At 12/13/15 07:33 AM, gamejunkie wrote:
Actually it hurts like hell for 3 or 4 days but then there's a vast improvement. So 2 more days and what pain there is should have gone away again. Hopefully for good this time since the idea is for the treatment to actually repair the damaged ligaments and surrounding tissue. But don't you worry, I have more than enough pain killers running around my body on a permanent basis nowadays that I can tolerate huge amounts of pain.
Sounds like trouble for your liver, all those meds floating around, unless it's consequently as tolerant. :P Oh, and I did watch, btw. Made me squirm and squeak the entire time. I know what those big needles feel like, squirting even more painful contents into irritated flesh. Usually you have to get a cortisone shot every few years. Arguably, that's better than just dealing with the pain and deterioration of the elbow itself, but you're certainly more of a man than I. I hate needles. Though I find it funny; I can stand stitches with no anesthesia, centimeter deep cuts down my shin, and playing tennis on a fractured wrist for six months.
The last one has a story to it. Long story short, I was in the third grade and got kicked off of the monkey bars, about 15 feet up, landed at an awkward angle on my butt and my wrist, which snapped and went numb, then went to the teacher, who gave me a hard time when it was obviously already sitting wonky and swelling. Then I go to the hospital, wait 3 hours, and the x-ray tech is a lowly intern. She x-rays both of my arms for some reason, and the broken one she does incorrectly. So naturally, the doctor tells me my wrist is fine, though by now I'm in quite a lot of pain. I go to school for the remainder of the year with difficulty writing due to the pain, and my dad decides we should play tennis and see if it gets better. Eventually, it does. Well, my dad was also an x-ray tech at a clinic, and he got curious about the old x-ray films. He knew where they were kept, so he goes down the hill where the radiologists read the films and asks. Lo and behold, he comes back and tells me, "No wonder you were complaining about your wrist! It really was broken!" My "No shit Sherlock," deadpan was never more deserved, lol.