Favorite level hands down is 16.
Fuckin hate lvl 11 and 9 and under love level 10 though.
Favorite level hands down is 16.
Fuckin hate lvl 11 and 9 and under love level 10 though.
I'm still here, too, checking in on what's written just keeping quiet. I'd like to hit level 14 before the levels all change. It will be worth if if it becomes possible to level up more than 2x per year despite daily deposits. I kind of like all the levels past the hand ones. Once the weapons ones started, that seemed pretty cool.
Thanks to Washu's advice and pep talks, I finally reached deity whistle, too. That makes the profile look better. I am also ahead of schedule on b/p points and may go further than first lieutenant by the end of the year. It has become an ambition now to have one of the high level accounts and yet be pretty much a complete unknown. Should be easy, given the very low post count.
Maybe I should start writing reviews again? I hate to do that for UJ flashes though since if they don't make it, you lose the review. Oh well, that's probably my next line of attack. I still manage to miss most of the blams, though. My protect points are way up! Pretty soon, they will surpass the blam points, which surprises me because I still think I blam more than protect and yet the way the points look, it appears to be the opposite.
At 11/10/06 12:56 AM, LittleWashu wrote: Just hate levels 10,12, 17,18, and 25.
What's with all the boxing glove and gauntlet hate?
At 11/10/06 02:41 AM, arianna1 wrote: My protect points are way up!
Wish I could say the same. :(
Filler text.
Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.
Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.
At 11/10/06 03:29 AM, Tantera wrote: What's with all the boxing glove and gauntlet hate?
I don't know, I like all of those levels...
Wish I could say the same. :(
Heh, me as well, but enjoy having a shit load more of Blam points than Protects, symbolizes that there is still more crap out there to wiped out.
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
speaking of levels I like 15,17,18-20 cas theyre very cool, i don't like wands and other stuff, cas they don't do real damage...
At 11/10/06 07:32 AM, dawin45 wrote: speaking of levels I like 15,17,18-20 cas theyre very cool, i don't like wands and other stuff, cas they don't do real damage...
Yeah, 23 is what ramagi gracefully called the "ear plug", I don't remember exactly her words, but she had a point.
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
hello i am just checking in to see how everything is going and i have a questio i keep flagging reveiws and do i need to tell someone or just click abusive on the reveiw?
You guys are talking about levels and you forgot the mention the BEST level icon... Level 28, the golden hammer! That just looks bad-ass and all powerful.
At 11/10/06 10:08 AM, pepeatumi wrote: You guys are talking about levels and you forgot the mention the BEST level icon... Level 28, the golden hammer! That just looks bad-ass and all powerful.
I like it, but not as much as level 25, that just looks like it could bitch slap anything.
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
My fav level has to be level 10, as I am about to leave this accursed level and enter a new rank of greatness in about 10 days. Seriously I am quite fond of level 12 with the barbed wire glove (I think thats right).
I don't mind the hand levels from 9-12, but once you've had them for a while they do get boring. When I first got to level 12 it was great- now it has been there so long I hate it. Hopefully I should just squeeze into level 13 before they all get updated- it depends how long it is being delayed. My guess would be that it will be happening mid to late December, although obviously I have no idea.
As for what rank I will move to, I'm guessing about level 18. I'd like to point out that there is no guarentee that level 18 will be the same as it currently is though. My guess would be that the 30 new levels will be interspersed between the current 30, so that what is now level 18 could be somewhere in the mid 20s after the update etc. I would certainly expect the current level 30 icon to be up in the late 50s. They may even remove levels completely- a lot of 1-9 could be removed/changed to make them more interesting.
Ok, speculation over- can't wait to wake up one morning and see that everything has changed :)
Sig by lebastic
At 11/10/06 10:08 AM, pepeatumi wrote: You guys are talking about levels and you forgot the mention the BEST level icon... Level 28, the golden hammer! That just looks bad-ass and all powerful.
Right on! That's my favorite level icon as well. At least for now that is. Also, I saw Borat last night and It really wasn't that great. It had it's moments and all but I'm going to stick with Da Ali G show for now.
Sorry for not posting this week, I had to do community service from 5-8 pm as punishment for graffiting. But it was nice to take a week off BPing. I do have good news, though. I'm free all thanksgiving week so I'll get a good average that week.
At 11/10/06 01:28 PM, Hemlok wrote:
Also, I saw Borat last night and It really wasn't that great. It had it's moments and all but I'm going to stick with Da Ali G show for now.
