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The Elite Guard Barracks

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 11:18:59

DEFCON Update:

The DEFCON isn't moving nearly fast enough to warrant a change, so it will remain at DEFCON 4.

At 1/5/06 02:27 AM, hot_and_charming wrote: If anybody is interested in my "dumb" methods, you are welcome to view it at NG Police HQ. If you have some other methods that I did not metion in that post, you are also welcome to tell us your ways so that all of us can be benefited. :)

I took the liberty to view your techniques, and honestly do not feel that they are very suited for the Elite Guard Barracks. We believe that every flash, no matter the moniker used nor any external features should determine the quality of the flash without actually reviewing the content. I will visit the NGPD and address this more formally in the near future.

At 1/5/06 02:50 AM, Domnikathor wrote: Elite Guard Private First Class Domnikathor reportin' for duty sir!

Welcome to the Barracks, PFC!

At 1/5/06 03:08 AM, Ghost_Phantom wrote: Welcome to the Elite guard Barracks. where odds are, every one is in a higher position than you. It's just the initiation ceremony we do around here... So enjoy your stay and don't forget to visit our ( really ) new forum at Elite Guard Barracks forum .

That motto is HILARIOUS, sir. I'm glad you thought of it!

At 1/5/06 03:57 AM, Domnikathor wrote: Thank you.

I shall say Sir Blamalot xD

That's pretty much accurate. He complains if he gets less than 150 B/P a day. :-)

At 1/5/06 08:30 AM, Coop83 wrote: I'm working on the same sort of legend after nearly 5 hours, but it's moving quick enough for me.

That is, until I broke for lunch and found a big empty space, where I used to get all my points.

You never seem to get lucky with the peak times, eh Sergeant Major?

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 11:19:34

At 1/4/06 04:30 PM, EagleRock wrote: I know, sir. With the exception of the daily shift to DEFCON 4, there isn't much needed. The Portal has been rather regular lately. I would have moved it down last night, but I fell asleep at the computer. My apologies, sir.

Ah, it doesn't matter. I just found it quite unusual for DEFCON to stay at 3 for a while.

At 1/4/06 05:02 PM, -Platinum- wrote: Well gentlemen, I would like to announce that I have just had a promotion. I'm not doing to shabby in the Portal anymore. 8)

Good work Platinum! *salutes*

And sorry for not replying to other posts. I am in a pissed off mood at the moment, so I didn't feel like looking through three new pages in this thread at all.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 11:26:49

At 1/5/06 11:18 AM, EagleRock wrote: That motto is HILARIOUS, sir. I'm glad you thought of it!

I'm glad you like it sir... If I had a dollar for every catch phrase I made that turned out to be a hit I'd be rich by now... But as far as I go, from now on it's official. Every one who joins can be told this line (under the condition the one posting the comment will really be in a higher rank). Besides it shows the Barracks has a lighter more humoristic side to it...

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 11:27:50

Started simple here, 3 blams+3 saves. Had not really much time...

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 14:58:15

Good day, soldiers!

I am currently futzing with the new forums to make it best-suited for the Barracks. There will be many changes on the site while this is done, so please don't be alarmed!

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 15:11:04

At 1/5/06 02:58 PM, EagleRock wrote: I am currently futzing with the new forums to make it best-suited for the Barracks. There will be many changes on the site while this is done, so please don't be alarmed!

Well, I dunno about an Elite Guard Barracks forum, but I have joined it anyway. I'm unsure about the forum, because I remember some C&C thread based forums being made and ending up not working well. Anyway, keep up with the work on that forum.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 15:30:02

Pvt. KungFuCow reporting in, SIRS! I've been away enjoying some well earned R & R and have missed out on whats been going on here recently. Anyone care to inform me?

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 15:36:46

At 1/5/06 02:58 PM, EagleRock wrote: Good day, soldiers!

I am currently futzing with the new forums to make it best-suited for the Barracks. There will be many changes on the site while this is done, so please don't be alarmed!

I'm seeing some changes right now...I like what I've seen so far! Keep 'futzing'! lol.

KungFuCow...biggest change I see is that you're not a private anymore...^_^ Congratulations, PFC KungFuCow! :salutes:

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 15:43:03

At 1/5/06 03:36 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote:
KungFuCow...biggest change I see is that you're not a private anymore...^_^ Congratulations, PFC KungFuCow! :salutes:

Thank you, SIR! I am honored to be moving through the ranks (if a bit slowly that is).

