At 8/24/13 10:55 AM, cantanim wrote: Rated E for everyone, has a picture of 9/11. Audio and footage is all from "Friday."
I changed the rating. Gonna see how it does under judgment before further action.
At 8/24/13 10:55 AM, cantanim wrote: Rated E for everyone, has a picture of 9/11. Audio and footage is all from "Friday."
I changed the rating. Gonna see how it does under judgment before further action.
Here's the original Stencyl tutorial submitter:
Unpublished Submission
And here's the newest Stencyl tutorial submitter:
Unpublished Submission
Both are the same.
Catapult Stencyl tutorial. Will someone please do sumthin about this guy? Please??
Unpublished Submission
At 8/24/13 04:07 PM, Exedor wrote: Catapult Stencyl tutorial. Will someone please do sumthin about this guy? Please??
This guy is pissing me off too. I even warned him myself that Stencyl tutorials are not wanted on this website and I would report him if he kept doing so. Any games he uploads just get removed by the moderators, so I don't see why he bothers. He just won't listen unless he gets banned.
It's all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits.
At 8/24/13 04:35 PM, Bryan wrote:
Corrupted or broken file, 0 bytes, nothing.
It will probably get blammed. If it passes ( I fear it will), then I will unpublish it.
At 8/24/13 04:43 PM, Bryan wrote:At 8/24/13 04:38 PM, Asandir wrote:Does it still show how many votes something gets on the portal? I only see views. I hope it gets blammed rather quickly, no offense to the guy. It is rather disappointing though to start up a flash only to have there be nothing. No matter, I put my 0 in.At 8/24/13 04:35 PM, Bryan wrote: will probably get blammed. If it passes ( I fear it will), then I will unpublish it.
Corrupted or broken file, 0 bytes, nothing.
Only the author can see the score and the amount of votes, as long as the flash is under judgment. I also voted 0. Chances are that it stays for some time, so I will vote again on it when the next Newgrounds begins, like I do on all UJ flashes nowadays to counter the lack of voters we have. I would like to recommend recasting your vote to everyone to help out. Your second vote counts in the total amount of votes, as I succesfully blammed and saved flashes in the past with my second or even third vote.
I wasn't sure who to contact about this, so I mailed Wade about this first.
Unpublished Submission
This guy has a misleading title name, out-of-context thumbnail and a weird description.
Is this person the real author of this animation?
He just doesn't know when to stop posting Stencyl tutorials...
Unpublished Submission
It's all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits.
Unpublished Submission
That's a classic flash game,
stolen from,
apparently the site doesn't exist anymore.
Not that I'm implying anything, but you guys might wanna take a look at this account.
Every game here is overloaded with ads, the in-game site links (if it has one) don't work, and the first four games I've looked up so far are all on multiple free filesharing sites under different names.
Oh whoops, forgot to post these too. All from proven shovelware spammer bianji.
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Another Stencyl tutorial by him...
Unpublished Submission
It's all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits.
I'd like to bring this movie to everyone's attention.
I really don't think this should stay in the portal. It barely even passed judgment. It contains footage from a movie or TV show, I'm not sure which one, and a picture of the girl from The Exorcist is in there for a brief moment.
It's all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits.
Not his per author comments. Says his 'friends' said he could upload their stuff.
Unpublished Submission
All I get is a 9.6mb still picture of Dragonball Z that I'm sure he didn't make:
Unpublished Submission
This eventually exceeds the acceptable limits:
Unsuitable Submission
This submission contains age-rated material and requires an account to view.
I'll just let this link speak for itself.
This Stencyl Tutorial again.
Hey, im not sure about this. However i think the music may be copyrighted. As i said i'm not sure of it.
Three days ago, I reported this game as being a Stencyl tutorial along with another which was the exact same thing from phillipv11. The phillipv11 version was removed, though it was submitted first, but this one is still up:
Unpublished Submission
Taken from Stencylforge.
I'm concerned that this is still in the portal.
Unpublished Submission
It doesn't work AT ALL. Could a moderator remove this already?
It's all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits.
Rating is wrong. Should be M ot even A rated. The 'hero' attacks women with his pointy pants weapon. The 2nd level takes place in a porn store. I think T rating is a bit low.
At 8/28/13 01:47 AM, Exedor wrote: Rating is wrong. Should be M ot even A rated. The 'hero' attacks women with his pointy pants weapon. The 2nd level takes place in a porn store. I think T rating is a bit low.
He had the level of Adult Themes set to "some", so I just bumped it to "lots" which automatically gave it an M rating.
I would like all Barracks members to take the time to read the following and weigh in with thoughts/feelings on the matter.
At 8/28/13 04:55 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: IMPORTANT NOTICE
I would like all Barracks members to take the time to read the following and weigh in with thoughts/feelings on the matter.
I posted my thoughts on the matter.
This passed somehow. It's not even a movie, it's just a picture of Dragonball Z that he got off of the Internet.
Unpublished Submission
It's all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits.
At 8/28/13 04:55 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: IMPORTANT NOTICE
I would like all Barracks members to take the time to read the following and weigh in with thoughts/feelings on the matter.
I have replied as well - it is good news!
At 8/28/13 04:55 AM, RohantheBarbarian wrote: IMPORTANT NOTICE
I would like all Barracks members to take the time to read the following and weigh in with thoughts/feelings on the matter.
I gave my two cents, but it's not really anything that hasn't been said already.
Stolen from Youtube.
Unpublished Submission
Original is here.