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The Elite Guard Barracks

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-09 16:44:07

At 8/9/06 12:59 PM, Major_punk wrote: Warped Tour,

You lucky bastard :D I wanted to go there myself ( at montreal ) but my parents dont want to bring me and my friends there :(

maybe next time :S


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-09 17:47:28

Sir Zero_X700 reproting for duty. Will be EG private in one week.Sir

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-09 18:12:36

At 8/9/06 05:47 PM, Zero_X700 wrote: Sir Zero_X700 reproting for duty. Will be EG private in one week.Sir

Excellent! We look forward to your promotion, so that you may join up with us! Good luck!


Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-09 18:44:13

At 8/9/06 12:59 PM, Major_punk wrote: then Saturday I'm going to Warped Tour. =)

Sounds like fun. Wish I could go. :(

Only 6 days away! I'll be staying up the 24 hours through Clock Day, anyone else planning this?

I may. Last time I stayed up for 24 hours, I was in a daze the whole day, and nearly fell asleep too many times. It's a strange feeling.

And I have Clock Day off from work. So I don't get to miss too many Clock Day submissions. :D

Filler text.

Because this space needs to be bigger than it already should be.

Jigen made this sig. madknt downsized it to fit the filesize limit. Go team.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-10 00:15:37

Day's end report:

139 points. My promotion to Lieutenant General is getting closer! Hooray!

Damn, it's been somewhat quiet in here lately. We must change that!

Anyone else submitting something for Clock Day? My contribution will showcase all of my flash "skill". XD And hey, I'm used to working with Speakonia, so that won't be a problem!
I'll also be making a flash series later this year. It's based on something I made up in high school that made me and my friends laugh. And that laughing probably is going to send us to hell. Why? You'll see, when my horribly offensive series debuts, winter 2006! :shameless plug:

Hehe. And of course, I REALLY need to do my Hentai Intervention flash.

Ah, but making flash isn't why we're here! It's voting on them! As you all know, lately there have been some very...hateful people on the portal and BBS...submitting stolen flash with extremely provocative aliases and author comments. While this seems to happen most often during the day (although late last night there was a small burst of them), everyone should keep an eye out and their whistles ready for such flash.

There is no need to report those incidents to the Barracks, however...they are all whistled very quickly, and if any fileswapping of such flash occurs, Wade will be notified. And, of course, any spamming by them is to be ignored. I'm proud that no one responded to the spammers yesterday, and the problem was quietly taken care of by senior members.

So, I suppose we can be at DEFCON 4, as the portal is moving slowly, and there is a small chance of flag-worthy flash appearing.

Good hunting, soldiers! :salute:

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-10 00:22:09

dont have a daily report for today. hadnt logged stats on the ng log, so mine are a bir screwy for today. will have one tomorrow. i couldve kept track, but...

i heard some talk about warped tour earlier. too bad you all have to wait, cause i was there today. had a freakin blast, especially since it didnt rain for the first time in 4 years or so.

managed to snag a nofx pick from el hefe when he was throwin them to the crowd, so that was pretty much my favorite moment. also got to do a little talking with justin sane which was crazy sweet. who are you looking forward to seeing most? i dont know if the same people will be playing for you all up north.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-10 00:34:04

Daily Report For 8/7/06-8/9/06

Start: 15,500 Blams/8,193 Saves
End: 15,650 Blams/8,304 Saves
Total: 150 Blams (47/37/66)/111 Saves (23/45/43) (261 Total)

Next Rank: 1,546 Until General

Been busy the last few days with work which has left me drained, so I haven't done any reports. That and the stricter enforcement of the no Stat-only post rule (not that I ever say much anyways, other than reporting stolen submissions). So to make up for it, I just rolled the last 3 days into 1 report. Hopefully I can get myself back on track tomorrow.

Good Hunting, Everyone.


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-10 00:41:32

At 8/9/06 12:59 PM, Major_punk wrote: I'll be around probibly as much as I was before, but this week will be unusually busy for me as I have to fly from St Johns to Toronto this Friday, then Saturday I'm going to Warped Tour, and Sunday I'm going to a wedding but after those few days everything will be back to normal. =)

My brother went to Warped, I think it might be fun for a bit but I would hate to be out in the heat for so long, not my kind of thing to do heh.

