 1 or a 0, give it a 1 or a 0. Don't create a "rule" for voting on any particular type of flash, judge each one as it comes. You are apparently having difficulty determining that you do not have to vote the same on flash from the same group. It is fully possible to blam one, for example, Kitty Krew flash, then save the next one. Take each as it comes, and be unselfish about the points. If you do that, you'll eventually get the points you deserve by voting fairly. I really don't think I could explain it clearer.
Either way, it's late and I need sleep.
And STOP with the damn talkback to the spammers, even if you're "talking to yourself." IGNORE THE SPAMMER AND LEAVE HIM ALONE.
I'm done for the night.