At 5/2/15 03:59 AM, Exedor wrote: I got them both to work. Neither was impressive, and I think I gave both r0und sc0res. I know the "stretching" one was worth a 0 and I'm not sure it isn't mod-worthy. Unity support is sketchy, and @Jolly is correct. Tho, even on Firefox, I've had issues sometimes, which makes it difficult on us all. :\
Yeah, I managed to get both of them to work, but I believe the stretching one unfortunately passed. I suspected it was stolen, but judging by the rest of the game, it's just shitty material. Basically, it's piggybacking off of pretty celebrity pics.
You've got to respect one's ability to create something cool, without the 'cheat' of being able to adjust things in real time on the computer.
Very true. As a fellow artist, I agree with you there. I draw the line at the 240p sketches you can't see with copyrighted, unfitting music, though. It'd be nice if more people used music from NG. That way they could earn money from NG and YouTube both.
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