But it is fun for a whole lot of people haha ;), hope you enjoy it.

Only 6 days away! I'll be staying up the 24 hours through Clock Day, anyone else planning this?

Don't know how long I will be up but I will be there, atleast I am pretty sure =P.


Well a few days ago I got back from Florida, and haven't been much in the "posting" modd, well for a club sort of thing like this heh. Would have been able to make EGSC before school if I hadn't left but oh well, there is a sleight chance, which I am hoping Clock day will help me through :D.

School = 21st.

Nice to know that you will start to be around a lot more once school starts, I guess there's another plus about it getting closer to school ;).

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-10 00:45:09

This week's Underdog is gone.

AGAIN. This happened last week, too.

Qu'est que c'est? Did it get deleted for mass-voting/reviewing? It WAS an Alliance flash this time, and...that kind of thing from them wouldn't shock me, lol...but last week's, I don't know anything about...

Anyone know?

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-10 01:33:10

At 8/10/06 12:45 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote: This week's Underdog is gone.

AGAIN. This happened last week, too.

Qu'est que c'est? Did it get deleted for mass-voting/reviewing? It WAS an Alliance flash this time, and...that kind of thing from them wouldn't shock me, lol...but last week's, I don't know anything about...

Anyone know?

most likely mass reviewing. most of those groups plain when they are going to steal an award and then they will mass review with alts, or use their own accounts and give all 10 reviews. sadly any of them lack brains and make bad reviews even though thy give 10's and they get busted.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-10 01:56:54

At 8/9/06 02:22 PM, WastedWizard wrote:
Just telling you why I will be away.

And so another Barracks member becomes plagued with computer problems. >=(
Sorry about your luck though man, hopefully you have someone depositing for you for the next few days. Best of luck getting back before Clock Day.

At 8/9/06 03:39 PM, Mad-Cow wrote:
99.9% sure this is stolen

Marked for review, must've been stolen, good eye praporschik!

At 8/9/06 04:44 PM, -AAF- wrote:
You lucky bastard :D I wanted to go there myself ( at montreal ) but my parents dont want to bring me and my friends there :(

Go anyway?
They probibly will find out but it might be worth it, yanno?

*bad influence*
At 8/9/06 06:44 PM, DashNCrash wrote:
I may. Last time I stayed up for 24 hours, I was in a daze the whole day, and nearly fell asleep too many times. It's a strange feeling.

Heh, I start feeling really sick/angry if I go too long without sleep. But I suppose in the long run maybe feeling like shit for a day might be worth an additional... 100-200 b/p. =/

At 8/10/06 12:15 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
Anyone else submitting something for Clock Day?

Nope. I tried to make a flash a long time ago and it was just pathetic... I mean really pathetic.

My contribution will showcase all of my flash "skill". XD

Hah, more thrilling text I presume? =P

So, I suppose we can be at DEFCON 4, as the portal is moving slowly, and there is a small chance of flag-worthy flash appearing.

No offence or anything, but I think I missed something while I was away, but why are you changing the DEFCON?

At 8/10/06 12:22 AM, worldfamous wrote:
i heard some talk about warped tour earlier. too bad you all have to wait, cause i was there today. had a freakin blast, especially since it didnt rain for the first time in 4 years or so.

Man all this talk is just making me more excited to go!

I remember when I went last year it rained early in the morning but once people began to arrive the rain magically stopped, which is PERFECT because from what I hear it's usually very dusty if it's a hot day out.

also got to do a little talking with justin sane which was crazy sweet.

Justin Sane from Anti-Flag!? Dude how did that happen? What did you guys say?

who are you looking forward to seeing most?

I'm looking forward to seeing Chiodos the most. ^_^

i dont know if the same people will be playing for you all up north.

Probibly the same, if not then very similiar.

End of Day: 95 b/p.
Milestone: Top 100 Blammers!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-10 02:15:55

At 8/10/06 01:56 AM, Major_punk wrote:
At 8/10/06 12:15 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
My contribution will showcase all of my flash "skill". XD
Hah, more thrilling text I presume? =P

I don't know, lol. There shall be speakonia, and tweens, and maybe some dirty jokes, though!

