At 1/22/18 05:10 AM, Exedor wrote:
Wasn't me last time, but it was me this time. I can't comment on that post because he blocked me. x)
Feel free to tell him that here is a list of words and phrases that will get him banned if he ever decides to use them again.
I was going to post on his newspost to tell him that the art reviews he has been leaving for a long time are extremely inappropriate and lack any sort of criticism. It seems I'm blocked, too, though.
I think all of us moderators who check in here are all blocked ever since he requested membership and got turned down.
I find it funny, though, that he called you a snowflake when he has you blocked, plus me. He's the one who sounds like a snowflake creating a safe space.
"Dangalang time"
"Wrecked all assault"
These are the two I used to see used most often. Definitely spam material.
Okay, now that's just....sickening and disturbing.