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 15:57:32

At 1/5/06 03:50 PM, Sekky wrote: Elite Guard Praporshchik Sekky reporting in and awaiting orders sirs.

Let me be the first to say (last I time I tried this someone beat me to it, lol) welcome to the Barracks, sir!

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 16:03:42

Membership List update! January 5th, 2006

Note* last update was on Dec 23rd so if you want your b/p per day then divide your "B/P Gain" by 13.
Sorry no profile links this time. : (

|Rank| Name | Voting Power |Blam/Protect| B/P Gain|

01.) nimmer.................. 12.97 30,125 0755
02.) XwaynecoltX........ 11.89 28,861 1563
03.) iscRulz....................10.47 23,740 ....
04.) TITROTU..................08.41 21,964 0404
05.) Bahamut7...............08.78 21,848 0881
06.) Andersson..............08.67 18,486 0778
07.) -Rule-....................... 07.83 14,913 1012
08.) NewgroundsSPG.. 08.10 13,106 ....
09.) Dream_of_Duke... 07.83 12,653 0922
10.) boloneyman........... 07.98 10,368 0403
11.) Ghost_Phantom.... 07.30 09,932 1252
12.) Frostbreath............ 07.64 09,427 0615
13.) Sekky...................... 08.15 08,998 ....
14.) Major_punk............ 06.89 08,776 1001
15.) JoKeR_ADT............ 06.78 08,506 0914
16.) EagleRock.............. 06.63 07,921 1456
17.) -Shadow_XII-......... 07.77 07,920 ....
18.) Coop83.................... 08.10 07,724 0386
19.) Snowy_Beast........ 07.66 07,432 0719
20.) mattsims................ 06.58 05,159 ....
21.) SlashFirestorm..... 06.43 04,559 1153
22.) Stayin_tru............... 06.75 04,260 ....
23.) psykolord................ 07.12 03,856 0588
24.) Grizzley.................... 06.18 03,932 1370
25.) -Platinum-............... 06.41 03,029 0490
26.) -Mitsubishi-............ 06.15 02,252 0208
27.) Domnikathor.......... 07.59 02,369 ....
28.) KungFuCow............ 06.46 02,020 ....
29.) the_fallen_one1.... 05.92 01,568 ....

Chief Barracks Officer - Sergeant Major EagleRock
Barracks Records Officer - Praporshchik Major_punk
Barracks Portal Operations Officer - Major General TITROTU
Barracks Advancement Officer - General XwaynecoltX
Barracks Relations Officer - Second Lieutenant Ghost_Phantom
Barracks Portal Violations Officer - Supreme Commander nimmer
Barracks Mafia Laison - Private the_fallen_one1

Everyone hold your posts theres another page coming.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 16:03:46

At 1/5/06 02:50 AM, Domnikathor wrote: Elite Guard Private First Class Domnikathor reportin' for duty sir!

Welcome, sir! We The whole barracks are honored to have you here. I am sure that you will contribute to the barracks. Sorry for my absence last night, I was watching the Rose Bowl. This year's Rose Bowl was the best one I have ever seen since 2001. In addition, I also felt that I should take a break from b/ping, so it was worth it. Back to my topic, I said that I would share some of my ideas about how to avoid BBS bans so that our Barracks would not miss any of members who could contribute brilliant ideas. First of all, read the BBS rules before posting. I know that it is getting old, but I am sure that half of the NG users do not read the rules. Secondly, if a thread is something spammy. DO NOT BOTHER to post. Even if you post "shut up" or"this thread is going to be locked", the mods can still ban you. I posted a post in a spammy thread saying that the thread would be locked 2 weeks ago. As a result, I was banned for 4 days for back seating mods. So here is the bottom line: DO NOT post in a spammy thread. Thirdly, if a thread is making fun of a certain mod, do not take the risk and post. Sometimes, the mods just cannot take it. I have seen a 3-pages-long thread about Ozcar's funny story got locked. Fourthly, try to post in the multiple pages' threads (at least 20 pages) at Club&Crews so that the chance for you to get banned will decrease. Around 20% of the threads in the General fossum get locked everyday. But of course, if you are careful enough, you will not get banned no matter where you post. Lastly, do not post for the number above your icon or increase your post per day to a certain value. Most of us including myself have the bad habit of posting for the numbers. If you decide to post, please try to post something valuable. I know that it is hard. In fact, most of my posts are sub-par too. But try, I mean try not to post when you do not anything better to say. (suggest) I know that most of my ideas of avoiding BBS bans are old for you guys already, but I still hope that you can at least look at the post and learn from it. In the end, I wish that everyone can learn something valuable from the post so that we will not miss anyone in the future because of BBS bans.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 16:07:01

January 5th, 2005

I made this to give credit to those who help keep this topic going.
Not to encourage the amount of posts, If theres is a negative effect because of this, Ill just stop doing it.
If its obvious its just one user I just wont include that user. Got It?