So, I suppose we can be at DEFCON 4, as the portal is moving slowly, and there is a small chance of flag-worthy flash appearing.
No offence or anything, but I think I missed something while I was away, but why are you changing the DEFCON?

Because I killed and ate EagleRock, and tricked Ghost_Phantom into walking off a cliff using a fishing pole and some porn. Joker tried to take me down, but alas, I am faster with a six gun than him. :'(

lol, in other words, because it'd been a while since the last one, and no one who typically changes it was on! If it bugs anyone, think of it as a suggestion.

Although I just saw and whistled a...anti-phallic flash...so maybe it should be higher...:shudder: :crying:

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-10 02:49:18

We have had several...chopping...flashes tonight. Delightful. I remember when these flashes used to be a nightly thing. Bad times.

So, keep your whistles ready, and...stay strong. They could be disguised as pretty much anything.

Do not, however, give them abusive reviews...that happened a lot with the former outbreaks of these flashes...not only is it against NG rules, and will remain on your review record until the next flagged-flash purge (who knows when THAT will be), but it also gives them the attention they want. Just whistle, blam, and move on.

Hopefully all of us here would never make abusive reviews...cuz if we did, Washu would rape us.

The bad way.

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-10 02:56:14


unsuitable alert. you cant show a penis. come on now.

Man all this talk is just making me more excited to go!
I remember when I went last year it rained early in the morning but once people began to arrive the rain magically stopped, which is PERFECT because from what I hear it's usually very dusty if it's a hot day out.

yea it was a big dust storm at some of the smaller stages, which sucked. but we got an excellent breeze around 2 which was awesome.

Justin Sane from Anti-Flag!? Dude how did that happen? What did you guys say?

ok, so by talk i meant that i was surrounded by people who werent into them, but since i was going crazy, he kept pointing at me and stuff and we saluted during the press corpse. not QUITE the way i said it earlier, but still it was pretty bad ass to keep getting noticed.

I'm looking forward to seeing Chiodos the most. ^_^

id never heard of them, but for whatever reason they played last here. it was weird because usually the end is some really popular emo band. like last year it was fall out boy which made it easy for me to beat the traffic out.

Probibly the same, if not then very similiar.

we had anti-flag, nofx, the casualties, the bouncing souls, against me!, rise against less than jake, billy talent, and an excellent swedish band called the sounds. if they play up there definitely check em out. the end of the set is quite awesome.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-10 04:37:14

As I am sure someo of you may have noticed I have gone through the last couple of pages and deleted all stat posts and banned users. However I saw several users try to circumvent this by posting one or two lines in addition to their stats.

Here is how it works. If you post is not of substance it will be deleted and you will be banned. No mroe of this "Wow a new record" or "I got out of school early so I could do this" non-sense.

You have been warned by your senior members and you have been warned by me.

Bellum omnium contra omnes

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-10 05:14:13

At 8/10/06 04:37 AM, JoS wrote: You have been warned by your senior members and you have been warned by me.

im glad to see you got round to puting this reigeme into action. the place looks better for it if you dont mind my saying. im still relativly new here so i dont know when clock day is. could someone please tell me when? also i am rappidly approaching the top 300 B/P. you will all remember me as one of the fastests B/Pers, or you will just ignore me.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-10 05:23:31

Indeed, thank you JoS for helping to hammer it in. Y'all heard the man. Constructive posts. Don't got a write an essay, but don't just write "30 points. I did good".

Clock Day is August 15...quite soon. From everything I've heard, it's probably going to be nuts.

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-10 09:57:52

At 8/4/06 09:13 AM, EagleRock wrote: It would seem almost demoralizing to me if we implemented that and only the few extra dedicated people like Slash, Ghost_Phantom and JoKeR_ADT could get anything above an A.

Personally I believe it help people understand that it can be done no matter how busy one can be. I'm having more fun beating my head against the wall at the moment but only because in my huose lies what was once a computer...

Also, you forgot D. :-P

I guess we know his spelling grades now, don't we?

At 8/7/06 11:59 PM, Major_punk wrote: I just read it and I agree, however whenever Phantom gets back and adds it to the faq I think it might be a good idea to include the example you gave earlier, hopefully that will eliminate the grey areas. Thanks Slash.

