* * * O F F I C I A L ___ B A R R A C KS ___ C O M M U N I C A T I O N * * *
TO: All Current Elite Guard Members
FROM : EGSC byteslinger, CBO
DATE: 1-Dec-2020
SUBJECT: Monthly Roster and New Member Announcement
It is with great honor that I announce that Corporal @Solitonmedic is now the newest member of the Elite Guard. After a period of discussion and review, it was clear that he would be a welcome addition to the ranks. It is good news indeed that our crew has grown with another able hand to help keep the portal safe for all users. Please join me in welcoming him into the Barracks. For the sake of social distancing, our "regular" welcoming party (which generally involves a variety of questionable food and beverages, farm animals, jello and a cordless screwdriver) will be replaced by all of us slowly driving by his house and honking our horns endlessly while waving and blasting our favorite rock songs at midnight. I'm sure he'll appreciate that - his neighbors, well, maybe not so much. But, hey, it's 2020 - it's what we do now.
Welcome aboard, Corporal!
As for the roster, we had a quieter November compared to October; EGSC @Guthrie still refuses to sleep and has cranked out over 2,000 BP points this month. At this rate, he'll bump out EGSC @GameJunkie for the #2 slot by August of next year. In addition, he's still active in the forums, keeping the crap at bay.
Well done, soldier! *Salutes*
For the superstitious, it seems our work horse, Lt. Gen. @ZomAlien managed a ubiquitous 666 BP points last month. Yes, it's only a snapshot between two arbitrary points in time roughly a month apart, but it could explain the pentagram painted in his parking spot and the sudden appearance of all of these ravens on the roof.
And last but certainly not least, let's not forget EGSC @Exedor, EGSC @Asandir and EGC @Decky for consistently performing above and beyond the call of duty; your hard work and commitment is both recognized and appreciated, and we thank you for leading by example. Kudos to you all! *Salutes*
As we enter the last month of the year, let us do so with hope and courage; it doesn't matter what traditions you follow, for in all cases the act of giving to others, showing kindness and mercy and helping those who truly need help go beyond religions and beliefs - it is what defines us as civilized people, and in the act of giving, we receive more than we know.
I am honored and blessed to be in a crew with such a fine group of people; I know that in real life, you are all as caring and considerate as you are here online, and that you are all good folks. Keep spreading the good, and it will come back to you many times over. Thank you all for always being there, for Newgrounds, for the Barracks, and for me. You do us all proud!
Barracks Roster as of December 1st, 2020:_
@byteslinger - 158K saves, 177K total B/P
@Fro - 26K saves
@Guthrie - 64K saves, 74K total B/P
@Jackho - 22K total B/P
@Little-Rena - 19K blams
@ZomAlien - 22K total B/P
_New Recruits:_
_The Roster:_
No. B/P / Gain / Average / Level / Change / Username / Rank / Posts / Level
01) 177,331 | 1,562 | 52.07 | A | +000.58 | @byteslinger Sup. Commander | 6 | C
02) 87,443 | 0,044 | 01.47 | D | +000.00 | @GameJunkie Sup. Commander | 0 | F
03) 74,135 | 2,053 | 68.43 | A | -006.64 | @Guthrie Sup. Commander | 5 | C
04) 67,881 | 0,486 | 16.20 | C | +030.65 | @Exedor Sup. Commander +1 | 14 | B
05) 67,840 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | +000.00 | @Jolly Sup. Commander -1 | 0 | F
06) 63,939 | 0,219 | 07.30 | C | -048.10 | @Little-Rena Sup. Commander | 1 | D
07) 48,154 | 0,090 | 03.00 | D | -029.69 | @Asandir Sup. Commander | 9 | C
08) 46,257 | 0,009 | 00.30 | D | +350.00 | @Big-Boss Sup. Commander | 1 | D
09) 40,482 | 0,144 | 04.80 | D | -079.80 | @Peregrinus Sup. Commander | 1 | D
10) 37,795 | 0,170 | 05.67 | C | +018.06 | @Fro Sup. Commander | 1 | D
11) 31,008 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | -100.00 | @Lizzardis Sup. Commander | 0 | F
12) 29,654 | 0,078 | 02.60 | D | +000.00 | @Decky Commander | 2 | D
13) 22,604 | 0,666 | 22.20 | B | +062.44 | @ZomAlien Lt. General +1 | 7 | C
14) 22,099 | 0,127 | 04.23 | D | +076.39 | @Jackho Lt. General -1 | 1 | D
15) 13,852 | 0,242 | 08.07 | C | +004.76 | @ZJ Lieutenant | 0 | F
16) 5,803 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | +000.00 | @ADR3-N Sergeant | 0 | F
17) 4,592 | 0,000 | 00.00 | --- | +000.00 | @solitonmedic Corporal NEW | --- | ---
18) 4,213 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | +000.00 | @dovod Corporal -1 | 0 | F
19) 1,764 | 0,000 | 00.00 | F | +000.00 | @TheRoboTrickster Police Lieutenant -1 | 0 | F
Note: Corporal Solitonmedic's stats are zero because we didn't have a base line from last month. However, in the 1-JAN-2021 roster, we will begin to see monthly activity.
_Top 5 Gainers:_
@Guthrie - 2,053 (34.86% of total)
@byteslinger - 1,562 (26.52% of total)
@ZomAlien - 666 (11.31% of total)
@Exedor - 486 (8.25% of total)
@ZJ - 242 (4.11% of total)
Top 5 users accounted for 85.04% of B/P points (5,009 total)
_Top gainers, repeat appearances:_
@byteslinger (131)
@Big-Boss (65)
@Asandir (50)
@GameJunkie (47)
@Guthrie (42)
@Peregrinus (29)
@Jackho (25)
@Exedor (23)
@ZomAlien (18)
@Decky (16)
@Jolly (13)
@Lizzardis (13)
@Little-Rena (7)
@ZJ (2)
Total gain for month: 5,890 (13 Active Members)
That's 196.33 per day, or 15.10 per day per active member.