The third row is posts from Dec 25 to the 5th, between updates, The 4th row is posts from the first 30 pages, (before my update on page 30).
On some users it says a date (example 12/23) thats the last time they posted here. Consider it a warning your becoming inactive.
Anymore questions questions just ask.

This is accurate up to SlashFirestorm's post at 1/5/06 03:57 PM

|Rank|Name|P -> 23-5th|P-> Before Page 30|Total posts made|

01.) EagleRock 253
02.) Ghost_Phantom 176
03.) Bahamut7 091
04.) Coop83 073
05.) Major_punk 068
06.) SlashFireStorm 064
07.) Grizzley 056
08.) -Mitsubishi- 051
09.) Dream_of_Duke 047
10.) nimmer 044
11.) XwaynecoltX 037
12.) -Platinum- 026
13.) TITROTU 025 12/23
14.) -Rule- 022
15.) thefallen_one1 022
16.) psykolord 020
17.) Frostbreath 020 12/20
18.) Andersson 015 12/23
19.) -Shadow_XII- 015 12/17
20.) JoKeR_ADT 014
21.) Snowy_Beast 014 12/21
22.) boloneyman 006
23.) iscRulz 005 12/20
24.) Stayin_tru 005 12/26
25.) NewgroundsSPG 004
26.) KungFuCow 006
27.) Domnikathor 003
28.) mattsims 001
29.) Sekky 001

I put this rules together to sort out the inactives from the actives.
Only actives are included on these lists, the rules arnt perfect but they can always be tweaked, or changed completley. Whatever is necessary.

If you ask to be a member and dont post within the 1st 10 days your inactive.
If already a member and dont post in 20 days,your inactive,
If You make 10 or more total posts at any time in the topic after 45 days your inactive.
If you make 50 or more total posts at any time in the topic after 60 days your inactive.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 16:08:51

Sorry for the double post, EagleRock. But the portal is a bit more active compared with this morning. You may consider raising the DEFCON level to 3.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 16:12:22

At 1/5/06 04:07 PM, Major_punk wrote: January 5th, 2005

I suppose I'm safe in 2nd place... Now do the same in you very own forum here . Join so that this topic will not be blamed for obsessive behavior with stats.

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 16:18:14

At 1/5/06 04:03 PM, Major_punk wrote: Membership List update! January 5th, 2006

Nice update Major Punk! :)

Note* last update was on Dec 23rd so if you want your b/p per day then divide your "B/P Gain" by 13.

I got 67 a day.

|Rank| Name | Voting Power |Blam/Protect| B/P Gain|
05.) Bahamut7...............08.78 21,848 0881

Good, I'm 5th place! :) Too bad I didn't get enough B/P for 888 gain.

At 1/5/06 04:07 PM, Major_punk wrote: |Rank|Name|P -> 23-5th|P-> Before Page 30|Total posts made|
01.) EagleRock 253
02.) Ghost_Phantom 176
03.) Bahamut7 091

Excellent! 3rd highest poster in the barracks. I thought there would be other people posting more than me here other than Eagle and Ghost. Oh well, I've almost made 100 posts in this thread, which is good. BTW, did you count the posts I made with my alt account?

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 16:28:01

At 1/5/06 04:18 PM, Bahamut7 wrote: Excellent! 3rd highest poster in the barracks. I thought there would be other people posting more than me here other than Eagle and Ghost. Oh well, I've almost made 100 posts in this thread, which is good. BTW, did you count the posts I made with my alt account?

Please, every one please call me Phantom. Ghost is the name of my mafia Don and I have too much respect to the man to take his name. Phantom will do gentlemen. If I work a little more today by tomorrow I will be #214 in B/P.

Elite Guard Barracks Former 3IC

NG Dept. of Defense Chief Sup. Commander/Ball buster.