I saw it last night, too, but personally, I loved it. Towards the ending it got pretty boring but overall it was fucking hilarioussssssssssss
I'll assume you mean the Borat from the show, personally I never liked it too much. But the Ali G show is ok.
As for the levels, I like every thing excluding 23, 11 & 1-9... And I can't wait for the new levels either, but I doubt I'll live to see the old level 14 before it changes.
Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC
NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.
I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.
At 11/10/06 02:49 PM, Phantom wrote: I'll assume you mean the Borat from the show,
Yeah, we're talking about the movie out on theaters now
At 11/10/06 10:08 AM, pepeatumi wrote: You guys are talking about levels and you forgot the mention the BEST level icon... Level 28, the golden hammer! That just looks bad-ass and all powerful.
that is level 27 man level 28 is the golden axe! but level 29 is better then both thoses levels it is even better then level 30 as well.
At 11/10/06 05:58 PM, LittleWashu wrote:
that is level 27 man level 28 is the golden axe! but level 29 is better then both thoses levels it is even better then level 30 as well.
My mistake. Personally, I don't like level 29, it just looks a little bit too girly for my tastes..
I can't wait to see my new level when the new website layout comes out this November or December. I will be so happy seeing that everything has change. Change is a good thing, for some people at least.
At 11/10/06 06:01 PM, pepeatumi wrote:At 11/10/06 05:58 PM, LittleWashu wrote:My mistake. Personally, I don't like level 29, it just looks a little bit too girly for my tastes..
that is level 27 man level 28 is the golden axe! but level 29 is better then both thoses levels it is even better then level 30 as well.
It just looks like a closer look at level 23 to me. I don't like it that much either.
At 11/10/06 10:08 AM, pepeatumi wrote: You guys are talking about levels and you forgot the mention the BEST level icon... Level 28, the golden hammer! That just looks bad-ass and all powerful.
Meh, I prefer the regular hammer, I like how it's all gritty-looking. The golden hammer looks too much like a gold brick.
At 11/10/06 05:58 PM, LittleWashu wrote: but level 29 is better then both thoses levels it is even better then level 30 as well.
Well, it is a pimp cane. What level doesn't it beat?
Filler text.
Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.
Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.
At 11/10/06 06:11 PM, Seamonky wrote: I can't wait to see my new level when the new website layout comes out this November or December. I will be so happy seeing that everything has change. Change is a good thing, for some people at least.
i agree with you. The new icons will give Newgrounds a fresher look and more up to date. I think that ill love the new icons
Socially-Failed and I present another piece of magnificent flashwork, awaiting your viewing pleasure.
Prepare to weep at the soul-stirring creation we have forged.
still don't have my own computer yet..
AND I'm grounded!...
might not be very active for a while... :P..
Hi Slash :)
At 11/10/06 07:32 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Prepare to weep at the soul-stirring creation we have forged.
I protected it Slash. Is it gonna pass?
My favorite level icon is probably the chain, Level 19. I am SO far away from it.
At 11/10/06 07:43 PM, homer8722 wrote:At 11/10/06 07:32 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Prepare to weep at the soul-stirring creation we have forged.I protected it Slash. Is it gonna pass?
I dunno. Socially-Failed submitted it, and apparently they turned off the see-the-score thing for authors (which I totally don't understand why they'd do that). But they've all passed before, so maybe. :-D
If not, oh well.
At 11/10/06 07:43 PM, Cool-Points wrote:Hi Slash :)
At 11/10/06 07:32 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: Socially-Failed and I present another piece of magnificent flashwork, awaiting your viewing pleasure.
I voted to save it. Hope it passes.
Prepare to weep at the soul-stirring creation we have forged.
Ya, it's nice.
A whiny lil newbie-person was on General, earlier, whining about Socially-Failed and my flashes (the guy my our latest flash is about).
But a mod apparently thought it was Socially-Failed alt's, used to promote our flashes. And gave Socially-Failed a 30-day ban. Boooo.
Just so y'all know.
At 11/10/06 09:13 PM, Hemlok wrote: STOLEN
Nice find, I whistled it and I got the knockout blow on that movie.
As for the Socially-Failed ban, couldn't mod have done like an IP search to make sure if it was an alt or not?
At 11/10/06 09:22 PM, pepeatumi wrote: As for the Socially-Failed ban, couldn't mod have done like an IP search to make sure if it was an alt or not?
I guess they can't, or they'd know it wasn't him.
I thought they could, too...