At 4/4/06 01:19 PM, Ghost_Phantom wrote:
I'll be one of the young EGSC, during level 12 is pretty young compared to most of the people who have it now
...Until JoKeR gets EGSC. >_< Well, I wouldn't like to get EGSC that soon. I would like to get it when I'm level 14 instead of getting EGSC at level 13 or lower and having to just deposit to raise any more VP.
Tell me about it, but it wouldn't be so cool to level up then, right now it's really cool for any one above level 9.
Heh, true. I'm lucky to be close to level 14. If I was at a lower level, I'd have frustration getting to level 10 and higher. Bah, come on admins, IMPROVE THE FUCKING LEVEL SYSTEM! Or....*gets out knife*
You are lucky... When you pulled the April fools joke people were already debating on how gets your account.
My alt accounts? Heh, too bad none of you got them. :P Never believe anything that happens a week before April fools next year.
At 4/4/06 01:32 PM, Dream_of_Duke wrote:
The 11 days' ban was my longest up to date, and I will never post in the general forums again since all my bans were from there. >:(
My longest has been 3 days when I made a parody thread since other people were making parody threads about the future. I just wanted to join in the fun and ending up getting banned. Oh well, I'm happy to have got that ban since I'd probably still have only one flash on the portal right now.
At 4/4/06 01:36 PM, EagleRock wrote:
Talk about wasting time...look at me! I left NG for over two years after I signed up!
Sorry, but I feel like either laughing at you and Slash or saying "SUX2BU". Then, I don't get to go on NG after 4PM EST and if I didn't vote on any flashes on my first account day on NG, I'd probably be at a level 9 right now. :S