I live in Israel:...Whooptie-fucking-doo.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 16:28:56

At 1/5/06 04:12 PM, Ghost_Phantom wrote:
At 1/5/06 04:07 PM, Major_punk wrote: January 5th, 2005
I suppose I'm safe in 2nd place... Now do the same in you very own forum here . Join so that this topic will not be blamed for obsessive behavior with stats.

You kidding? theres no way we can be blamed for obsessvie behaviour with stats. On ramagis "reminder thread" she said its fine to have membership lists but not more than once every page. Its been 16 pages since the last one. And thank you would have been appreciated btw.

At 1/5/06 03:50 PM, Sekky wrote:
Elite Guard Praporshchik Sekky reporting in and awaiting orders sirs.

Welcome to the barracks Praporschik Sekky we have a slogan that "odds are everyone is ranked in a position higher than you" but I guess thats not true in your case. Anyway you joined just in time so I was able to quickly add you in the membership update. Enjoy it.

At 1/5/06 04:03 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:

Well, your post is fairly long so I assume you began posting before I ask everyone to hold their posts.
But just so things like this dont happen again, when writing a long post that takes a few minutes, copy what you have and go back to see if anyway else wrote something, if not then hit post reply then paste what you written before and post then.

At 1/5/06 04:18 PM, Bahamut7 wrote:
At 1/5/06 04:03 PM, Major_punk wrote: Membership List update! January 5th, 2006
Nice update Major Punk! :)


Note* last update was on Dec 23rd so if you want your b/p per day then divide your "B/P Gain" by 13.
I got 67 a day.

I got 77 : P

BTW, did you count the posts I made with my alt account?

ya I added all of Fucking_Idiot's post to your Bahamut7 account.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 16:48:46

Thanks for the update, Major_punk. It is my pleasure to see that everyone is doing so well. Congratulations to you all. :) On the other hand, I also noticed that the gap between the member who owns the eighth hightest b/p points and me was not too big. So I may take over his spot by next update if I work hard enough. That will motivate me a lot as I love competing. XD By the way, there are around 10 moives poping out in the last 10 minutes, so EagleRock, you may consider a DEFCON3. In addition, the moive called "ROFL, best flash ever!!!!!" is malicious as I have seen it for at least 6 times. You guys may consider blowing the whistle.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 16:51:42

At 1/4/06 07:07 PM, -Mitsubishi- wrote: Ranks

That could be very helpful.
Hey, Eagle.

Have you ever done an update to see where the positions are?
Who is in charge of who, something like that?


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 16:55:26

DEFCON Update:

In light of Captain Dream_of_Duke's sentiments and a re-evaluation of the Portal's activity, the DEFCON has been raised from DEFCON 4 to DEFCON 3.

Good day, soldiers.

I know many of you have addressed me, and I will sort that out below. I am currently busy designing the forums and tweaking the sections up. Soon it will be 100% ready for the Barracks' use!

At 1/5/06 03:36 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: I'm seeing some changes right now...I like what I've seen so far! Keep 'futzing'! lol.

I'll make an official report when finished, Staff Sergeant. Thanks for the good words!

KungFuCow...biggest change I see is that you're not a private anymore...^_^ Congratulations, PFC KungFuCow! :salutes:

Indeed, Staff Sergeant. My congratulations to Private First Class KungFuCow!

At 1/5/06 03:50 PM, Sekky wrote: Elite Guard Praporshchik Sekky reporting in and awaiting orders sirs.

Welcome to the Barracks, sir!

At 1/5/06 04:03 PM, Major_punk wrote: Membership List update! January 5th, 2006

Excellent. I will be sure to put that in the Barracks Records room when done with the forums. Also, sir, as the Barracks Records Officer, you are automatically qualified to be a moderator of the Records Room. If you join, I will be sure to make you a moderator of that room.

At 1/5/06 04:03 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Back to my topic, I said that I would share some of my ideas about how to avoid BBS bans so that our Barracks would not miss any of members who could contribute brilliant ideas.

Thanks for the help, Captain. However, next time, could you use paragraphs? :-P

In fact, most of my posts are sub-par too. But try, I mean try not to post when you do not anything better to say.

Not lately, sir. I would daresay all of your recent posts have been very helpful to the Barracks.

I know that most of my ideas of avoiding BBS bans are old for you guys already, but I still hope that you can at least look at the post and learn from it. In the end, I wish that everyone can learn something valuable from the post so that we will not miss anyone in the future because of BBS bans.

