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The Elite Guard Barracks

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-10 22:32:17

speed painting

Marcus Rashford by TaylorKArt


no animation

Minecraft 1.0.16_01 - no audio by Xonneka2310Real



fetish-related material, i don't understand the ticketing thing

Tickle Attayo! by TheSunGoesDown

lucky game numbers


copyright on the music


LETS SEE HOW FAST YOU CAN REALLY GO by chrisanfnfsoftguy

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-11 00:16:50

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-11 06:37:10

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-11 12:07:51 (edited 2023-02-11 12:07:59)

Here are two speedpaints from the same user. Nice brushwork on the first one!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-11 13:25:39

Original: https://www.flipline.com/games/papasscooperia/index.html

"Not my work but enjoy"

Original creator is "Kai Studios", according to the Rule 34 site

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-11 18:23:23

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-11 19:24:02 (edited 2023-02-11 19:37:46)

jack's_mistake.mp4 by lewboy70

Oggy and the cockroaches Episode(with vhs effect)

The video was taken from one of the cartoon episodes.

The original Creator is "Jean-Yves Raimbaud"

I like to make animations :)

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-11 19:52:50

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-11 20:26:02

At 2/11/23 02:03 PM, lol wrote:reupload
small creature gets concussion (newgrounds.com)

when you upload something like this its always helpful to add in the original RIP link. I, for instance, can't see the re-upload in the last few days (3) so I can't join you in a flagging,

it's our duty to be sure of the things that we flag, we have to be fair to everyone and their submissions

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-11 21:24:10

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-11 23:10:59

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-11 23:44:20


Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-12 00:11:04

no animation

El Encanto de vivir by CuandoTeConciOfi


so "animation", just a screen cap

Whats under sniffles' glasses? by PogoStik-Studios


I don't believe that this author owns this game, not for a second... or I can call them on the use of copyrighted sprites. either or.

Punt The Pooch (ARCHIVE) by MarioFan9238

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-12 01:39:11

idk (newgrounds.com)

Gameplay Footage

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-12 09:16:22

Stolen from TheMaxyMonkey on Scratch. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/52459682/

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-12 09:17:27

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-12 10:28:25 (edited 2023-02-12 10:29:33)


ma dude... you're posting adult links

my sweet virgin eyes cannot handle the levels of content here

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-12 10:40:13

re-up on blamed content

humano voador 2 by GUangueanimada104


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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-12 12:27:57

slideshow with some music

and I feel threatened :p

They're going to fuckin' kill you😳 by ILoveLeviAck

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-12 13:02:02

Two more speedpaint videos. I think this is from the same user as last time.

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-12 16:24:09

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-12 19:25:17

Oh look it's Roblox again!

Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-12 21:47:53

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-13 08:24:39

At 2/12/23 09:17 AM, Pokemonpoeguygcn wrote:https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/873933
To quote the uploader, "The Video was made by Secazz"

Look who came back

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-13 13:58:23

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-13 20:12:07 (edited 2023-02-13 20:26:28)

Garfield cartoon footages, and gameplays and no animation. and not the original author.

the original creator is Jim Davis

I like to make animations :)

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-13 20:24:20

Guh (newgrounds.com)

not original author

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-13 21:57:10

si (newgrounds.com)

still image. no animation

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-14 05:06:45

StickJabbers (newgrounds.com)

Resubmit of a blammed submission

I have a PhD in Troll Physics

Top Medal points user list. I am number 12

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Response to The Elite Guard Barracks 2023-02-14 15:02:04

I cant verify or flag this submission directly but my spider senses are tingling

Could use a hand on this one, i cant view it because im on my cellphone

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