At 1/19/24 02:12 AM, tox wrote:At 1/19/24 02:02 AM, gamejunkie wrote:At 1/18/24 10:12 PM, tox wrote:At 1/18/24 07:34 PM, gamejunkie wrote:This will inevitably get what it deserves but it's just a test & from memory tests should be placed in your personal file dump.
the file dump is now hidden behind a subscription paywall, that came out in the last few months-ish,
So I just accessed my personal dump, are you saying that if I wish to dump more pics. audio, etc that I'd have to pay for a subscription? The idea of the dump was to see if your 'test' animations worked before uploading them to the Portals.
that one took some digging yikes
and as for the test idea, I do not have any documents or snapshots of time machine crawls that reference "test"
Your submission must not be a pointless "demo" or "preview" without any redeeming qualities.
A 'demo' is a test is a demo is a test. Either way, the submission had no redeeming qualities & inevitably got what it deserved.
what year does the test rule come from? it does not exist any longer, so I'm just curious on a historical basis
The 'demo or preview' rule has always been there. Basically if you're not sure if your 'submission/test' will work or is any good, you put it in your dump, send the link to a few NG peeps & get some feedback before clogging the Portal with crap.
useful, precise, fully explained...
I now know how to use that rule to its fullest
Alternatives to the Dump:
1- Upload a movie, game, audio, or art to the Project system, but don't publish it. You can set it so anyone with the link can view it. You can make as many of these as you need without needing to pay a dime:
Can accept 10GB video files, 2.5GB HTML5 files, 250MB SWF files, 250MB MP3 files, or 150MB image/GIF files, depending on the project type.
2- Team Tools (also in the Project system) This is for secondary files such as fla, exe, psd, wav etc. For the few files it doesn't support, put them in a zip file. Maximum 100MB per project (of which there's an infinite amount).
This is best for hosting files as a backup for your own use as opposed to private or semi-public sharing.