Indeed, as you said, it is all pretty much common sense, but your words do speak wisdom. I think basic forum rules are good to have in the Barracks, so thanks, Captain!

At 1/5/06 04:07 PM, Major_punk wrote: If You make 10 or more total posts at any time in the topic after 45 days your inactive.
If you make 50 or more total posts at any time in the topic after 60 days your inactive.

I'm not sure what you mean here, sir. Could you elaborate on these two inactivity benchmarks?

At 1/5/06 04:08 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Sorry for the double post, EagleRock. But the portal is a bit more active compared with this morning. You may consider raising the DEFCON level to 3.

Duly noted, sir. As you can see, it is done.

More business at hand, soldiers:

There are members here that are currently being considered for Barracks positions. I ask my fellow officers and Barracks members to deliberate on these prospects:

Private First Class -Mitsubishi- for Barracks Intelligence Operations Officer - As Intel Ops, PFC -Mitsubishi- would be in charge of investigating potential Portal attacks outside of the Barracks grounds and even outside of the realm of Newgrounds. His reports would assist us not only in our DEFCON but also in general Portal protection. As being related to the Portal's protection, he would report to the Barracks Portal Operations Officer.

Captain Dream_of_Duke for Barracks Conduct Officer - As I am a man of my word, I believe it is time to give him consideration for the position. I believe he would be helpful in serving our Barracks using his posting experience to keep the Barracks in good conduct. I realize that some of you might seem this is too soon to do this, and I will act with my best instinct based on the feedback I get.

Major General Bahamut7 - As we all know, he has been an upstanding member of the Barracks pretty much since its start. If my recollection serves me correctly, I offered him a position earlier and he rejected it. I would ask Major General again to consider a position. As Captain Dream_of_Duke said, you are indeed overdue for a position. Sir, are you interested? If so, how do you feel you could serve us best, sir?

I would like the deliberations of my fellow officers and soldiers on these matters.

At 1/5/06 04:51 PM, -Rule- wrote: Hey, Eagle.

Have you ever done an update to see where the positions are?
Who is in charge of who, something like that?

Praporshchik Major_punk just put it in his update, Major, sir.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 17:06:56

Good update, Praporshchik Major_punk, sir! Ah, those three days I was off NG hurt me...hopefully my internet will never betray me again...I want to start clawing my way up the ladder, lol.
As for the potential Barracks positions, all three candidates seem good for those posts, I think. They're all qualified, that's for sure!
And yeah, portal is speeding up a little, which is more than welcome! I need to catch up if I'm going to meet my daily quota! So I'll head off to the portal...good hunting, everyone! :salutes:

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 17:31:24

Excellent update Major_Punk, sir! Its nice to see that I'm no longer at the bottom of the ladder. However, I'll need to pick up the pace if I'm to make Corporal by Midnight Monday!

As well, I'd like to say that the other two EG members up for appointment (aside from myself) are both very deserving of their promotion to officer status. They both have the qualifications and experience to tackle their jobs, I'm sure of it!

Well, back to the Portal as it seems things just picked up there! :)


Sig provided by HellboundNinja

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 17:40:34

At 1/5/06 04:51 PM, -Rule- wrote:
At 1/4/06 07:07 PM, -Mitsubishi- wrote: Ranks
That could be very helpful.
Hey, Eagle.

Have you ever done an update to see where the positions are?
Who is in charge of who, something like that?

Ya its up there at the bottom of the first post. It is a bit messy so next update Ill make sure its neater.

At 1/5/06 04:55 PM, EagleRock wrote:
At 1/5/06 04:03 PM, Major_punk wrote: Membership List update! January 5th, 2006
Excellent. I will be sure to put that in the Barracks Records room when done with the forums. Also, sir, as the Barracks Records Officer, you are automatically qualified to be a moderator of the Records Room. If you join, I will be sure to make you a moderator of that room.

Sounds good, I would've joined earlier but ive been busy with the list, and actually like half hour after I finished the power went out for like 20 minutes... im lucky it didnt happen earlier today or I might of lost everything. But anyway I will gladly accept. = )

At 1/5/06 04:03 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:
Thanks for the help, Captain. However, next time, could you use paragraphs? :-P


At 1/5/06 04:07 PM, Major_punk wrote: If You make 10 or more total posts at any time in the topic after 45 days your inactive.
If you make 50 or more total posts at any time in the topic after 60 days your inactive.
I'm not sure what you mean here, sir. Could you elaborate on these two inactivity benchmarks?

