Gore pics toward the end. wtf.
Gore pics toward the end. wtf.
At 11/22/15 10:22 PM, cobra1 wrote: Gore pics toward the end. wtf.
Yeah, gone.
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Gameplay footage. Nothing but an ad for the game. Not sure if this guy's from the game developers or not.
This game gave me this screen when clicking the second level button.
Unpublished Submission
I googled the game, and the same happened on every site other than this:
I assume is stolen, (it came from the same account as another report I did) I let it to your consideration.
Musicians make music , producers make products. * drops mic :D
Flappy bird ripoff, even going so far as to steal the sounds
He should have called this Flappy Rock.
At 11/23/15 09:32 PM, gamejunkie wrote: He should have called this Flappy Rock.
If you smell what The Rock is cooking ..... you'll see that it has been unpublished.
I remember hearing that flat-out videos aren't allowed on here.
Am i correct?
At 11/24/15 10:42 PM, GDHexhammer wrote: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/666540
I remember hearing that flat-out videos aren't allowed on here.
Am i correct?
It's an SFM (Source Film Maker) video. I think. They use it with TF2 (Team Fortress 2) a lot. I'm unfamiliar with it, but you can use the assets from games to create "animations". It allows you to mod and control characters. Personally, I consider it 'cheating' as far as animation goes, cuz I'm into the actual 'draw it out' type of animation, and because it often produces crappy results.
This video has some rather strikingly almost-real looking parts toward the beginning, but it is indeed [cheat] animation. Jump forward in the time bar and you'll see. I did. I dislike rap and gang stuff and didn't watch the whole thing, however, it is indeed animated.
Flappy copy.
, the controls are horrible. It's so poorly done that
it passes, I'll remove it, but for now, I'll leave it for possible blam.
Besides having animation, this movie contains some live footage and a moment of Mario gameplay, plus a moment of Drake and Josh. Not sure if that does enough to make this submission removable, but posting it here just in case.
Unpublished Submission
It's all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits.
At 11/25/15 12:29 AM, Exedor wrote:At 11/24/15 10:42 PM, GDHexhammer wrote: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/666540It's an SFM (Source Film Maker) video. I think. They use it with TF2 (Team Fortress 2) a lot. I'm unfamiliar with it, but you can use the assets from games to create "animations". It allows you to mod and control characters. Personally, I consider it 'cheating' as far as animation goes, cuz I'm into the actual 'draw it out' type of animation, and because it often produces crappy results.
I remember hearing that flat-out videos aren't allowed on here.
Am i correct?
From what I can tell as a GTA fan, it's GTA 5 multiplayer game footage. First of all, the characters are 120% from GTA 5 multiplayer. Secondly, maybe the inside of the warehouse part the author used some of that SFM stuff, but I don't think so. Finally, once one of the characters wins, goes outside and gets in his car, it's clearly GTA 5 gameplay at the end of the video. I can tell from looking at it. The graphics, the area,...It should be removed.
The only reason I'm doubtful about the warehouse part in the video is because it does look like it could be SFM crap, but it still looks like it could be GTA 5 gameplay footage. He has the characters and like I said, it's clear at the end of the video that it's GTA 5 gameplay, so I think he used GTA 5 gameplay for the whole thing.
It's all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits.
At 11/25/15 06:33 AM, DeftonesFan665 wrote:At 11/25/15 12:29 AM, Exedor wrote:From what I can tell as a GTA fan, it's GTA 5 multiplayer game footage.
It's an SFM (Source Film Maker) video. I think.
It's definitely game footage.
Unpublished Submission
This game is on several sites under different, but similar names. Whack your pc, smash your pc, etc. Pretty sure this guy doesn't own this game.
It's all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits.
This author has only submitted four games, but they're all crappy, shovelware-like content like this:
Unpublished Submission
Two are puzzles and two are like a page from a coloring book.
It's all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits.
Clicking the 'Credits' button should show you the credits, ie: who was responsible for making the game, etc. NOT link you to a pop-up of another site, correct? Well on this game it does and I for one am not happy about it because it could have linked me to anything. I believe its not allowed because it
could have
linked me too something malicious without my knowledge. If I knew it was going to do that I would not have clicked the button. To me this is a big concern as I am particularly security conscious.
It links you too
Shovelware Escape game.
Unpublished Submission
Well this clearly does not belong to RHMgames.
It was
from here
where it even shows you how to download it for your site. Its easy enough to find, its the first game on the page, with a statement just above it that says 'the bugs in the game have been fixed, feel free to play'.
It also seems that most (not all) of this accounts submissions have come from that site and that most of them are shovelware. He's got Angry Birds, etc. I've been keeping an eye on this account for a while and I think its one you Mods should have a good look at.
Here's just a few to get you in the mood.
Have a nice day!
But wait there's more. This one (ARCHER HEROES, we all know this game right? I just noticed its in his games list is also clearly stol, er, I mean '
'. You only have to open it to see that it does not belong to him.
Once again I say have a nice day!
At 11/27/15 10:39 AM, larrynachos wrote: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/666647
Game Footage
Game using Nintendo character.
Unsuitable Submission
This submission contains age-rated material and requires an account to view.
Author did not create this submission.
And here I was thinking they had forgotten about us.
At 11/27/15 06:01 PM, DoctorStrongbad wrote: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/666667
Author did not create this submission.
"Author" no longer has the submission, then. :)
At 11/28/15 01:24 AM, gamejunkie wrote: And here I was thinking they had forgotten about us.
Nope. We got to them quickly over the last few days. :\
Escape shovelware :
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Musicians make music , producers make products. * drops mic :D
for the love of god, looking at the UJ list, of the most recent 55 submissions I've voted zero on 24 of them, that's how bad the portal is now
At 11/28/15 09:23 PM, Bryan wrote:At 11/28/15 07:31 PM, jonthomson wrote: for the love of god, looking at the UJ list, of the most recent 55 submissions I've voted zero on 24 of them, that's how bad the portal is nowI feel the same way. Most of the submissions I've seen on the portal recently I've given 0s because they were honestly pure crap and I've only gotten like 20 blams in the past week. Not that stats really matter, but it's indicative of how the quality standards for Newgrounds have changed.
LMAO! Well, well, well. You guys just aren't as forgiving as me then. Of the 75 submissions currently under judgement I voted ZERO on over 50 of them. As for how many Blams are out there, just keep up with the Zero's and you should notice a significant increase soon enough. I think I have around 50 Blams from the last 8 days. This months Blam figures should be astronomical compared to the last few months. There has been a massive influx of Blammable material in the last 3 weeks or so. Hang in there gentlemen. The EGB will win this war one battle at a time.
EGSC gamejunkie
I love it when they make it easy for us. Authors comments,
'I do not own this animation'
. Enough said.