Hooray for –Rule-
At 3/22/06 06:44 PM, Warhammer_40K wrote:
A palm pilot will work wonders if time seems jumbled
So will any money to get one.
I categorize that as " Unimportant and unphilisophical"
While I took it as a spark to start this, I'm not telling you to always watch you mouth but watch who you do that to, some people are gonna fight back, pick your battles boy.
Now I'm not pointing names out. Not at all. I just which to point out that yes we have had betrayals and that’s something I'll have to get used to. Psykolord is a very nice guy and in no way has he shown fault of friendship but I think you can recall to some instances where eaglerock has had to have a say in it where members of some group have harrased the barracks.
Betrayals could easily come from within NG and not only other forums, that makes pointing out one bad forum in particular impossible.
Font 14 would be nice
You will take 12 and you will like it too.
Thats the real question. I'm not gonna ask you to spin the wheel because its obviously not that kinda RPG. More like family feud, no survey this time unfortunately
Next time, choose your foes more wisely. No one sees Mexico trying to invade the U.S right? because they can choose their battles.. Sort of.
I consider the Iraq war a situation. right now we're bonding.
Bond my... Forgive that, we are working out problems in a pleasant mostly insinuating way, other than that I see no "bonding"