Ok say you make 13 total posts, after 45 days you'll be removed from membership until you post again. users who are removed from membership will be called inactive.

Say you make 65 total posts, after 60 days you'll be removed.
I made it so that the more posts you make the longer it takes for you to become inactive to reward the active users. This way the users who made alot of posts will be on the membership list longer than new sign-ups.
So for example Ghost_Phantom suddenly stops posting in the barracks he would still be a member for 60 days so thats like sometime in march. but if Sekky were to suddenly stop posting he would be off the membership list in 10 days.
yes? no?

Let me quickly explain the other two parts while im at it.

If you ask to be a member and dont post within the 1st 10 days your inactive.

So say someone came by and said "Can I join?" but they never come back their inactive in 10 days, until they return. Example: DonDoli

If already a member and dont post in 20 days,your inactive,

So they ask to join and are accepted then they return and post again thats when they are member. But say they only make 4 posts and stop coming here, after 20 days their inactive until they return. Example: Nomader

At 1/5/06 04:55 PM, EagleRock wrote:

There are members here that are currently being considered for Barracks positions. I ask my fellow officers and Barracks members to deliberate on these prospects:

Private First Class -Mitsubishi- for Barracks Intelligence Operations Officer - As Intel Ops, PFC -Mitsubishi- would be in charge of investigating potential Portal attacks outside of the Barracks grounds and even outside of the realm of Newgrounds. His reports would assist us not only in our DEFCON but also in general Portal protection. As being related to the Portal's protection, he would report to the Barracks Portal Operations Officer.

I agree.

Captain Dream_of_Duke for Barracks Conduct Officer - As I am a man of my word, I believe it is time to give him consideration for the position. I believe he would be helpful in serving our Barracks using his posting experience to keep the Barracks in good conduct. I realize that some of you might seem this is too soon to do this, and I will act with my best instinct based on the feedback I get.

I dont agree.

Major General Bahamut7 - As we all know, he has been an upstanding member of the Barracks pretty much since its start. If my recollection serves me correctly, I offered him a position earlier and he rejected it. I would ask Major General again to consider a position. As Captain Dream_of_Duke said, you are indeed overdue for a position. Sir, are you interested? If so, how do you feel you could serve us best, sir?

Wait what role are you offering him?

I would like the deliberations of my fellow officers and soldiers on these matters.

If you want I will explain my reasons upon request.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 18:04:23

At 1/5/06 05:06 PM, SlashFirestorm wrote: As for the potential Barracks positions, all three candidates seem good for those posts, I think. They're all qualified, that's for sure!

Duly noted. Thanks, Staff Sergeant.

At 1/5/06 05:31 PM, -Mitsubishi- wrote: As well, I'd like to say that the other two EG members up for appointment (aside from myself) are both very deserving of their promotion to officer status. They both have the qualifications and experience to tackle their jobs, I'm sure of it!

Duly noted. Thanks, PFC.

At 1/5/06 05:40 PM, Major_punk wrote:
I'm not sure what you mean here, sir. Could you elaborate on these two inactivity benchmarks?
Ok say you make 13 total posts, after 45 days you'll be removed from membership until you post again. users who are removed from membership will be called inactive.

Say you make 65 total posts, after 60 days you'll be removed.

yes? no?

Fully understood. Thanks for the clarification, sir!

Let me quickly explain the other two parts while im at it.

Thanks again, sir!

Private First Class -Mitsubishi- for Barracks Intelligence Operations Officer
I agree.

Understood, sir.

Captain Dream_of_Duke for Barracks Conduct Officer
I dont agree.

Understood, sir.

Major General Bahamut7
Wait what role are you offering him?

At this point, I do not have a specific position for him. I was merely imploring that he consider taking up a position. If he does decide, I would ask him to determine what would be his best position. At this point, sir, it is up to him.

If you want I will explain my reasons upon request.

Actually, sir, I would like to hear why you do not agree with Captain Dream_of_Duke's appointment. Do you feel it is too soon, sir? I also ask you to please be calm about the situation, as I do not want to have the whole situation explode. I realize it was a controversial decisition to petition him for a position, and would like to hear your constructive comments.

Thanks, sir!

