At 10/25/21 06:45 AM, DeepCrimson wrote:Ah, iox acting like a big company owning everyone and everything again. Maybe it should have ringed a bell when they were first reported? Maybe not. Thanks for the post Anonymous-Frog, glad to see it was taken down (though iox still lives, so be very careful).
Sure thing! I entered their Discord in order to sort things out. First it was their promototional trailer that they first put up here at the start of the month as part of a botched launch, where you accused them of fraud. They claim to not be a MCN and is just a channel that allows other people to submit videos on their channel.
Here's what their founder has to say on the matter.
Figure 1: Iox's creator Alanbuzzy's response to the initial NG controversy, just after I joined and showed them Crimson's original report.
When I first reported the Antenna Punk videos, I expected this to be an open and shut case. But when I filed my complaint in the Discord (see Figure 2), which also included linking my EGB post, only then do they realise that it's a bad idea and they take them down themselves (see Figure 3).
Figure 2: My report and Iox's reaction
Figure 3: Iox deletes the two episodes themselves.
And this entire incident took place while its owner was asleep / inactive (as seen in Figure 3). Here's what he has to say hours after it happened:
Figure 4: Alanbuzzy's response.
As for the future of Iox: The rest of their content was later wiped by the NG moderators except for two episodes of 'Poorly Animated Roomates', both of which were originally uploaded by its creator. (Submission #816702 was a Half-Life SFM that now says it was removed by the mods, see Figure 5). I asked them where it went in Figure 4, but they have yet to respond.
Figure 5: An Iox original animation that got removed.
What are your thoughts on this situation, Should Iox stay on Newgrounds? From what I can say they appear to have some sense about what they're posting.