Will do as soon as I finish catching up.

At 8/9/06 03:04 AM, Turkeybean wrote: Has anyone seen or heard from Phantom? I have not seen him for a long while now. The last I heard he was waiting for his computer issues to be solved.

*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*, we have a winner...Worry not, the new pc will come eventually or I feel sorry for whoever delivers me the bad news.

At 8/9/06 12:59 PM, Major_punk wrote: Still computer problems, I hope it gets fixed before Clock Day.

Trust me, if it doesn't, some one Will pay with his life.

At 8/10/06 02:15 AM, SlashFirestorm wrote: tricked Ghost_Phantom into walking off a cliff using a fishing pole and some porn.

Thankfully I fell on to a huge safety net of porn, thanks for it again Slash <_<.

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-10 12:45:13

The activity here is horrible, I will cry over this, but I must leave for today, see all of you soon ( I hope ).

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-10 13:18:25

Is there some kind of warmupp in front of the clock day.
Im asking here, since my last peek at the portal let me blassed, hello getting 3 subs marked for ad rev and about 42blam and 4 saves..
I mean comon, is there some kind of friggin warmupp?

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-10 13:21:21

At 8/10/06 01:18 PM, Tetoragoram wrote: Is there some kind of warmupp in front of the clock day.
Im asking here, since my last peek at the portal let me blassed, hello getting 3 subs marked for ad rev and about 42blam and 4 saves..
I mean comon, is there some kind of friggin warmupp?

What exactly are you asking?

Three flags isn't anything unusual, and neither is getting around 50 B/P's in a portal run. Hell, there have been days where I've gotten over 150 in one day.

If anything, the portal has been kinda dull lately, possibly due to people preparing for Clock Day.

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-10 13:48:26

At 8/10/06 01:21 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
If anything, the portal has been kinda dull lately, possibly due to people preparing for Clock Day.

You know what ? I think clock day will be really nice! Some1 said me last year , he did a really crappy clock movie and it passed with a 3.5 ........ I may do one myself :D

I know its maybe bad , but I may vote 2 on every clock movie I see..... I dont want to get like 20 points on clock day because I voted 0 on crappy flash but it passed anyway :S ill see if there is a lot of mass voters.


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-10 16:06:45


This flash may start out like a "stop the war" flash, but a few pics in, there's that...ugh...wang-injuring pic.

Whistling is advised.

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-10 16:32:12

Hey guys, I'd like to ask a favor of our fine barracks artists. I need to get my hands on artwork for 20 differnt weapons systems and 20 different armor systems. It's for an online game, set in space, so that would be the feel to go for. If anyone only feels like doing a few that would still be very appreciated. I, of course, would be forever in your debt.

Various laser beams, missiles and cannons. The only two names that suggest what it should look like are FrostBolt and Kiss of Death.

Pretty much any different armor designs you can think of would be useful.

Standard TV ratio is fine, the image will probably be resized. GIF format is preferred.

Thank you all so much, If you need anything, I'm just a pm away.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-10 16:37:03

do yo uwant your picture did in photoshop with some awesome effect or some in flash ? if its in flash I can give it a try.


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-10 16:45:08

photoshop or fireworks would be more for what they're looking for. As long as it's a GIF tho, it would be useful. It shouldn't be animated or anything, just a still pic.
you can pop 'em on an image hosting site or e-mail them to glennisonfire@hotmail.com

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-10 17:28:28

ok , ill see if I have some time :D

Oh and between guys , if there is a flash that dont have anything animate in it , only a link to the guy site , can I whistle it ?


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-10 17:32:39

You don't really have to whistle those, they usually get blammed before admin even gets a chance to flag 'em. Won't hurt anything to whistle it tho; you just won't get any points.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-10 21:32:37

I Haven't been posting lately well I see Ghost is back did you fix your computer or get a new one?

It's good to see Major_punk has came back to the barracks! Welcome back!!

This weeks Underdog of the week got deleted again! What's happening?

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-08-10 21:35:45

Meh, I am having an OK day today for me, I will end up with like 30-40 b/p's most likely. But anyways, the portal was alright today, producing some pretty good flash, I actually think there were almost as many good flashes as bad ones. That's not usual.

BBS Signature