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 19:06:59

There is a swapped file in progress it is called "The Swanky Hotel" (Don't know how to put a link here) I have seen this seven times now and the four times it passed they were swapped to those crappy Barney bunch flash that we all know and hate.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 19:22:26

At 1/5/06 07:06 PM, JoKeR_ADT wrote: There is a swapped file in progress it is called "The Swanky Hotel" (Don't know how to put a link here) I have seen this seven times now and the four times it passed they were swapped to those crappy Barney bunch flash that we all know and hate.

I have seen this flash many times as well. I cannot verify whether they are Barney Bunch fileswaps, but I have seen it submitted many times on the Portal.

Founder of the Elite Guard Barracks [ Thread ] [ Forums ] Sig by ByteSlinger

BBS Signature

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 19:39:57

At 1/5/06 06:04 PM, EagleRock wrote: At 1/5/06 05:40 PM, Major_punk wrote:
If you want I will explain my reasons upon request.
Actually, sir, I would like to hear why you do not agree with Captain Dream_of_Duke's appointment. Do you feel it is too soon, sir? I also ask you to please be calm about the situation, as I do not want to have the whole situation explode. I realize it was a controversial decisition to petition him for a position, and would like to hear your constructive comments.

I know DoD wants a position, any position. But definatly not this one.

His outburst yesterday was triggered because in my opinion he was jealous of the_fallen_one1, because he was given an officer role and he wasnt.

In the last couple weeks his posts have been about himself and his stats, which is fine but the only interaction hes done with other members has been through arguing. To you, to me and to everyone else in the barracks.
Its only seems ironic that that he now wants to be an Officer of keeping the barracks in "good conduct." he hasnt proven to me that he can manage friendly conversation.


He doesnt read other posts, this is one of the reasons why he has been so frustrated lately. He didnt read Ghost_Phantoms or EaglerRock's posts about why the_fallen_one1 was appointed.

He loses his cool to easily, and hes too unreliable if someone is going to be relyed upon to solve an argument and keep the peace, a barracks officer of good conduct needs patience. I cant stress that enough.

Hes the only person in the barracks that ive seen insult another member and I doubt his loyalty to the barracks.

DoD viewed others (including me) as undeserving for their respective roles but what I wanna know is what has he done.

I hope I have explained enough of the reasons why Dream_of_Duke shouldnt be Officer of Barracks Conduct.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 19:46:41

At 1/5/06 04:07 PM, Major_punk wrote:
14.) -Rule- 022
15.) thefallen_one1 022
16.) psykolord 020

Be careful, you guys! I'm catching up!
Anyways, I'd like to congratulate DoD on his recent promotion to Captain. I completely missed it until I saw somebody referring to him as Captain.
While I'm at it, I'm sure there's other people that have been promoted that I haven't seen. However, I'm in a bit of a rush, so we'll just insert a generic congrats to them here and an IOU for free baby heads.
Moving right along, I have a question.
Since it seems to me that, from the current rules, anybody could come in and report a flash as stolen, is it really a wise move to allow such talk in the Barracks? I mean, when one thinks about it, somebody could come by and just SAY that a flash is stolen when it's not really stolen, and even though most of us would see through it, there might be one or two people who vote 0 because they think it's stolen and get it blammed.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2006-01-05 19:47:39

At 1/5/06 04:55 PM, EagleRock wrote:
At 1/5/06 04:03 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: Back to my topic, I said that I would share some of my ideas about how to avoid BBS bans so that our Barracks would not miss any of members who could contribute brilliant ideas.

without disrespect DoD, it is my experience that most people who run into banS are not exactly geniuses.

At 1/5/06 04:03 PM, Major_punk wrote: Chief Barracks Officer - Sergeant Major EagleRock
Barracks Records Officer - Praporshchik Major_punk
Barracks Portal Operations Officer - Major General TITROTU
Barracks Advancement Officer - General XwaynecoltX
Barracks Relations Officer - Second Lieutenant Ghost_Phantom
Barracks Portal Violations Officer - Supreme Commander nimmer
Barracks Mafia Laison - Private the_fallen_one1
At 1/5/06 04:55 PM, EagleRock wrote:
Private First Class -Mitsubishi-

Captain Dream_of_Duke

Major General Bahamut7 -

this would make ten officers on a club of 30 ppl? what are you gonna do when more people want an officers post? plus all the ex-staff members of NGPD? there'll be more officers as ordinary users. i'm not contra these appointements but i think you must take caution in the future.

Serving Justice to flash since 1999