At 5/9/15 01:33 PM, Fro wrote: It has never been and never will be against the rules to upload "YouTube quality" submissions no matter what your opinion is on them. In fact, if you're voting zero on them for just that reason it's pretty silly.
You're right. The criteria for quality lately seems to be changing however, as are the opinions on what is acceptable and what isn't. I remember when the EGB used to be a big, friendly lounge rather than a place to report abusive submissions. While I think it's awesome that the portal is better defended from malicious flashes, I do miss some of the people. I wish I had stuck around a few years back.
Anyway, I don't think anyone is saying these types of submissions are rule breaking so much as that they aren't the type of entertainment NG should support with ad revenue; that is, if the content is not quality entertainment, funny, or thoughtfully made, NG's dollars shouldn't be flooding the submitter's pockets. Point blank, the majority of YouTube videos don't take as much work to create as your typical flash movie or game -- no scripting, no animation, no real skill involved, unless you're an actor or a comedian. Numa Numa was something new, as far as it was catchy and a little ludicrous. Most of the "YouTube material" I see on NG these days is about as imaginative or entertaining as your average garden brick, and it feels like spam.
I don't think YouTube-esque submissions should be auto blammed, but voting fairly and justly is important. YouTube doesn't have a filter on what content passes through, but it's our job, the user base's job, to ensure the content here is up to par, fresh, and worthy of the money NG doles out in ad revenue. That's what keeps NG going, our votes. So, when I see a video I enjoy in the portal, my vote reflects that. When I see one that's clearly a money grab, spam, offensive, poorly thought out, and slapped together, naturally, I'm going to vote like so. If I think it's intentional, I may comment about it, but it's ultimately up to the individual whether any submission is blam worthy or not.
Great food for thought, @Fro
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