At 6/18/24 05:08 AM, Superboi68 wrote:A civilian interested in keeping the portal a safer place, anything I can do to help sir?
I'm way late to the party aren't I?
It's never too late to help keep the portal a safer place; I myself only joined at the beginning of the month.
Looking at your profile, it seems you don't have a lot of experience, but more importantly, you have 0 B/P points. While it's not technically the sole focus of the EGB, a big part of it revolves around judging new games and movies, rating them fairly, and reporting any that break the rules.
The ROTC, which is sort of the EGB's beginner program, requires at least 400 B/P points (Portal Security rank) and a normal whistle to join, so you have a bit of a way to go. That's completely fine, though; as I said at the beginning, it's never too late to start judging!
If you scroll down to the bottom of Newgrounds, you'll notice two links under "Extra, Extra!": Game Judging, and Movie Judging. Clicking on one of those will give you a list of all the entries that are currently under judgement in that specific category, where you can watch/play through and rate as many entries as you want (you don't have to do them all).
Rating a submission 1.5 or below will contribute towards blamming it, while rating a submission 2 or above will contribute towards saving it. Once a submission has been blammed/saved, then depending on whether you chose to contribute towards blamming/saving it, you will receive a blam/save point, which can be seen on your profile. Be sure to rate submissions fairly though, and don't try to artificially increase your blam/save points, because that's not what the EGB is about!
But that's not all; if you spot a submission that breaks the rules, then you gotta flag it! Click the flag button located to the top right of the submission, then click the category that most closely matches the rule it's breaking and explain why in the text box provided. Doing so successfully will give you whistle points (an invisible stat), enough of which will increase the whistle level seen on your profile. Only flag submissions if you're sure they break the rules!
This is what we do here at the EGB, and you don't have to be a member to post bad submissions into the thread. For more information, take a look at the different pages on the EGB website, and be sure to read through our code of conduct. You're always welcome to ask questions in the thread if you have any!