At 7/27/06 05:02 PM, Turkeybean wrote:
Everyon must be making pie. I can only hope that they are willing to share it with us. That would be quite nice to have somone share. I am fond of blueberry if anyone feelsthe need to make one secial. Thanks guys.
I'm taking a wild guess you are hungry right now. And besides, I'll kill the person who would rather make pie rather than submit things and get us points ( And yes, by us I mean me. )
The portal isextremly slow. Now that I must face 1k B/P hikes, itis proving to be more difficult than usual. I can only hope things will pick back up to a decent state so I may log away a few points on the day. Thanks again for starting the defcon system again.
1 K "hikes" it what I strive for a weekly pace... but this portal isn't helping. I'll have to stay up a couple night to get the star any way. Unlike Joker who is lucky to live in a good time zone, I can't afford to sleep at night ( noon and evening on NG )
So far my pace stands at....148, not as good as Joker, but good enough.
Carry on the good work men...And women. ( The last thing I need is a charge of sexism...)